Since Tian Dahe pretended to be dead, the Tian family's old house has become very quiet, but this silence is only relative. In the outside world separated by a wall, few people in the Tian family's old house went out to disturb, and even the Jiang family all nestled at home. Inside the courtyard, the old house has always been a chicken flying dog jumping, unable to live in peace.

Most of the time, people in the old house complain about each other. The main combat power is the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law war between Li and Gao.

Originally, Li thought Tian Dahe had come back, and now he had another way out, so he dared to turn against Tian Dahe and Gao. After Tian Dahe was so noisy by her, he died suddenly that night. This made Li feel a little guilty and worried that Gao would wear his own shoes.

"Mom, I didn't say you, but now it's different from before. Now the second is dead, and the third probably doesn't know whether he will come back alive. Now you have to see the current situation, that is, you and my father have only our family to rely on. If you two don't make trouble for us, I won't deliberately embarrass you." Gao said.

"You, you dare to talk to me like that. It's against you." Li was so angry that he could only say such a sentence.

Tian Dajiang sat on the Kang and said to old man Tian: "Dad, don't blame your son for being unfilial. Now your two elders are eating and drinking from us. How does your mother do things? If I didn't go fast that day, she might not be able to tell the county magistrate what to say about me. She made it clear that she didn't intend to kill me if she had a second son. What she said was that she wanted to kill me!"

"Yes, ma'am, this is deliberately damaging our Dajiang's reputation. Dad, you can't always be so used to ma'am. Now everyone knows that my second son was killed by my mother. Hehe, even if you go out and say bad things about us in the future, everyone won't believe it." Gao said.

Li Shi was so angry that his face turned white and his lips trembled. Mr. Tian bent his back and completely fell into meditation. He regretted that he shouldn't have married such a black sheep's wife, and regretted that he didn't teach his sons well.

He was so filial, but he was sent to serve as a soldier by himself. This time, he managed to escape from death and ran back. As a result, he was angry to death by his old woman who couldn't carry it clearly~

Old man Tian fell on the Kang, his eyes turned white, and a muddy tear came out from the corner of his eyes.

After Tian Dajiang left, Gao also went out. She was commanding Tian Guihua to work for herself. She looked like a housewife.

"I said Hua Hua, is this your washing bowl? There are still wild vegetable leaves stuck on it. Tut Tut, and this dress. How did you wash Shiro's clothes so wrinkled? I'm going to send Shiro to study next year. This dress can't be washed like this."

Tian Guihua is used to being bullied by Gao. Now she is like a woman and has grown up a lot. Her fingers are soaked in the water all day. Now those ten fingers are red and swollen like turnips. However, even so, she still needs to continue to work.

Once again, Tian Guihua couldn't help crying silently when she thought of what delicious food she could eat and what good things she could choose first.

Gao twisted her big ass and went out to hang out, while Tian Dajiang asked several card friends to play cards together. Tian Guihua dared to sneak into the room and find Li. The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly, as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"Mom, I want to go to brother's grave to worship." Tian Guihua sobbed.

Li Shi rubbed her sour wrist and said again, "OK, my mother is going to burn some paper money on your second brother's grave."

When he heard what Li and Tian Guihua said, he immediately turned over and sat up.

"Old lady, find me a black dress. While the eldest couple are not at home, let's go to the second's grave to worship." old man Tian said.

"But they are still there..." Tian Guihua reminded timidly.

"Dalang's child is fine. He and his daughter-in-law are not troubled. Let's take a hoe and say we're going out to work in the field. Silang and they won't say anything," said old man Tian.

I didn't expect to be trembling when I want to go out of my house.

As soon as Mr. Tian went out, he met Dalang and Chen. They were carrying a basket with a lot of yellow paper and candles.

"Lord and milk, we are going to visit the second uncle's grave. We didn't dare to say that our parents were there before." said the big man.

"Well, since we're going, let's go with you," old man Tian said with a smile.

The eldest couple led Mr. Tian, Li and Tian Guihua up the mountain together.

Dalang inquired about the location of Tian Dahe's grave with the people in the village. He felt that although it was far away, it was good to be far away. At least he would not be disturbed.

After crossing the two mountains, Li's legs were a little soft. Fortunately, the Dalang couple supported her, or she would have to stop eating directly.

"Hey, the second son was very good when he was alive. He tossed about when he died. He was buried so far. Doesn't it kill me?"

When they finally found a place, Dalang and his wife began to burn paper. They also said that it was inconvenient for them to come here and let Tian Dahe not blame them.

"Big brother, leave some paper money and let you burn two milk later." old man Tian frowned and said.

When the eldest brother and his wife finished burning, old man Tian said to them, "you can walk around the river and maybe you can find fish. Your milk and I are going to talk to your second uncle alone. You two young people should avoid it."

Erlang took Chen and walked towards the river. After they exchanged glances, Chen said, "I feel that ye Nai may be suing in front of the second uncle's grave. Alas, my parents are true. How can I treat Ye Nai like this?"

"Alas, I can't help it. Yenai was very kind to fourth uncle before. Now fourth uncle and third uncle are gone. Finally, a second uncle came back. Originally, my parents were afraid of the second uncle coming back, so I didn't dare to go too far with yenai. Now, I know that the second uncle is gone, so my parents have no scruples. Now he is the only thing yenai can count on It's really wrong to be a child. "Dalang sighed.

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