Over there in Sishui County, Tian Dahe has been busy with things over there. All the 800 Mu paddy fields are planted with rice. Naturally, he doesn't have to take care of it. In addition, Tian Yuqiao took advantage of the opportunity of "doing things" to constantly inject virtual lotus pond water into the fields, so now those rice that had been ill once grow much healthier than those elsewhere.

Most of the dry fields are planted with soybeans, corn and sorghum rice. As a result of the "Curse" before, some dry fields are still empty, and the tenants have not decided what to plant.

Anyway, this year's sowing season has been delayed, so they planted some green onions in the field.

Tian Dahe was patrolling around the dry land that day. As a result, he saw an old farmer arguing with another strange looking man.

"I say you, why can't you understand when talking to you? I want to plant pumpkin. You're not pumpkin seeds at all. Pumpkin seeds are white. You're all black. They're like watermelon seeds, but they're not so big. Do you think I'm a fool?"

"No ~ I didn't say that. You don't understand what I mean."

Many spectators gathered around. After all, the guy with a big nose full of yellow hair looked like a monster. It was the first time they had seen blue eyed people, so they all threw them over to join the fun.

Tian Dahe had never seen such a strange person, so he went to inquire with Chen Jiabao.

"Oh, it's the housekeeper and steward Chen. It's all the blame of this yellow haired freak. Originally, we planned to plant some vegetable melons in the dry land this year. Before that, I bought the wrong seeds and didn't know what they were. Originally, I planned to buy some pumpkin seeds, but he actually used them to deceive people."

When the old farmer finished, he handed a small bag of black seeds to Tian Dahe. Chen Jiabao leaned over and frowned: "it looks like a watermelon seed, but it's bigger than an ordinary watermelon seed."

Tian Dahe likes these strange things now because Chen Jiabao told him about Tian Yuqiao. In short, in Tian Dahe's subjective consciousness, as long as it is strange, his daughter will definitely like it.

"I'll take all the seeds you have," Tian Dahe said with a smile.

"Housekeeper, if you want it, don't let us plant it."

"Yes, it's hard to say whether this thing can be planted. If it fails, what can our family eat?"

"Steward Chen, you'd better help persuade me. We've never seen this thing before. If something strange grows after planting. It's like this guy with blue eyes, high nose and yellow hair, what can we do?"

Chen Jiabao also had some helplessness, so he asked in a low voice, "housekeeper, do you think twice about this?"

"No, it's my gift to Joel. She must like this kind of thing. Besides, just plant it according to what I say. As for whether it looks good or bad at that time, you can take care of it with your heart. I'll compensate you for any strange things you receive at that time. In short, it won't make you hungry. Please rest assured 。”

"Well ~ since the housekeeper said so, we'll follow your instructions. But the contract must be changed. Don't worry about us asking for food at that time. We can't take it out again."

"Jiabao, if you change the contract for them, do as I say. But I can say the ugly words ahead. If anyone doesn't pay attention, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing others." Tian Dahe said with a straight face.

The yellow hair over there was originally a businessman from abroad. Unexpectedly, he met a pirate on the way. As a result, he robbed all the valuable antiques he brought. Now there are only so few seeds left. They are still intact and have not been soaked in water.

But the seeds he brought here have never been seen in this place. Everyone has a family to support, so no one dares to try something they haven't seen. After all, this affects a whole year's hard work and harvest. If it's not done well, we have to pay the owner, and if we don't do well, we will starve to death.

This era is so cruel, low productivity, poor seed quality and low grain yield. So no one dares to try new things unless they have to.

However, Tian Dahe doesn't care so much. Now he knows how many people there are at home. As long as there is no problem with the rice there, even if there is no harvest, these dry lands won't make everyone hungry.

After all, he is a man who has suffered. He knows how important grain is to the farmer's family. As long as we ensure that the rice there can have a normal yield, these tenants here will not starve. Even if they can't pay the rent, they can't watch them starve.

When the foreign businessman saw that Tian Dahe was willing to accept his seeds, he jumped up with joy. He directly took Tian Dahe and Chen Jiabao to the place where he now lives, and then handed over all the seeds of the two carts to Tian Dahe.

After some bargaining, Tian Dahe finally spent 200 liang of silver to buy all the seeds brought by the foreign merchant.

These seeds are enough to cover the 500 mu dry land, most of which are species he has never seen. There are some seeds that seem to be fruit trees, because outside each bag of seeds, there is a cloth picture on which the seed looks like when it grows up.

Tian Dahe took people, took out a few seeds of each kind, and then wrapped them in paper.

"Jiabao, go back first and show these seeds to Joel and them. If you can, some seeds can be planted on the mountain over there."

"OK, housekeeper, I'll clean up and get ready to go back. It seems that there are hundreds of seeds. If they are all planted in the dry field, it's estimated that there are still many left. It's good to plant some on the mountain over there. It depends on what madam and miss say."

After Chen Jiabao left, Tian Dahe was not idle. He made a field in the village where he lived and planted three or five seeds.

He collected the seeds of things that looked like flowers in a separate room, and planned to find a gardener to study them at that time.

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