Murongbo chose a good restaurant this time, and five people entered a private room on the second floor. Chen Jiabao and Xiaoyu stood at the door to watch the wind, leaving Tian Yuqiao to discuss the next things.

"Hey, have you been lazy these days when I'm away? Have you figured out the land of Zhangjia?"

"You're okay to say that we're just busy looking for you. How can we care about anything?" Murong Bo turned Tian Yuqiao's eyes angrily.

"Yes, just to find you, I sent a message to my father's Flying Pigeon ~" Gongsun Yu was also helpless.

Tian Yuqiao was feeling a little embarrassed, and the guy over there had already served.

"Ladies and gentlemen, these are all your dishes. The eight bowls of our unique specialty are guaranteed to satisfy you."

Murongbo impatiently took out a piece of more than one or two pieces of silver from his sleeve, directly handed it to the boy and said, "all right, go out quickly. Remember, we are not allowed to come in before we call."

The young man smiled and accepted the silver. He immediately nodded and bowed: "don't worry, I promise I won't disturb you."

While eating, the three discussed the next countermeasures.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the day when Zhang laocai married his daughter-in-law. Early in the morning, Tian Yuqiao put on his Taoist robe and drew a simple makeup for himself. His eyebrows were thick and his facial features were somewhat angular. I don't know. I really thought she was a boy. Even Xiaoyu was dressed up as a man by her.

Outside the gate of Zhangjia, it's very lively today. Fortunately, Zhangjia has money. They own a big house in the whole street. Two carriages have been tied to the pegs on both sides of the aisle outside, and there are still people driving here.

"Congratulations, Master Zhang has a new wife. It's really gratifying."

"Yes, yes, I really admire Master Zhang's sword."

"Ha ha, I'm happy with you. Please come inside, sir and boss. Our master is waiting for you in the inner hall."

All the people came with posts, and they came in with gift lists. When Tian Yuqiao arrived, she just swaggered in.

Zhang Jiading, the doorman at the door, immediately stepped forward and stopped her.

"Hey, I said to the Taoist priest, our master is having a wedding today. If you are lucky, you'd better come back another day."

"Yes, where are you all from? Don't spoil the master's good mood and go quickly." housekeeper Zhang said to the servants at the door, "you must watch the door and don't let anyone go in. Today's master's wedding is different from usual. This time it's to be happy. Be careful."

"It's the housekeeper. We must pay attention."

The housekeeper pulled like a twenty-five or eighty thousand. Tian Yuqiao glanced and shook the fly brush in her hand. The dust brush she had before was broken. Then he said, "boundless God, I can see feng shui. I heard that master Zhang is not very good recently. I'm afraid it's caused by the collision of Feng Shui."

"Don't talk nonsense. We've lived here for more than ten years. Why is Feng Shui bad now? You smelly Taoists know how to cheat gods and ghosts all day. Hurry up."

After that, the man picked up the broom next to the gate and drove Tian Yuqiao out like a fly.

At this time, Caicai has made a circle in the house of Zhangjia and sprinkled the medicine powder of rotten bone pill prepared by Tian Yuqiao into the potted plants of Zhangjia.

This time, it's not the kind improved by Huang Banxian. It's the most original powder, so it works very fast. Not only did the plants and potted plants wither completely, but even some small insects in the yard were poisoned.

Many people came to join the fun this time. They suddenly found that all the plants in the yard were withered and yellow, especially the bodies of cockroaches, ants and other insects, which scared everyone to stand up for fear of stepping on those dead insects.

"Ah, I just heard a little Taoist say that there seems to be something wrong with Zhang's Feng Shui."

"Yes, no wonder boss Zhang was always ill before."

"Yes, yes, this time even the flowers died, and those insects. It seems that there may be a problem with Feng Shui in Zhangjia. We're here. I don't know if we'll have bad luck?"

Zhang laocai finally glowed today and planned to be the bridegroom of Huajia. However, he suddenly found that so many snakes, insects, mice and ants died on his happy day, which made his heart a little flustered.

"Come and find out what's going on." Zhang laocai frowned angrily.

The housekeeper hurried forward and put his mouth on Lao Cai Zhang's ear. Then he whispered, "Sir, there was a little Taoist at the gate just now. He said that there seems to be a problem with our Feng Shui."

"Where is the little Taoist?"

"That little Taoist... Oh, I thought he was here to cheat money, so I asked someone to drive him away."

"What? You don't hurry to get people back for me. Oh, no, please bring people back. Remember, be polite."

When Tian Yuqiao saw that CAI was back, he walked around not far from the gate of Zhangjia with a smile. Soon a servant of Zhang family came over and said to Tian Yuqiao with a flattering face: "this Taoist priest is just a small one. He has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai. This Taoist priest, why don't you go in with us."

"Yes, yes, the Taoist priest, please don't be surprised. I have no eyes just now and don't know the true God."

Without lifting his eyelids, Tian Yuqiao took square steps and entered the yard of Zhang Jia with great air.

Xiaoyu followed Tian Yuqiao and said to Zhang's housekeeper, "I'm his schoolboy and apprentice. I'm responsible for fighting."

Gongsun Yu and murongbo were in charge at the beginning. In order not to help, Tian Yuqiao let them mix in the crowd and didn't let them follow.

After Tian Yuqiao went in, he shook it casually with a fly brush. Then he frowned and said, "have you ever heard of ten years of Hedong and ten years of Hexi? Originally, the geomantic omen of Zhangjia was very good, but now the geomantic omen turns in turn. The original place of gathering wealth will now become vicious."

As soon as Zhang laocai heard this, he felt dizzy in his head. Xin said that it's really a double whammy. He lost so much silver before. Now something happened in the house. Is it true that Zhang's spirit is going to be exhausted?

This can't say anything, and can't let the ancestral inheritance of Zhang Jia be destroyed in his own hands.

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