Tian Yuqiao had not figured out how to mine the coal in the mountains. Now, just by Li's hand and the wind, she directly pushed the matter on the dead man. The villagers were all terrified. They were all eager to help dig "ashes".

On the other side of the Tian family's old house, Li is uncomfortable lying at home and sitting. I always feel that someone scolds me behind my back, as if I have a pleasant ear.

Gao came in with his mouth tilted and said, "it's time for you to be cheap. If you have nothing to do, run to the mountain to light a fire and burn paper. Now it's good. The grave is on fire, and everyone depends on you. Hum, there's no place to spend money. If you have money to buy burning paper for the dead, you might as well buy two more pork. Is the pork stewed delicious or what?"

"Sister-in-law, my mother is very sad now. Don't talk about my mother." Tian Guihua frowned and said.

"Oh, you don't talk. I haven't noticed you yet. Have you finished your work? Have you finished washing the dishes, cleaned up the vegetable fields in the backyard, and cut the pig grass? Also, have you washed the clothes your elder brother changed yesterday?"

In the face of Gao's series of inquiries, Tian Guihua can only silently lower her head and leave and continue to do the work that can never be finished.

When Tian Yuqiao got home, he closed the door tightly. Tian Yuqiao refused to take anything from the villagers and saw no one.

She asked Xiaoyu to tell everyone that Wang was in a deep mood and needed to rest for a few days. As soon as there is news, we will inform the big guys as soon as possible, so that we don't have to worry.

"Oh, hey, can we not be in a hurry? If we don't do this well, we can't live in peace all day."

"Yes, Xiaoyu girl, please go in and make an accommodation. Let Joel and them make a decision quickly. The sooner the better."

Wang sat on the Kang sighing, while Tian Yuqiao was smiling.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? What's buried there is not a father, but a condemned prisoner for the most heinous crimes." Tian Yuqiao asked.

Wang said, "Joel, are we fooling everyone by doing this? The villagers are so obsessed one by one. You let them dig up ashes. Where are ashes?"

The little guy shook his head and said, "Mom, don't you know this? There is a kind of black stone called coal in the mountain. Coal is a good thing that can burn for a long time. For example, in winter, do we need to burn a lot of firewood? But once we burn coal, we can burn it for a long time without putting a few pieces."

"Wulang, how do you know this?" Wang asked in surprise.

"My sister told me. When we went to build a house for sister Rong, we found something on the edge of the water bubble. My sister said it was coal." the little guy said solemnly.

Wang looked at Tian Yuqiao, who smiled, nodded and said: "Mom, I won't hide it from you. I heard brother Hao'er say that this time, the great prince thought there was iron ore in our mountain, so he kept it secret and secretly mined it behind the emperor's back. The twelve princes came here because they investigated the great prince's private mining. As a result, they died on the mountain."

"Then what?" Wang asked with some worry.

"Then it's all right. There's no iron there, and the eldest prince doesn't know coal. So I found an opportunity to ask brother Hao'er to find a way to come to the mountain from the eldest prince. Let's ask the villagers to help dig out the things this time, and then you do as I say. Then we can sell the coal to the imperial city and even the imperial city."

As soon as the little guy's eyes lit up, he immediately pasted his small body on Tian Yuqiao and said, "sister, can the coal sell a lot of money at that time? After all, you said, there are a lot of coal in the cave."

"Well, if my estimation is good, our family can take this opportunity to make a lot of money. However, this matter must be kept secret, so I say it is my father's ashes. In this way, even if it is publicized, no one will say anything." Tian Yuqiao said.

"Joe, why is my mother getting more and more confused? What are your ideas? My mother doesn't understand at all."

The little guy smiled and said, "Mom, you don't have to figure it out. Just wait to count the money at home. Hey, my sister also has land in Sishui county. Then you and your father can live a good life with clothes and food."

As soon as Wang heard that the little guy mentioned Tian Dahe, she immediately felt warm in her heart. She said, "don't be so lazy. Even if you have money at home, you have to study for you. Just look at your fourth uncle. There are many places where you need money to study in the future. I can't be idle."

"Ha ha Niang, you don't know my sister's ability to entrap people! Then she may sell the coal at what price." the little guy said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao frowned. At this time, she didn't know whether anyone had discovered coal in this era. So what she wanted was a preemptive attack, but it's best to discuss with Fang Wenhao.

"Well ~ I preliminarily estimate that a kilogram of coal has to be sold at the price of pure rice. After all, it's dad's ashes. We've all let it out. If it's too low, I'm afraid people will say I'm not filial." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

As soon as Wang heard this, he was stunned and couldn't help shouting, "what? That little black stone. You want to sell the price of refined rice? Joel, don't you have a fever?"

"Niang, when I asked brother tiger to pick up some coal years ago, we can burn it tonight, and then you will know." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao shovel the stove and put a shovel of coal in it that night. Wang kept staring at the black stone that could sell pure rice. Soon she found that the black stone could burn all the time.

"Joel, you just let it go a little. Is that really OK? Don't cook your mother's rice." Wang was worried.

"Mom, don't worry. These are enough. Maybe you can cook another pot of boiling water at that time. Just wait."

During this period, Tian Yuqiao did not add firewood to the stove pit, and the big pot of rice was cooked as expected. Wang looked surprised and poked the pot of rice with chopsticks. She was surprised to find that the rice was really cooked.

Then there was a red flame in the stove. She brought another big iron pot full of water and planned to try whether it could boil the water. The result was very unexpected. After the pot of water boiled, the black stone in the stove turned gray, and there were many red sparks in it.

The little guy smiled and threw a sweet potato into the stove and said, "Mom, I said, it's enough to bake some sweet potatoes."

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