Huang Banxian ran away with Tian Yuqiao all night. Anyway, Tian Yuqiao has arranged things over there. The tenants here also worship their new owner. Therefore, Tian Yuqiao here was not very worried, so he didn't give Gongsun Yu the jiuzhuan Huanyang pill in his hand.

In order to get home early, Tian Yuqiao suggested taking a short cut, so Huang Banxian took Tian Yuqiao a straight distance this time. Almost from the mountains.

Seeing that he was about to reach Huai'an County, Tian Yuqiao suddenly felt a trip at his feet. Then he looked down and saw a man in soldier clothes lying at his feet. It seemed that he was badly hurt, so Tian Yuqiao decided to save the man in line with the good idea that God had a good life.

"Master, do you think this man can still be saved?" Tian Yuqiao said with a frown.

Huang Banxian shook his head reluctantly and said, "Hey, saving or not saving is all between your thoughts. It's the so-called idea of becoming a Buddha and becoming a devil. This person is badly hurt. Unless you give him the jiuzhuan pill you won before, he'll probably die."

Tian Yuqiao frowned. Although she was very reluctant to take the pill, how much fate must she have in this vast mountain to be met by herself? This probability should be lower than her chance of winning 10 million lottery tickets in her previous life.

There were two ideas in her mind now, which were constantly fighting, making her hesitate.

Angel: saving a person's life is better than building a seven level floating slaughter. Just him!

The devil took a small fork, poked the angel and said: don't worry about him. The pill is very valuable. It can save your life at the critical moment.


Just when Tian Yuqiao was fighting for ideas, her head didn't stop in her hand. At this time, she was feeding water to the poor injury with Xiaoyu.

Tian Yuqiao could not help frowning. She thought the man looked familiar. She looked a little like her third uncle Tian Dahu.

It was also because of this sense of familiarity that she planned to save the man with a sense of guilt for Tian Dahu. Anyway, Tian Dahu died in his own hands. Now seeing such a person who looks like him, Tian Yuqiao inevitably moved his compassion.

"Shifu, please feed this pill to him for me. Anyway, I'll find a way to go to Yaowang villa after the big deal."

Although Tian Yuqiao's mouth was hard, his heart seemed to be dripping blood.

Huang Banxian was very satisfied with his apprentice's choice, so he nodded and took the medicine bottle from Tian Yuqiao's hand.

Just about to put it into the man's mouth, Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said, "wait, I can't stand this stimulation. When I get away, you can give him medicine."

Huang Banxian shook his head reluctantly and watched Tian Yuqiao go out ten meters away. Then he helped the people on the ground up. With the help of Chen Jiabao, they soon fed the extremely precious jiuzhuan Huanyang pill to the man.

Then Huang Banxian seemed to say some messy spells, which probably had the effect of catalytic medicine. When Tian Yuqiao came back with the feeling of heartache, the man had opened his eyes.

"Are you awake?"

"Yes ~ cough, did you save me?"

Xiaoyu pointed to Tian Yuqiao and said, "it was our miss who saved you. You really met a noble man this time and used the most precious pill of my miss."

"Cough, thank you, miss. Please forgive me for my inconvenience, I can't..."

Tian Yuqiao hurriedly said, "needless to say, you're badly hurt. Although your life was picked up this time, you still have to take good care of your injuries."

"How about this? Let's let Caicai go back and send a letter and let Dabai come over. Anyway, it's so big and its injury has almost healed. If you don't use it again, that guy will go to Tianshui city."

As soon as he heard the word "Tianshui City", Tian Yuqiao vaguely felt that the injured man seemed to shiver all over. So she couldn't help asking, "uncle, I don't know where you came from?"

The man smiled and said, "Hey, I came from the border town again. Cough, something happened there. I was injured, so I was left by the top. They retreated by themselves. Hey ~ luckily I met you."

"No, the border town is far away from here. Uncle, how did you escape?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown and some doubt.

The man stopped talking and chose silence.

Huang Banxian shook her head and said, "don't ask any more. He's not suitable to talk more now. Let's take him back first and ask Cai Cai to help."

Caicai appeared reluctantly. Before he could open his teeth and claws at Huang Banxian, his illusory figure had been put on a spell by Huang Banxian.

"Well, little thing, go and return quickly." Huang Banxian said, and then read a spell. Then Caicai was like an aircraft carrier launched. "Whew" disappeared at once.

Several people just rested in place and cooked a meal. It was as if it was a moving meat mountain and ran towards this side.

"Is it true that master's talisman was left for Da Bai?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously with his head tilted.

Huang Banxian smiled, nodded and said, "it's good. It's worthy of being my disciple. He's really smart. Otherwise, it's estimated that it's going to be dawn when everyone runs over."

After feeding the man some dry food and drinking a lot of virtual lotus pond water, Huang Banxian put him on Dabai with confidence.

Don't forget the repeated instructions: "Da Bai, it's the so-called thousand days of raising the army. It's used for a while. Now I want you to help save people, so you must be careful of the person on you. Don't fall or touch him. Otherwise, the little girl won't let you go. She spent a lot of money to save you."

Hearing the speech, Dabai immediately opened his mouth and revealed two big fangs, indicating that he had understood it. Then he carried the people carefully and knew how to choose a better mountain road as far as possible.

"Hey, you guys are so stupid. You wasted my good spell. If I were you, I would have been there long ago. You didn't control it properly." Huang Banxian began his thoughts.

Xiaoyu said bitterly, "master Huang, this is the first time we've seen such a thing. It's normal to be not used to it."

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