Under the leadership of Zhang's housekeeper, Tian Yuqiao first strolled along the county for a few days, but she had walked along these roads with Xiaoyu before. So this time she didn't stay there too much. Then she asked the housekeeper to take her to Zhang laocai's properties in other places.

For his own Feng Shui, Zhang laocai didn't dare to neglect it, and didn't hide anything. He directly asked the housekeeper to take Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu and show them all.

However, everywhere they went, they had been drugged by the guards. In the fields, where they were drugged at the beginning, they had a great reaction.

After reading all these, Tian Yuqiao went back to Zhang laocai.

"Fairy, what's wrong with Feng Shui in our family? Is there a solution?" Zhang laocai asked anxiously.

Tian Yuqiao was thinking about dealing with Zhang laocai's words. There were servants running back with sweat on their faces.

"Master, it's not good!"

When the housekeeper heard the speech, he immediately scolded, "what are you doing? What's the matter? You can't say it slowly. Don't you forget that I taught you that you can't panic even if Mount Tai collapses in front?"

"But ~ but, housekeeper, all the rice fields near our county town suddenly withered. Early this morning, the head of each village came to report to the villain that all the seedlings just planted had become withered and yellow, and started from the root."

"Come on, hurry in with me and tell the master about the situation in detail." the housekeeper was a little anxious when he heard the speech, and completely forgot what he had just taught the boy.

Seeing that they were all flustered, Zhang laocai frowned and said, "what are you doing? In front of the fairy, isn't it a joke?"

Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's all right. I've just pinched my fingers. Alas, it's really a fate. The situation in your family seems to be getting worse and worse. Limitless heaven, I'm sorry I can't do anything."

"Wait a minute, fairy, you just know we're unlucky again. Can there be a way to crack it? You can't just ignore us." Zhang laocai quickly grabbed Tian Yuqiao's sleeve.

"Disciple, um ~" Tian Yuqiao winked at Xiaoyu. Then Xiaoyu took out a stack of silver tickets from her arms and handed them to Zhang laocai.

"Almsgiver Zhang, I'm really sorry. We can't help you solve the problem this time. It's the so-called" no merit, no reward ". Take back the silver." Xiaoyu said.

Tian Yuqiao waved and hurried away with Xiaoyu.

Until now, Zhang laocai hasn't figured out what made him so unlucky. It seems that the little Taoist boy looked flustered just now. It must be a big deal for his family this time.

"Housekeeper, get in here quickly and tell me what happened and scared the fairy away." Zhang laocai shouted impatiently.

The housekeeper hesitated to tell the truth. The boy over there also presented a brocade box. There are several seedlings at the head. It seems that the leaves at the top are still shiny, while the roots below are already withered, yellow, soft and rotten.

Not to mention that, when Zhang laocai pinched the root of the seedling with his hand, he felt that it was like a lump of snot, which was actually sticky.

"This ~ is just a field. How many are there?" Zhang laocai asked with a frown.

The young man said with a bitter face, "early this morning, many villa leaders came to look for managers everywhere. Most of the fields around the county showed signs of seedlings rotting from the roots. Moreover, after the old masters studied together, they all said that they had lived so long and had never seen such a situation."

"No, is it true that heaven is going to kill my Zhangjia? It seems that it doesn't matter to marry my daughter-in-law." Zhang laocai's eyes are a little red.

"Sir, in my opinion, this may be because she married a new lady. You think, that woman married once before, and her husband lost in a mess. Now she has just entered our house, but first there was an accident in the house, and then there was a field around. I think there is something strange about this matter. Sir, you'd better decide as soon as possible." The housekeeper suggested.

Zhang laocai, a newly married Yan'er, has been flirting with the little lady all day. He hasn't been lingering enough. How can he be willing to divorce her like this?

"Oh, stop talking. Didn't the little fairy all say it? This is because our Feng Shui is about to run out, so this strange thing will happen. Don't talk nonsense. If you talk nonsense again, be careful. I want you to look good."

As soon as the housekeeper touched his nose, he nodded and bowed and said, "don't worry, sir. The villain knows his mistake and won't dare again in the future."

Zhang laocai didn't expect that his family's affairs were even worse. It doesn't seem that the little Taoist lied to himself. After all, she gave her money back to herself.

"Sir, I think the Taoist priest has some skills. If she is for money, she won't return the silver ticket to us. It seems that this time it should be really troublesome. I think we'd better go to the temple to burn incense."

"Yes, after all, Taoists can't. We can still find monks to do things."

"I don't think what you two said is right. This is that you have a big chest and no brain. Monks can recite scriptures at most. How can they save seedlings? Sir, I think we might as well find some farmers' officials to help us when we have this time."

As soon as Zhang laocai heard this, he immediately held the fifth lady's waist and took her in his arms.

"Little baby, you're the most considerate. Housekeeper, do you hear me? Use the ten thousand Liang silver returned by the little Taoist just now to invite people. Let them see what's going on with the dealer. Go quickly."

The housekeeper heard the speech and hurriedly left with the silver ticket. This time he will do it himself. He can get a lot of oil and water from the 10000 Liang silver.

After Tian Yuqiao took Xiaoyu back to the inn, Xiaoyu frowned and asked, "Miss, why do you give him the money back? This silver is all our hard work."

"Don't you understand that? Your young lady, my other identity, is a 999 generation disciple of Taoism. Who is my master? It's Huang Banxian. I can't become a copper smell. It will ruin my master's reputation as an expert outside the old man's family."

Xiaoyu said vaguely, "Oh, that's why biting dogs don't show their teeth, right?"

Tian Yuqiao knocked Xiaoyu's head angrily and said, "is there such a metaphor for your own young lady?"

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