In the conference hall, Tian Yuqiao was too lazy to participate in the disputes of any party. The reason why she wanted to suppress the elders was that she didn't like them.

The wrinkles on the faces of the elders involved shook a few times when the owner said an honor and the rights enjoyed by the elders.

The Murong family leader and the elders were flushed. The final result was that both sides took a step back. Tian Yuqiao doesn't drive the three teenagers away, and the three of them will kowtow to Tian Yuqiao and apologize. The author's Wen Wen was banned for three months, and another busy girl was fined for one month without pocket money.

The Presbyterian group must be respectful to Tian Yuqiao and must not make trouble for her. Only by doing this can Tian Yuqiao help their younger generation detoxify. Otherwise, nothing will be discussed. Just let them wait there for ten days and a half months.

Tian Yuqiao had already discussed with Caicai in his heart. Later, he let Caicai attach himself to a watchdog, and then excreted the antidote through the dog's small hip.

At the thought of this, she felt a dark joy in her heart. However, Tian Yuqiao is also conditional. Looking at the materials of the clothes on those old guys, she knows that they are worth a lot of money. She won't miss such a good opportunity to scrape the land.

"Ladies and gentlemen, since you also recognize my status as an honorary elder, and these three are your younger generation. But this poison has just been strengthened by me, and no one has really tried it. I don't know much about toxicity, so maybe they will leave some sequelae or the like." Tian Yuqiao frowned and said.

"What can I do? You have to hurry to detoxify." the three elders were worried, and the other two elders were also dissatisfied.

"Hey, this antidote is an exclusive secret recipe, but it needs gold as the medicine guide."

"Oh, don't talk nonsense. How much gold do you want? Let's make a price."

Tian Yuqiao waited for this sentence, so he raised a finger.

The Third Elder threw his mouth and said, "one or two gold is enough for medicine. Forget it, I'll give you ten Liang. Keep the honor. Elder, buy flowers and wear them. Don't change them."

Tian Yuqiao's vertical finger swung left and right, and Xiaoyu came forward and said, "our Miss doesn't mean one or two, it's a thousand Liang!"

"What, a thousand liang? Why don't you grab it?"

"Yes, it's just a rip off. You've already taken 20% of the shares. What else do you want?"

Murong's master said in a deep voice, "everyone, if you can find a way to detoxify yourself, you don't have to take this gold. The more difficult it is to detoxify, the more strange the medicine you need to use."

"Hey, I'll make amends to the honorary elder. I'm willing to pay this gold."

"Well, since you are willing to go out, you can go out."

"What are you two old men saying? It's obviously the trouble caused by three people. Why should my family pay? One thousand liang of gold, let's share it among the three. I'll be generous and give one or two more gold, and you can share the rest yourself." the Third Elder said angrily.

Tian Yuqiao didn't care how they divided it. In short, later, she got a thousand liang of gold.

"Woof woof ~"

A bald tailed dog was led over. It seemed afraid, but it couldn't get rid of the rope tied around its neck.

Wealth is a spiritual body. It is easy for it to attach itself to animals. But this is the first time it has done so, and it stinks in public~

If it is allowed to appear in its own form, it must be unwilling. Fortunately, the dog came to carry the pot for himself. He swallowed the poison and brewed it slowly.

"What did you give ah Huang just now?" Murong Bo asked curiously.

Tian Yuqiao shook his head and said, "don't reveal the secret of heaven. What it pulls out later is the antidote. Follow the good play, but don't laugh later."

After a quarter, the bald tailed dog pulled out a stink in public. After learning that those were the antidotes, the faces of several elders turned into donkey faces.

The three teenagers lying on one side of the soft couch, although their bodies can't move, their consciousness is still awake. When they knew to let them eat the stink of the bald tailed dog, they cried one by one.

Arms and legs can't move, only silent tears flow first!

"Wow, this thing stinks so bad. Are you sure you're not taking revenge for public and private affairs and deliberately fooling us?" the three elders frowned and asked someone to take the oil paper bag.

Looking at the black and green things inside, he immediately had a bout of nausea. Directly asked his little medicine boy to take the things away, and then regardless of whether the three teenagers were happy or not, they shared them equally and forcibly fed them

The three elders chose the biggest lump for his grandson because they had just given one or two more gold.

After a cup of tea, the three were still unable to move and still lay there.

"Honor elder, aren't you lying? Why can't they move?" the three elders asked fiercely.

Tian Yuqiao patted his forehead and said, "Oh, no, my exclusive secret recipe actually needs carrier fasting. Oh, yes, that means that the dog just ate my medicine introduction. It should be able to discharge the antidote. After all, he ate other things in his stomach before, so those you took just now should be the most common dog shit!"

"You ~"

Several old men who ate real shit for their younger generation were so angry that their beards were about to explode.

The three teenagers lying on the soft couch burst into tears and greeted Tian Yuqiao's ancestors for 18 generations.

There, the medicine boy quickly asked the three people to fill them with a drug that can induce vomiting. The three people were already paralyzed. This time they vomited, and they looked even weaker.

After waiting for a while, Tian Yuqiao inspected the goods himself this time. After checking, she nodded and said, "this is the real antidote. It's golden in color and fragrant in taste."

The muscles on murongbo's face were twitching. Fortunately, he didn't offend this little aunt and grandmother. Who's to blame for these three unlucky people.

After eating the antidote this time, they were able to move quickly. However, this is not over. According to the regulations, the three of them have to kowtow to Tian Yuqiao and apologize, and then go to the owner to receive the punishment.

Biting their teeth, they forced Tian Yuqiao to kowtow three heads. Then they were called over by the owner, and one person rewarded them with ten canes. The scream was even stronger when I just took the antidote. The cane whip was soaked in tung oil, and it was a blood mark on my body.

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