Tian Yuqiao is now blocked in the cave. He can't get out again, and aunt Shendiao can't get in again. Looking at the red flame in the eyes of the divine carving, the red scream in the sheep's head was constantly shaking the whole cave. Tian Yuqiao had an unprecedented sense of powerlessness at this time.

She was holding the pig knife, and now she had to fight with each other. There was no room for her to shrink back. Anyway, her life was in vain. It was enough to live here for so long.

It's just a pity that I have those silver tickets in my virtual realm. I don't know whether those silver tickets will be left to the next virtual realm owner or disappear with me. If I had known this, I should have asked someone to take the silver ticket back to rely on the mountain village

"Little girl, you've reached this point. You're still in the mood to slip away. It's really not like the old fox of your master. Tut Tut, alas, the Huang Banxian is destined to be inferior to me in everything in his life. His cultivation is not as good as me, his charm is not as good as me, and his disciples are even more stupid..."

"Bah, you old monkey is so ugly. My master, he is much more handsome than you. At least someone will give him an old age when he is old, and he can eat and drink spicy food every day, unlike you old monster. He hides in the cave all day and dare not see the sun like a mouse crossing the street."

"Help! I can't stand it!" the red voice came from the sheep's head again.

Then the sheep's head closed its mouth and the light in its eyes disappeared.

"Hahaha, with this snake, I don't need those annoying children anymore. I've been bothered by them these days. Just let them die."

The great wizard took out a pottery pot containing insects, and then he really wanted to do it.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't watch him manipulate the insects to kill the innocent children, so he rushed to the big wizard with a pig killing knife.

Unexpectedly, when the tip of the pig killing knife just touched the spider web, Tian Yuqiao's wrist was numb, even like an electric shock. Then the pig knife fell to the ground, and the great wizard vomited a mouthful of blue and black blood.

"Poof!", "good, you little girl. I didn't expect to have two brushes. It seems that I can't rest assured until I get rid of you first."

When the great wizard finished, he fell on all fours. He looked like a mummy just running out of the grave.

Fangs like apes grow in his mouth. They look white. Compared with the green lights on the cave wall, Tian Yuqiao has a creepy feeling.

With his other hand, Tian Yuqiao picked up the pig killing knife on the ground. At this time, Tian Yuqiao didn't know where it came from. First, he threw the poison in his virtual environment at the great wizard like money.

This time, the sheep head crutch that Tian Yuqiao was afraid of seemed to have lost mana.

Is it that after swallowing Honghong, it also falls into a deep sleep and needs digestion? No, I can't let Honghong be digested. I must solve the old monster as soon as possible.

The floor of the great wizard's feet is like a hand, which can pull the unsmooth cave wall. Around Tian Yuqiao, he was left and right, so that Tian Yuqiao had to wave with a pig killing knife.

Caicai also appeared at this time. It directly took the pottery pot with gold into the virtual environment, and then took the great wizard's sheep head crutch.

When the great wizard realized that his magic weapon was missing, he immediately gave up chasing Tian Yuqiao and turned to chase CAI.

Caicai is a spirit body. Naturally, it doesn't care about the physical attack caused by the big wizard's fingernails.

At this time, aunt Shendiao was still embedded in the hole of the cave, so Tian Yuqiao really didn't know what to do.

Tian Yuqiao didn't care. She suddenly remembered the plot of an animated cartoon. The female wolf hated that her husband couldn't catch the sheep for herself, so she often beat her head with a pan.

He directly took out an alchemy furnace from the virtual environment and smashed it on the head of the divine carving. However, just smashed the enchanted aunt Shendiao into a daze, but its body was still stuck there.

Seeing that the alchemy stove was not easy to use, Tian Yuqiao picked up the new magic weapon ~ popcorn pot!

Caicai was trying to buy her as much time as possible, while Tian Yuqiao grabbed a handful of herbs and threw them into the popcorn pot, and then began to shake his hand crazily.

Soon she felt that it should be almost, and then she kicked according to the popcorn pot. I heard a dull "bang", and then the whole cave trembled.

The poor aunt Shendiao was directly jumped out by the huge impact of the popcorn pot. Fortunately, it had rough skin and thick flesh and was not fatally injured.

The cave was finally opened, but now the great wizard has not been killed, so we can't save the children and the divine carving.

Tian Yuqiao didn't give up, but now it was late, and the stars all over the sky were blinking at her like watching the excitement there.

The big wizard's mouth made an unclear tone: "don't struggle. Don't think you can run away if you steal my things. As long as you die, no matter how many secrets you have, all your treasures are mine, ha ha ha ~"

Tian Yuqiao planned to let the divine carving fly away with her at this time. However, the divine carving was lying on the side of a big stone. He was dizzy and dizzy.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said in his heart that he didn't expect the power of the popcorn pot to be so great. If she had known this, she wouldn't shake so many circles at the beginning. She's really digging her own grave!

The great wizard has chased out. At this time, he is kneeling towards the moon and has a big mouth. The first thought in Tian Yuqiao's head was, is this "heavenly dog swallowing the moon"?

Caicai warned: "go, these people who practice crooked and evil magic skills need to absorb the moonlight to enhance their ability. Get out of here quickly, or we'll all be finished."

When Tian Yuqiao heard the speech, he quickly collected the divine carving into the virtual environment, and then rolled down the mountain in a panic.

Fortunately, she wore enough clothes and thick enough to avoid being hurt by the stones and branches along the way.

Caicai didn't expect that his master would be so rigid ~ and use such a wonderful way to escape.

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