Tian Yuqiao, together with Huang Banxian and others, played tricks on Zhang laocai. Although the old man is an old slick and an old fox, he also believes in Feng Shui. That's why Tian Yuqiao bluffed him this time. He lost a lot of good fields, as well as farms, tenant farmers and long-term workers~

Zhang laocai was like throwing out a hot potato. The whole person felt refreshed. It was like a big lump stuck in the chest and suddenly swallowed it.

Looking at the old rich man's treat and leave after drinking, Tian Yuqiao immediately collapsed in his chair. While patting his chest, he said, "God, it's so exciting. It's really fun to see a profiteer giving other people fields so happily for the first time."

"Hey, aren't you afraid of being hit by thunder?" Murong Bo said to Tian Yuqiao's ear.

"Cut, even if you're really going to be struck by thunder, you'll have your share. Don't forget that you didn't eat less of the Eight Legged guy when Zhang laocai invited him to eat seafood." Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes.

Murong Bo said proudly, "Hey, the girl from the countryside is really ignorant. She doesn't even recognize crabs."

Tian Yuqiao pointed to the hairy crabs packed on the table and said, "let's have a competition to eat this and see who eats fast. Don't you say you have insight? Let's have a competition."

"Comparison alone is meaningless. Anyway, you are now a big landlord and a rich man. How about this? Let's play some excitement?" Murong Bo's eyes are full of the shadow of conspiracy.

Gongsun Yu frowned and said, "I'm ~ afraid it's wrong? After all..."

"It doesn't matter. I have fields and silver now, but what do you bet with me?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

"How about I bet you with our jiuzhuan Huanyang pill from Yaowang Valley? There are three pills in total, which can save people's lives at a critical time." Murong Bo looked like he had a winning ticket.

"Well, I'll use 10000 liang of silver." Tian Yuqiao proudly took out a stack of silver notes.

Murongbo also took out a very exquisite cold ice jade bottle. Tian Yuqiao's mouth would drool just looking at the bottle.

"Well, it's a deal."

Seeing Tian Yuqiao's hungry wolf's eyes like fresh meat, Murong Bo couldn't help but move the bottle on the table to the side for fear of being robbed by her.

"Well, now that you have decided, let me be the middleman to help you judge."

Gongsun Yu said that, then solemnly moved a chair and sat between the two. He personally selected two hairy crabs whose heads looked about the same size, and their navels were round.

After they took the hairy crab in their hands, Gongsun Yu shouted, "start!" then they began to quickly "dismember" the food in their hands.

Xiaoyu looked straight beside her. Unexpectedly, this monster looks disgusting Bala and looks like a relative of a spider. Her young lady can decompose so skillfully.

Gongsun Yu was afraid to eat these things because of his own body. At this moment, he can only look at the two hands with envy and eat crabs quickly.

Murongbo didn't look up to Tian Yuqiao, so this time he thought he had a winning ticket. Originally, he thought that if he really won, he might not win. Would you like to give him a discount at that time?

When he looked up at the other side, murongbo's heart was not calm. He didn't expect that a little village girl, who grew up in the mountains, would eat this rare seafood. You know, he usually can't eat it several times. Thanks to his grandfather, even his father can't eat it.

However, seeing Tian Yuqiao's skillful action, it was like eating this thing every day, which made him start to doubt. At the moment when he slipped away, Tian Yuqiao had eaten the crabs cleanly.

Not only that, Tian Yuqiao's crab shell is still very complete. Although they almost put down the crab shell in their hands at the same time, Tian Yuqiao was better at the last look.

Gongsun Yu pretended to look at their achievements, and couldn't help but tut to the crab shell in front of Tian Yuqiao: "it's really good, sister Qiao, can you tell us how you eat such strange things so clean? And it's really strange that it's still very complete."

The outcome was self-evident. Murong Bo only had a black face and handed Tian Yuqiao the cold ice jade bottle in his hand.

"I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat. You won this time. But there seems to be no sea over there. How did you eat this?" Murong Bo asked with a frown.

Tian Yuqiao shook his head in silence, said angrily: "Oh, you are so stupid. There is a river in the mountains, and there are river crabs at the head of the river. Although the appearance of the river crabs is not as big as this, after all, we usually eat them as snacks. Can it be that you rich young masters are not used to these little things that like to drill around in the sand?"

This time it was murongbo's turn to blush. He didn't expect that this delicious food only existed in the sea could be found in the poor mountain ditch in the countryside.

Looking at the way he shook his head and sighed, Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but look away and say, "Hey, isn't it just a pill? You showed a look of going to the grave. You're so stingy."

Gongsun Yu quickly pulled Tian Yuqiao aside, while Xiaoyu helped Tian Yuqiao collect the silver ticket on the table.

"Sister Joel, you can't say that. You don't know that his pill can save people's lives. There are only three pills in the whole Yaowang valley. That's what his grandfather left him to save his life. At first, my grandfather and my father went to beg with a lot of money, but they refused to give it. You've made a lot of money this time."

Tian Yuqiao didn't expect that the medicine was so valuable, so he quickly threw the silver ticket and pill into the virtual environment.

"Hey, hey, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect the big one to peel better than the small one there. I'm just lucky this time. Thank brother Murong for his permission." Tian Yuqiao smiled and bent over to salute.

Although murongbo was very angry, it was done. Everything was useless. He could only blame himself.

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