Now Fang Wenhao's army is stationed in Tianshui city. However, at this time, he no longer belongs to Lao Jiu, but also draws a clear line with the big prince.

In order to win the throne, the eldest prince secretly colluded with the Hu people, which he could not allow. Fang Wenhao was the favorite son of the old emperor, so in any case, he couldn't watch his big brother harm his father and Emperor.

In order to achieve his goal, Lao Jiu still chose to follow the big prince and watched him walk on the road of no return.

Fang Wenhao's side now has less than 1000 people, but he is still stationed here. He intends to do his best to destroy the alliance between the two sides as much as possible.

At this time, he was holding the secret letter in his hand, which was the cave that the Grand Prince had promised to give him. He was not going to want anything from the Grand Prince, but after all, it was Joel's favorite.

Pinching the Yellow roll in his hand, Fang Wenhao's knuckles turned white, as if he wanted to crush the Yellow roll.

Suddenly she heard Dai Mei's "coo" voice. Fang Wenhao quickly put away the Yellow roll in his hand. Then I saw a small head sticking in through the window.

After the evolution of red, the sarcoma on the head has disappeared and turned into a red gem inlaid on the forehead. Sometimes, in order to scare people, it will become its previous shape.

This time, fearing that Fang Wenhao didn't know himself, he turned the sarcoma on his head out.

Fang Wenhao recognized the little thing at a glance, got up and went to the window and pulled Honghong in.

"Oh, why are you so violent? People's bodies will be torn off by you." said Honghong with a depressed face.

Then he rolled his tail and handed a letter to Fang Wenhao. Fang Wenhao opened the letter and immediately frowned.

"What, how can Joel do that? She's risking herself. But I only have so many hands now. I'm afraid it's not the opponent of those monsters."

Fang Wenhao called big head at the first time. Now big head is the only person he can trust. He didn't hide and tuck in, so he directly handed the rescue letter written by Tian Yuqiao to big head.

"Hey, I didn't expect that girl qiao'er was caught by those damn Hu people."

"No, with her ability and the little guys around her, she won't be caught easily. She's going deep into the tiger's den to save those innocent children."

"Hao'er, no matter what, this time even if we are all wrapped in clothes, we must save those children." big head frowned and said.

Now Zhu Rong is pregnant with children, so big head also has an obsession with children. At the thought that the hateful great wizard wanted to restore his vitality with the child's heart, big head was so angry that he wanted to roast the great wizard.

"We can't delay any longer. We have to find the mountain where Joel is as soon as possible."

"OK, I'll call the brothers now."

Fang Wenhao stopped the big head and said, "don't call too many people. Just choose some of our confidants, so as not to scare the snake."

"OK, then I'll just take our fifty dead. I'll arrange it now without delay."

Big head said that and left. However, early the next morning, they found that there was a huge iron cage blocking the gate.

"Wow, big head, why are you blocking my door with an iron cage?" Fang Wenhao asked with a frown.

Big head stood in the yard with the fifty dead men he found, looking at the iron cage and wondering.

As a result, I heard a bird song, and then I felt that the sky was as dark as a large area.

"What kind of monster is that?" someone shouted up.

Everyone pulled out their weapons and was ready for the first-class battle.

Fang Wenhao was about to tell everyone to do it when he heard two "squeaks", which was very familiar.

"It's gold!" shouted the big head excitedly.

Gold was sitting on the head of the divine carving with ox fork. It looked very angry.

After sliding down the wings of the divine carving, Jin gave the paper roll on his neck to Fang Wenhao.

There are only a few words on it: let all your people into the cage and let aunt Shendiao bring you here.

"Yes, it's Joel's handwriting. Let's get everyone into the cage and we'll go right away." Fang Wenhao ordered.

He then took the lead and advanced into the cage, and then they all put away their weapons and got into the cage one by one.

This time, the divine carving chose a larger cage, because the cage contained more than 50 adult adults, so the weight was much heavier than before. But all this is for its children, so the divine carving is also hard this time.

Big claws like steel hooks firmly grasp the iron cage. And those crowded people in the cage were too frightened to move.

"Boss, are we flying in the sky? This feeling is really worse than death."

"Yes, I also have some soft legs, and I feel like I'm going to pee my pants."

Although Fang Wenhao's face turned pale with fear, he still comforted everyone: "don't worry, this is the God carving in the sky and the messenger sent by the mountain god. It took us to save 100 children, so we must seize the time to complete the glorious mission given to us by the mountain god this time."

Not to mention, people at this time are very superstitious. As soon as Fang Wenhao said that this was actually the messenger of the mountain god, everyone suddenly didn't know that they were afraid. Those who were afraid of heights and had to pee their pants didn't feel much.

"Don't worry, leader, we will save those innocent children. I also have a wife and children. I didn't expect that hateful guy to let so many children die."

"Yes, thanks to the leader, we were selected by the mountain god. It's a good thing for Jiyin virtue. It's our honor to receive such a task. We must save the children..."

Before Fang Wenhao and his colleagues got there, he had successfully "brainwashed" the people under him. Everyone was full of fighting spirit and high spirited. He felt that he would become Altman to save the world in the next second.

Instead of sending them to their destination, the statue placed them on the hillside not far away. Then he helped them open the cage with his mouth, because his mouth was the only key to the cage.

Jin told Wen Hao to let them go again at night.

And not far away, there are six or seven large iron cages, where the heads are filled with children.

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