Tian Yuqiao got the deed that Fang Wenhao asked Daimei to send back to her. From now on, the mine cave in the mountain will be hers. Now the county magistrate is his little uncle, so as long as he stamps on it, he can take over the mountain in good faith.

He was so excited that he didn't even bother to eat. He lay on the Kang and looked at the paper over and over. He felt like he had won the lottery.

Wang Shi saw her leaving the table on the way and was worried that the child had something to do, so he brought her some food.

"Joe, open the door, it's my mother. What's wrong with you?" Wang's voice came from outside the door.

Tian Yuqiao was so frightened that he got up from the Kang and threw the paper into the virtual environment. Then he opened the door and said to Wang, "Mom, I'm fine. I just feel a little tired and want to rest early."

"Oh, if so, you'd better have a rest earlier. But my mother is worried that you're not full. You must finish these meals in front of my mother. My mother watches you eat, and I'll leave when you finish."

Tian Yuqiao was warm in his heart, so he held his job and began to eat. She soon finished the food that Wang brought her, and Wang left with satisfaction.

As soon as Wang left, Tian Yuqiao didn't wait to remember the deed. The little guy broke in again and plugged in the door.

"Sister, I always think it's not easy for you to go out this time. Tell me how you deal with your aunt's affairs? Don't worry, I promise no one will tell anyone." the little guy said seriously.

Tian Yuqiao didn't bother to hide it from him. It's not a big thing anyway. So she simply said that she and Huang Banxian went to the land of Zhang laocai, but she naturally didn't say that she poisoned first and then detoxified.

"My master, that old fox, he really has a way of doing things. He can actually do things to make those crops look like they are dying, and then let them live. As a result, your sister, I now have more than 1000 mu of land in Sishui county."

The little guy immediately exclaimed, "what, more than a thousand..."

"Shh, shut up! Don't shout so loudly. Things over there are not very stable and may be robbed. I've told brother bao'er and Xiaoyu about this. Don't tell me. When we make money over there, it's all the bride price money my sister saved for you."

As soon as the little guy heard this, he immediately said with a bitter face, "sister, I'm still young. Is it inappropriate to save the bride price now?"

"Little fool, come on, there's another thing. Brother Hao'er sent us a big gift. We're really going to develop this time."

As soon as the little guy heard Fang Wenhao's name, he said excitedly, "sister, did brother Haoer say when he will come back to see us? And, what gift is it? Should it be the bride price for you?"

Tian Yuqiao angrily raised his pillow and was about to hit the little guy. Fortunately, the boy was ready to escape and was smashed by Tian Yuqiao.

"You smelly boy, come on, hurry out. I have to rest early. Tomorrow I'll go up the mountain with my mother to see the man I saved. By the way, I'll also go there to see the mountain that the eldest prince gave to brother Hao'er."

"What? Sister, we have a mountain?" the little guy looked excited.

"Yes, brother Hao'er killed the enemy bravely and was appreciated by the above, so he asked him what reward he planned to ask for. As a result, he asked for the mountain next to the river."

"Sister, is that the mountain near the river where we fish fry? Wow, it looks so big."

"All right, you know, just keep quiet about it. Do you remember the black stone? There are many kinds of stones hidden in the mountain. Then we can pull it out and sell it for money."

The little guy quickly covered his mouth, blinked and said, "woo, I will never say."

In the twinkling of an eye, the next day, Wang and Xiaoyu picked up 100 eggs early in the morning, and then picked a lot of vegetables from their own shed.

Chen Jiabao tied the basket to the little donkey so that he could go up the mountain. After all, the donkey cart can't go up the mountain.

Two baskets full of green vegetables, Wang and Xiaoyu also carried the basket and took Tian Yuqiao up the mountain.

Yuanji and Yuantong met at the hillside long ago and picked up the things in Wang's hands.

"How's the injured man? Does it matter?" Wang asked with concern.

"Don't worry, my master and Joel's master are here. Even if he wants to die, he can't die." Yuantong said with a smile.

Besides, the injured man was tossed by huikong and Huang Banxian since he came to Nanshan Temple. It's making medicinal wine and being input into Qi. I really can't do it if I want to die!

Although they were "devastated" by the two people in turn, after tossing all day, the man's internal injury was really much better. After spitting out the congestion in his internal organs, he was sober, but he couldn't move freely.

Although he could not move, his eyes and mouth could turn and talk.

"Little master, where is this?"

"Amitabha, benefactor, this is Nanshan Temple."

When the man heard the speech, his eyes suddenly had some holes and dull. The three words "Nanshan Temple" have been recited all the time.

In my memory, it seems that there is such a temple in my hometown. Qiao er's girl found it in front of the temple. Hey, I don't know if I haven't heard from you for a few years. Has my family changed?

But how can this be the Nanshan Temple in your memory? The place where he fainted is still far from home. According to my memory, it seems that I was brought here before long.

As soon as he closed his eyes to have a rest, he heard the little monk who had been taking care of himself say, "benefactor, the family who saved you came to see you."

Hearing the speech, the man immediately opened his eyes and heard the voice of Huang Banxian: "it seems that he hasn't slept. Come first. However, he shouldn't stay more. He's still seriously injured and needs more rest."

After Wang led the people in, when her eyes fell on the face, the whole person was suddenly stupid.

All the snacks and medicine bags in his hand fell to the ground, and his face looked strange.

"It was him ~" Wang whispered.

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