Tian Yuqiao only lived in Tianshui City for two days, and using these two days, she filled the well she had previously made with Huang Banxian with the virtual lotus pond water again. With the lotus pond water as the medium, the groundwater was quickly led up. In the future, Tian Yuqiao was not needed to take care of it, and the well water here can also be used.

Without knowing it, she took her money around the city and "saved" several wells by the way. This is the base of Fang Wenhao's development. There will be more and more people in the future. It will be impossible without water.

Not long after Tian Yuqiao left, it gradually warmed up here. Without the magic control of the great wizard, even the weather here is not as cold as before.

Five days later, Fang Wenhao suddenly got a very important news, that is, the Hu people really broke up with the Grand Prince. The reason for the break was that they thought the great wizard was killed by the prince's people.

"Hao'er, what should we do next? Uncle nine was pushed out by the prince as a scapegoat this time. It was the secret whistle of the Hu people who saw our people go to the place where the great wizard healed, so we also implicated uncle nine." the boss was a little anxious.

After all, they had a good relationship with Lao Jiu before. Fang Wenhao didn't expect that at this time, the eldest prince was cruel and cruel. He took Lao Jiu out as a scapegoat to save the situation.

"Did the spy say when to execute?" Fang Wenhao asked with a frown.

"The specific information is not clear, but there has been a conclusion that Lao Jiu will be the scapegoat. The charges have been announced, saying that he destroys the friendly alliance and the truce with the Hu people... It seems that he wants to send uncle Jiu to the Hu people and hand him over to the Hu people."

Fang Wenhao fiercely crushed the note in his hand, clenched his teeth and said, "continue to arrange people to investigate, and be sure to find out their route. At that time, let's all dress up as refugees or bandits, and let's rob people."

"Yes, I'll go down and arrange it now. Uncle nine is usually good to us. Now we can't die."

Big head then turned and left, leaving Fang Wenhao alone in the room.

This is the elder brother who is in the same robe with him. He is really cruel and cruel.

Tian Yuqiao has arrived in Sishui county. The families of those who lost their children in Sishui county are jointly at the gate of the county yamen at this time, asking to help them thank the person who saved their children.

"I said brother Cha, we sincerely want to thank others. Let's meet our benefactor."

"Yes, no matter what, we must see the county magistrate."

"Let us in quickly. Your county yamen didn't find us the child. It was someone else's kindness who helped us find it. We must meet."


Tian Yuqiao was leading Xiaoyu around the street when he heard people talking about losing children in the county.

She couldn't help walking close to the gate of the county government. Sure enough, there was a lot of excitement and was surrounded by the victims.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's not that we won't let you see, but people say they don't want your return. If I let you in like this, the county magistrate will blame you."

"Yes, let's do this. The benefactor left a note saying that they were the northwest Haotian army. It seemed that it was a team spontaneously composed of disaster victims, but I don't know why your children were sent so far away."

"Haotian army? I don't seem to have heard of it, but we have written down this kindness." the man looked down at the boy next to him and said kindly to him, "son, remember, your life was saved by Haotian army."

"Well, Dad, when I grow up, I will join the Haotian army and walk on behalf of heaven."

The bodyguard hiding in a dark lane next to the county yamen, seeing that his task was completed very well this time, quietly disappeared into the depths of the alley.

The same is true in several other counties, where parents who have lost their children are grateful.

Tian Yuqiao knew that Fang Wenhao had already thought about it. This time, his army's name was "Haotian".

"Tut Tut, this boy is good. Haotian, how can he compete with Haotian hammer in a novel? I don't know whether it's a coincidence or providence. Forget it, I should repair the old thing of Zhang laocai." Tian Yuqiao said, and led Xiaoyu away.

"Miss, we've been worried to death these days when you're away. In particular, Gongsun has reported to the government. Fortunately, a pigeon came back to deliver the letter this time, which reassured us." Xiaoyu held a lot of things bought by Tian Yuqiao, but her small mouth kept nagging.

"OK, I was also captured this time, but I chose to go deep into the tiger's den in order to save those children. Besides, didn't I send a carrier pigeon to inform you the first time? Darling, buy whatever you like. It's my treat today."

"Miss, did you really donate all your silver to the army that acted bravely and saved the children?" Xiaoyu asked with a look of flesh pain.

Tian Yuqiao nodded indifferently and said, "yes, people should spend some money to save so many children. In this way, people still refuse to accept it. I begged for nothing and forced it to them."

Xiaoyu suddenly showed her star eyes and said to Tian Yuqiao with a smile, "Miss, why doesn't anyone beg for money?"

Tian Yuqiao flicked Xiaoyu's forehead with his finger and said, "you, hurry to walk, cover your eyes and see that it will be warm. We should do something meaningful."

"Something meaningful? Miss, why don't we sell two more bottles?" Xiaoyu said excitedly.

Tian Yuqiao stared at her angrily and said, "you, now people already know that the bottle is fake. Use this move again. Let's wait for a lawsuit. Alas, there's no way to take you."

"Hey, miss, wait for me. Isn't my brain stupid? If I were smart, I wouldn't be reduced to being a beggar. Fortunately, miss is kind-hearted and takes in Xiaoyu."

"It's good to know. Don't forget that you're only eleven years old. You're still a child. Don't talk like my mother. You've really convinced you. Also, don't tell others about my donation of silver to the army. Even about my abduction this time. In short, don't say anything when you go back with me, so as not to let me know My mother is worried. "

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