Tian Dahe was secretly brought home, which made Wang suddenly feel reborn. I didn't expect to see my husband again in my life. It's also thanks to my daughter's kindness to save people. Otherwise, it's estimated that my family will never be reunited again.

At dusk, Tian Yutang and Shuozi jumped back together.

On the way, I met Tian Yuqiao. Tian Yuqiao smiled and sent the bolt to Zhu Rongrong, while she quickly took the little guy home.

"Elder sister, my husband tested us again today. Now I can get the little red flower in the intermediate class. I don't believe you see." the little guy smiled and took out a little red flower made of paper from his backpack and handed it to Tian Yuqiao.

"Little brother is very powerful, but you can keep the flower first and show it to another person later. Hurry home with me. There's a surprise."

"Sister, what's the surprise? Did you pit someone's silver again?" the little guy asked curiously.

Tian Yuqiao again stretched out his claws towards the little guy and threatened, "if you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, sister, I'll squeeze your face into gold?"

The little guy quickly covered his face and said, "sister, I know I'm wrong, and I won't dare to do it again. In fact, sister is very sacred in my heart, which is higher than Sir's position in my heart. Sister doesn't pit other people's money, but rob the rich and help the poor. I can't speak just now. Hey hey, let's go, sister. We'll be home soon."

As soon as the two brothers and sisters entered their own yard, Wang asked them to wash their hands and eat in the house.

Now Xiaoyu is the only one who lives with Tian Yuqiao's family. Wang has also instructed that there are guests at home to heal their wounds. It's best not to disturb his brother, sister-in-law and others.

Everyone had heard about Tian Yuqiao's rescue before, so they were very conscious. No one came easily. Even Jiang, who ran most frequently to Tian Yuqiao's house, did not let the children of his family come to disturb him now.

Xiaoyu closed the gate of the courtyard and hurried to help Wang carry the food.

Today's dinner was eaten in Tian Dahe and Wang's bedroom. Wang decided to eat in the bedroom because Wang planned to let the children eat with Tian Dahe.

"Eh, mom, why should we eat in your house today? Didn't my sister say that eating in the house will taste?" the little guy asked in some confusion.

"Young master, is the master back?" Xiaoyu whispered.

"Master? Who is the master?" the little guy was still confused.

Tian Yuqiao pinched his face and said, "it's stupid. Xiao Yuguan's mother calls her wife. Can't you guess who the master is?"

"Yes ~ dad?" the little guy suddenly grew up and his mouth looked like gold when he was greedy.

"Qiao'er, Wulang, come to dinner quickly. Oh, and Xiaoyu, come with you," Wang said with a smile.

Xiaoyu waved her hand and said, "no, madam, I have to look at the medicine. I've left some meals in the stove before. Don't worry about me."

"Well, I'm going to see my father." the little guy said, and ran into Wang's house without even putting down his schoolbag.

Seeing the man who looked like his uncle and third uncle, the little guy couldn't help but step back. The shadow on them has not dispersed, and is this man really his father?

"Wulang, don't you remember Dad?" Tian Dahe squeezed out a slightly helpless smile.

"Well, although I don't remember my father, my mother and sister all say you are my father. That must be right."

When the little guy finished, he took the schoolbag off his back and took out a little red flower from it. He ran to the man on the Kang and got into his arms.

"Dad, I got little saffron in the exam today. Only three of our more than a dozen students can get little saffron." the little guy sprinkled Jiao heartily.

Wang came in with the food and almost threw the plate on the ground. Hurriedly shouted to the little guy, "Wulang, come down quickly. Your father is badly hurt."

The little guy realized something and quickly and carefully "wriggled" out of Tian Dahe's arms.

"Cough, it's all right. Wulang is so smart that he didn't expect to get little safflower. It's great. He deserves to be my son." Tian Dahe smiled and touched his son's head and praised him.

"Dad, can you also get little saffron in the army? Brother Hao'er made contributions in the army and earned a mountain back to our family. Shh, you can't tell others. This is my sister's secret and mine. Even my mother doesn't know it."

As soon as the little guy finished, he saw a figure suddenly behind him. That person was Wang.

"You little fellow, what's the matter that you can't even tell your mother?" Wang smiled and put the steamed carp on the table.

At this time, only Tian Dahe's family was in the house, and Tian Yuqiao didn't intend to hide it from everyone. She told her family about Dai Mei's sending back a deed.

"But this matter must be kept secret, because no one knows that the black thing can burn. If everyone knows, it will be very bad for us." Tian Yuqiao frowned and reminded.

Tian Dahe smiled and said: "Qiao'er is so smart that I can rest assured that she is in charge of the family. Cough, my parents are old and not as smart as you. Although my father is back now, since you can make the family life so good, you will be in charge of the money in the future. Everyone has no opinion? If not, let's eat quickly. The taste of this dish is so delicious It's too late. "

Wang nodded and said, "Oh, let's eat quickly, especially the fish. I specially prepared it for your father. You two can eat meat, but don't rob the fish with your father. Your father is right. Joel is in charge of the family very well. Continue to work hard in the future."

Tian Yuqiao was so happy that he put a large piece of fish in Tian Dahe's bowl and said with a smile: "Since my parents value me so much, I can't live up to your expectations. Don't worry. I'll worry more about things at home in the future. I'll also prepare the bride price for my younger brother to marry his daughter-in-law in the future and the dowry for my future marriage."

"This girl, just praised her, she began to be proud again. Come on, eat quickly. Today I specially cooked the meatball soup you both like to eat, and eat it while it's hot." Wang urged.

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