In ancient times, a campus bullying event was staged, and this time the protagonist was Tian Yutang. The little guy didn't expect that his sweet pastry was bad as soon as master left the Academy.

They were surrounded in the dining hall by several teenagers who were older than themselves. The little guy was not afraid of their large number, but the other party actually released a small green snake.

Originally, the little guy was not afraid of snakes, but when the little green snake approached him, he suddenly found that the snake's eyes were empty and looked very scary. Even Zhou Xiaoqing's appearance changed, and his eyes became like two black holes.

The little guy was completely frightened by the strangeness in front of him, and he was at a loss for a moment.

And when the little snake had arched up and was about to bounce over. Suddenly there was a strong wind outside, which blew up the gravel in the yard and dazzled everyone.

At that moment, Zhou Xiaoqing's eyes recovered Qingming again. So did the little green snake, which became much more normal. The little guy took a closer look. The tattoo on Zhou Xiaoqing's wrist disappeared again.

He rubbed his eyes hard and thought he was dazzled just now. When he looked down at the little green snake again, he found that the little snake had disappeared. Instead, a small black snake with a broken tail was looking at itself with its head held high.

The little guy winked at the broken tail, meaning to let it hide first. When Xiao Duanwei didn't know where to go along the gap in the corner, Xiao Qing spit out a mouthful of green juice.

"Xiaoqing, what's the matter with you?" boss Xue noticed something wrong for the first time.

"Oh, it stinks. Did you eat shit at noon?"

The other people next to him immediately left Zhou Xiaoqing, and at this time he was still ticking the green juice down the corner of his mouth.

"My little green snake was killed by him, and I was bitten back." Zhou Xiaoqing said viciously.

The little guy sat down on the ground. In an instant, the playwright was in general and began to cry.

Mr. Tian didn't find Tian Yutang in class, so he immediately asked everyone to find it. Some children who knew the inside story secretly told their husband that the little guy was in the canteen.

When the gentleman brought people over, he saw the scene in front of him. The little guy sat on the ground and cried bitterly. Opposite him stood Xue Kui, the bully in the Academy.

He is an official in the imperial city by virtue of his grandfather, so he is domineering here. If Mr. Liang hadn't owed his grandfather a favor, he wouldn't have been allowed to come in.

Master Liang had already seen Xue Kui's nature. Although the child was smart, he was also the material for studying. But he has a bad character and a dandy temperament in his bones.

After the teacher who had always protected Xue Kui came over, he hummed to Xue Kui Leng: "hum, you boy, why are you still here if you don't hurry back to class?"

"Yes, master." Xue Kui hurried away with a group of people and left Zhou Xiaoqing in place.

"Sir, they let the snake bite me, woo ~" the little guy cried his eyes red.

"Come on, man, dry your tears quickly and don't let your classmates laugh at you. You'd better not make a public announcement about today's affairs, otherwise it will affect the reputation of the Academy, you know?"

The little guy's eyes turned and his heart said that Mr. Xue Kui was shielding him. But this revenge is over. I'll deal with you when I have a chance.

Apart from getting a little dirty on his body, the little guy is no big deal. As for being scared to cry, he was just acting. After going back to class as usual, on the way home, he specially asked Xiaowu not to go back and tell anyone.

Tian Dahe didn't pay attention to his son's problem, while Wang found that the little guy's body was dirty. So he hurriedly called him to take a bath in the bathroom and asked him if he had a fight with someone today.

"Mom, I just fell accidentally. It's all right, really. What can I do with Xiaowu protecting me?" the little guy was still quibbling.

"Don't think that if your sister isn't at home, my mother can't clean you up. Tell her honestly, or I won't let you go to school in the future. My good son, he's only been in College for a few days and has learned to lie." Wang said with a straight face.

The little guy was really angry when he saw his mother. Only then did he briefly say what happened in the college. However, he didn't say that his classmates frightened him with small snakes. He just said that there was a quarrel between the two sides and he was pushed by others.

Wang's face was distressed. He returned all the clothes on the little guy and checked them several times. Until the little guy's face was red to his neck, Wang threw him into the bath bucket and let him take a bath by himself.

"Mom, people are all men. Men and women don't give and receive. Can you stop changing my clothes in the future?" the little guy only showed a cerebellar bag melon and looked at Wang wrongly.

"Oh, you boy, you are shy with your mother. Why didn't you grow up with my milk? Smelly boy, wash it quickly and come out for dinner."

"Oh, I see."

After Wang left, the little guy whistled and called the little broken tail over. One person and one dragon had a lot of fun in the barrel. The little guy seemed to take the broken tail as a bath towel.

This is also one willing to fight and one willing to suffer. Little Duanwei likes to play with little guys, especially taking a bath in the water.

"Yutang, how terrible ~"

"What's the matter? You won a complete victory today. Are you still afraid that other people's pets have been eaten by you?"

Xiao Duanwei put his head up on the little guy's arm and said to him, "I feel the smell of bad guys. That little green snake should be cultivated by the bad guys in poison King Valley. They want to use a snake to replace our dragon family to refine medicine. The snake I ate is the puppet of poison King Valley."

"Will they find out your identity? What can I do?" the little guy was also a little anxious.

"I don't know. The bad boy who bites you, he should be the pupil and eyeliner of poison valley. The tattoo on his wrist is the totem of poison valley. He should have been poisoned by poison valley."

"No, my sister is not at home now. I dare not tell my parents about this. Little broken tail, don't go out in the future. You'd better find a place to hide." the little guy said in a voice of command.

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