Everything is developing according to Tian Yuqiao's expected direction, but Wang's side can't wait. She was a little restless all day. That day, she went up the mountain to find the Huang Banxian herself, and planned to ask him to find Tian Yuqiao.

"Hey, Joel said she was going to do her little aunt's business, but she hasn't come back since she's been there for so long. Taoist priest, you and Joel are still teachers and disciples. You can't ignore her. If something really happens to this girl, how can I live as a mother?" Wang said around.

Huikong read the Buddha's name, and then comforted: "don't worry, the poor monk over there has calculated it for her. Although there are some obstacles, there is no danger. Just listen to the good news at home, ha ha ha."

"Yes, you mother may not know me as a master. My good disciple, that is, your good daughter, has great skills. If you offend her, the girl will not suffer except her own misfortune." Huang Banxian said with a smile.

Wang still couldn't sit still and continued, "this child has been away for so long. She has never been away from home for so long before."

"Mrs. Tian, don't be impatient. I'm going to have a look, so that my disciple won't push everything on me as a master. Alas, I'm afraid she'll sell my reputation for money." Huang Banxian smiled bitterly.

Wang Shi had a vague understanding, but she also heard the implication of Huang Banxian, which meant that he would go to Tian Yuqiao?

"It's hard, Taoist priest. Well, I've prepared the money for you, and I don't know whether twenty Liang silver is enough. Hey, I usually keep the big money in Joe's house, and I have this money in my hand..." Wang handed over a purse with some embarrassment.

"Hahaha, Mrs. Tian, you don't have to be like this. Taoist Huang's nickname is Banxian. Where does he lack silver? Forget it, I'd better save it for Joe. Don't you want to live in your family?" huikong said with a smile.

Huang Banxian also refused and said, "I don't need silver. I can travel 800 a day with a talisman, so I can't use this silver."

Wang was still a little sorry, so he said, "why don't you go to our house for dinner tonight? I'll cook you a good dish. Shouldn't you refuse?"

"No, no, of course I won't refuse. After all, it's your kindness."

"Well, that's a good proposal. If you're full, you'll have more strength to find my good disciple."

In Sishui County, Tian Yuqiao's rumors that people had been released and the bodyguards arranged have now had an effect.

Zhang Fu quickly figured it out. He came to find sunspot. The sunspot told Tian Yuqiao's address, and said that the secret of heaven should not be leaked. After Zhang Fu's success, he recommended himself to Zhang laocai. At that time, they will work together for Master Zhang and enjoy glory and wealth together.

Zhang Fu went back. This time, he risked offending the housekeeper and met Zhang laocai alone.

He added all the things he heard, and exaggerated all kinds of things. Zhang laocai is also in a hurry to seek medical treatment. Now he is really fooled.

"Oh? According to what you say, Huang Banxian is really an expert? No wonder the little Taoist priest was so powerful that he could see at a glance that the problems in our field could not be cured. Sure enough, he is a famous teacher and an expert. I have heard a little about the fame of Huang Banxian. At the beginning, we didn't ask for the hard money we gave to the Taoist priest. Why don't I make friends with Huang Banxian this time It's all right. "

"Master, do you mean to sell the land to Huang Banxian?" Zhang Fu asked carefully.

Zhang laocai nodded: "yes, I have the same intention. Now, I'm afraid no one dares to take our bad fields except those experts outside the world. Anyway, those fields are only a drop in the bucket for me. It's a blessing in disguise. After Huang Banxian helps me improve Feng Shui, I'm not sure that the business in my shop can make a lot of money every day."

"The villain congratulated the master in advance. He made a fortune and made friends with immortals." Zhang Fu flattered on his face.

"Hahaha, you've done a good job, sir. I'll reward you a lot. Take these ten Liang silver first. Oh, by the way, where are you working now?" Zhang laocai threw a ingot of silver and asked.

Zhang Fu smiled and kowtowed to Zhang laocai. Then he picked up the silver on the ground like a dog. Then he said, "Sir, the villain is just looking at the door at the porter."

"It's a little unfair to you. Anyway, there's still a vacancy in the position of manager. You'll be responsible for preparing this time. When things are done, you'll be a manager."

"Thank you, sir!" Zhang Fu was so excited that he almost did a back somersault.

"All right, go down and prepare first. This time we can't just send the fields out so easily. The momentum must be bigger. Let everyone know that your master and I like making good friends very much."

Zhang Fu answered and left with a smile. This time he had silver in his hand, and his heart was happy. It was a word ~ beauty!

I packed a few dishes, bought two pots of wine and went to have a drink with sunspots.

Huang Banxian put two talismans on his legs. Taking advantage of the darkness, he "ran" to Sishui County in only two hours.

Even when he meets the wall, the divine talisman can make him walk on the ground at an angle of 90 degrees to the wall. The so-called is to climb over the wall and cross the ridge like walking on the ground. Fortunately, he didn't want to use the spell to do anything bad.

"Hey, it's a place. My disciple really doesn't let me worry. If I hadn't made a prediction, I might have been sold by the girl. It's too much to use my name to entrap people."

He came to the inn in the middle of the night. Naturally, the guys in the inn wouldn't let him in. Fortunately, it was light soon. As soon as the store door was opened, Huang Banxian stood at the door with dew on her beard, which frightened the boys in the store.

"Oh, I'll go. I said how can you be so scary? Do you know your ghost appearance will scare the guests in our store?"

Tian Yuqiao was about to go downstairs for breakfast. As a result, he saw a yellow robe standing at the door. Huang Banxian was so frightened that she stuck out her tongue and didn't think about how to explain.

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