When she came to Huai'an County, Wang Xiuer wanted to go back to the mountain village for a few days, so she followed Wang and them on the road. The four guardians who had accompanied Wang and them also returned to Sishui County as agreed at the beginning.

Not long after they went out, the gold "squeaked" twice. Tian Yuqiao quickly asked Wang Dafa to stop the carriage. Sure enough, he saw a black spot swooping down from a distance.

It's Demi! Tian Yuqiao didn't expect to be so short of one and a half days. Why did Fang Wenhao ask Daimei to send a message to him again? There was an ominous premonition at the beginning of my heart.

Tian Yuqiao quickly untied the bamboo tube on Dai Mei's feet and took out the letter inside.

It didn't look like Fang Wenhao's handwriting. After reading it for a while, Tian Yuqiao suddenly changed his look.

"Qiao'er, what's the matter?" both Wang Shi and Wang Xiuer asked anxiously.

"Mom, it's a letter from the son in the mountain village. Sister Rong Rong gave birth prematurely! Although the son's stable mother over there has been prepared at home for a long time, the situation has changed. Sister Rong is actually pregnant with twins ~ so it's difficult to give birth." Tian Yuqiao said the contents of the letter briefly.

Wang Shi and Wang Xiuer were in a hurry. Wang Shi hurriedly urged Wang Dafa: "come on, let's go back quickly. We can't wait any longer."

Tian Yuqiao shouted, "wait a minute, there are just some divine talismans that my master gave me before. I'll stick them on the horse. I hope they can work."

Wang has long heard of Chen Jiabao's divine talisman, but she hasn't had time to see it.

Tian Yuqiao took out four divine talismans with some flesh pain. He said in his heart that if only the horse had two legs. In that case, you can save two runes. It's also hard for her to come. Huang Banxian is stingy.

After pasting the divine talisman, Tian Yuqiao jumped into the carriage. He told Wang Shi and Wang Xiuer, "Mom, aunt, you two sit down. We're going to start."

Wang Dafa over there didn't know the power of the divine talisman pasted by Tian Yuqiao. As soon as he raised the whip in his hand, he slapped it on the horse.

As a result, the horse spread its hooves, hissed, and then ran away on the official road.

Tian Yuqiao used to take the mountain path before. This time, he is definitely riding a horse in the street! Fortunately, Wang Dafa's ability to catch the car was relatively high, so there was no human life.

But even so, the streets were made chaotic and miasma.

Sparks and lightning all the way, and the wheels hung up. The carriage ran out of the speed of the car, and the abuse at the back soon disappeared. Then there was a new round of accusations and angry curses, and Tian Yuqiao couldn't care so much.

"Oh, hey, Joe, my mother's stomach is tumbling and wants to vomit ~" Wang covered his mouth and frowned with a very uncomfortable expression.

"The speed of the carriage was too fast, which scared me to death." Wang Xiuer turned pale and hugged a big burden with clothes, so she didn't let her body collide with the carriage wall.

"Mom, aunt, you have to bear it first. It's important for us to go back and help."

According to Tian Yuqiao's estimation, we should arrive in less than half an hour. It would take about a quarter of an hour to ride a horse instead of a carriage.

Wang Shi and Wang Xiuer felt such a fast carriage for the first time. It would be a ghost if they didn't get carsick.

All the way to the mountain village, Wang Dafa dared not drive the crazy carriage into the village. After all, the road in the village is so wide. How nice if you hit someone!

"Ladies, this carriage can't enter the village. I have to tear off this amulet, or you yourself..."

Before Wang Dafa finished his words, Wang and his wife got out of the carriage and began to vomit while holding the big tree at the entrance of the village.

Rao Shitian Yuqiao took a long-distance bus in her previous life, but after all, she can't adapt to her small body now. At this time, she and Xiaoyu also ran to the side of the road and bent over one by one and began to vomit.

At this time, Wang Dafa had torn off the runes on the horse's legs, folded them all and put them in his arms. This is a good thing. If there is something urgent in the future, it won't be long before you use this.

Tian Yuqiao waved his hand to Wang Dafa and said, "go back first. Let's slow down here for a while, and then walk back by ourselves."

Wang Dafa drove the carriage and led him to the village.

The village head's house is not far from the village entrance, and there are many people sitting under the tree and gossiping. Now seeing Wang and their return, and it seemed very uncomfortable, the village head invited the three into his house.

"Come on, it's really hard for you to get back all the way. Drink some sugar water and go back later."

"Thank you, village head. By the way, where's my aunt?" Wang asked suspiciously.

"Oh, your aunt was invited by your mother to help Zhu Rongrong. Hey, Rong Rong looks like a tough girl at ordinary times. I didn't expect to wander around the gate of hell when giving birth. I don't know what's going on at the moment. You're just in time to catch up."

After drinking a large bowl of sugar water, Tian Yuqiao felt less uncomfortable in his stomach. He thanked the village head and trotted all the way to the end of the village.

After entering Zhu Rongrong's yard, the yard outside was nothing special except the grunts of pigs. After entering the inner house, it will be two different worlds from the outer head.

Zhu Rongrong's scream was like a lion roaring skill. Tian Yuqiao's heart was relieved. The heart said that listening to this movement should not be without strength, which is much easier to do.

Wang Xiuer didn't understand this, so she had to help. Wang rushed into the delivery room and began to help. Tian Yuqiao wanted to go in, but there were two matchmakers in the house, Fang and Zhao. At this moment, plus a Wang family, it is already full.

And widow Chen went back and forth in and out of the house, constantly bringing hot water in.

Tian Yuqiao grabbed widow Chen's hand and said, "aunt, I have a reference film here. Take it in and hold it for sister Rong first."

"Oh, hey, Joe, she's eaten most of the ginseng. Otherwise, can she make such a big noise! In fact, it's secondary. Now there are two children in her stomach. They all rush to come out first and get stuck there ~"

Tian Yuqiao is a little helpless. At this time, people can't give up one and leave another.

The big head of the other room was so anxious that his head became bigger for several times. Fang Wenhao didn't stop him. He had already rushed into the delivery room.

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