Li's inexplicable plan to let Tian Dahe raise himself made everyone feel a little surprised. After all, this matter is the housework of the Tian family. Those people in Wang's mother's family naturally have a hard time interrupting. Even the county magistrate entered the house at this time. After all, it is difficult for honest officials to stop housework, and it is inconvenient for him to intervene in this matter.

Fortunately, the little guy soon invited the village head. He took the village head's hand and urged him all the way: "Grandpa village head, hurry up. The county magistrate is also in our house. You won't see him if you go late."

Wang Heng is also a person who loves face. Although he wants to come and say hello to the county magistrate this time, he is embarrassed to come so far. When he was hesitating in the yard, he was called by the little guy.

This is called stepping on iron shoes and finding nowhere. It takes no time to get it. The village head had changed into a new silk coat long ago. He was pacing the yard to think of an excuse. Unexpectedly, the little guy had come to the door.

When the village head entered Tian Yuqiao's house, he saw the man standing in the yard.

"You ~ you are the river? The river is back!"

"Uncle Wang, it's me. I was rescued by Joel from the mountain."

When Tian Dahe met the old village head who helped his wife and children, his heart finally felt a burst of warmth.

He came forward and took Wang Heng's hand. Tian Dahe was an iron man. At this time, his eyes couldn't help but turn a little red. This was the second time he had the urge to cry since he returned to rely on the mountain village.

The first time I saw Wang in Nanshan Temple on the mountain; The second time is this time.

He learned from Wang's mouth that if it weren't for the good old village head's care, Wang and his children would have a worse life. He will remember this kindness, but now he doesn't say much in front of Li and Tian Dajiang.

"Village head, let's go inside and talk. My brother-in-law happened to be there."

As soon as the village head heard this, his eyes immediately brightened. Then he smiled, nodded and walked into the house with Tian Dahe.

Wang hurried two steps and came forward to hold Tian Dahe. Tian Yuqiao also supported the other side of Tian Dahe. After all, his trauma hasn't healed yet.

Li's and Gao's side felt that the small cold wind was blowing, and they were directly hung there ignored!

"That's unreasonable, mother. Look, this is your good son." Gao whispered in Li's ear.

"Mom, now that the village head is here, I think we'd better come back another day. After all, the second son is also your son in the final analysis. He has to give his share of filial piety money to your second old man. It's ok if he didn't come back before. Now that he's back, he should raise your second old man with me." Tian Dajiang's eyes narrowed.

"Well, let's go back," said Li Shi. As soon as he looked back, he saw that the big dog of Tian Yuqiao's family was grinning at himself. The skin on the bridge of his nose was wrinkled together. It looked as if he was about to attack.

"Oh, this dog is really fierce. Let's go quickly."

Li Shi said that he had just taken two steps. As a result, he almost fell down because his legs were a little soft. Fortunately, Dalang's daughter-in-law Chen helped her in time, which didn't let Li have close contact with Tian Yuqiao's green brick road again.

"Woo, woo, woo, woo ~"

"Bah, dead dog, what kind of owner is he? What kind of broken dog does he keep? Fart!"

After leaving Tian Yuqiao's house, Tian Dajiang dared to turn back and yell at ash. Because he knew that Tian Yuqiao's big dog wouldn't run out easily.

Today, I may be in a good mood. I even chased out in the direction of Tian Dajiang. Tian Dajiang was so frightened that he gave a "mother" and ran away.

Li and Gao were walking in front of each other, but they suddenly felt as if a gust of wind had blown by.

"What just flashed past?" Li rubbed his eyes and asked.

"Er ~ it seems that we are in charge of the house. Hey, it's dark and I can't see clearly." Gao said with his mouth tilted.

At this time, the village head had met the county magistrate. After a few greetings, they finally got to the point.

"I'm the county magistrate, but it's not convenient for me to interfere too much in the household affairs of my sister's family. After all, the imperial court is now based on the purpose of putting kindness and filial piety first, so it still depends on the help of village head Wang." Gongsun Changyin said seriously.

"Hey, I heard that something happened to you, so I cleaned it up at home. I was just about to go out to help you out. As a result, Wulang ran to our house to find me." the village head smiled and touched Tian Yutang's head.

"Well, yes, when I arrived at the village head's grandpa's house, I saw him dressed very well, and then he looked like this ~" the little guy put his hands on his back, followed Wang Heng's old look when he walked before, and then said, "that's how he walked around in their yard, and then I pulled him."

"I said Dahe, what is the reason why your mother came here today?" Wang Heng asked.

"Well, my mother is going to let me raise her. I just don't know whether she will take care of my pension money or move in with my father this time."

"Well ~ Dahe, don't blame your uncle for talking to me. It's clear that your mother is wrong this time. You've been separated, and there's your big brother over there in the old house. She shouldn't have moved in with you. Also, when your daughter-in-law moved out, I helped divide the house. At that time, I felt sorry for their mother and son, but also for you."

Wang smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "village head, this matter has passed. You don't have to say so."

"No, you shouldn't compromise on this matter so easily. After all, it was agreed at the time of separation, and you don't have to care about the elderly care of brother Tian and his wife in the future. You didn't take anything away at that time, and everything at home was burned, so it's reasonable to do so. Now Dahe is back, but you can't talk about the elderly care again."

"Yes, brother-in-law, I think so too. After all, when my sister was separated, if there was not master Huiyuan's will, you probably wouldn't see them now. If you didn't go to be a soldier at the beginning, the Tian family would have to take out twenty Liang silver. This twenty Liang silver is enough for the second old man to provide for the elderly. If you are willing to be a soldier, you will repay the second old man."

Seeing that her man said so, Wang Xiuer echoed: "Hey, it's still messy to cut. What to do about my husband and sister depends on what my brother-in-law means."

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