Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao didn't sleep at night and ran to the mountain to steal watermelon. As a result, after tossing about all night, the next day until the sun rose, they came out of their house.

After brushing his teeth with special soft pig hair teeth and washing, Tian Yuqiao found that Wang had gone out.

"Miss, this is the food that my wife asked me to warm for you. You and young master Hao'er should eat it while it's hot." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

Without saying a word, their stomachs had already growled. He ate all the porridge and steamed stuffed buns in front of him, and then Tian Yuqiao said, "Xiaoyu, where's the watermelon last night?"

"Oh, that's right. Madam took all the watermelons to the other side. She said that when you and young master Hao'er woke up, they would let you go there and eat together."

Fang Wenhao put down his chopsticks and looked at the sky with satisfaction.

"The weather is really nice today. Let's go and eat watermelon. If only this watermelon could be brought to the northwest. It's lucky that the soldiers can drink clean water when they are thirsty on weekdays." Fang Wenhao said with a bitter smile.

Tian Yuqiao looked at him eagerly and said, "no, I've invested a lot of money before. Is it difficult that Chengdu has been pocketed by you leaders?"

"No, absolutely not! The expansion of our army needs money, clothing, food, housing and transportation, which is a lot of expenses. Especially we have to avoid the double pursuit of the great prince and the Hu people at the same time. Alas, how miserable ~"

After thinking about it, Tian Yuqiao said, "why don't you do this? Anyway, I don't have anything to do now. I'll add some more silver and pay you for the army."

Fang Wenhao frowned and said, "no, no, I haven't returned the silver I took from you before. You have to leave some silver in your hand as money to cross the river. If there's something wrong at home..."

Before he finished, Tian Yuqiao took a stack of silver tickets out of his arms.

His predecessor was the prince. Fang Wenhao naturally knew something about silver notes. At first glance, I couldn't help but stare. Those were twelve thousand silver notes. And the thickness must be more than a million by visual inspection.

Suddenly there was a gust of wind, which scared Fang Wenhao to press his hand on the stack of silver notes. He said nervously, "Joel, where did you get this silver? Why don't you take me to pick it up!"

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes and said, "didn't I tell you before that I went to Yaowang valley. As a result, I gave them one or two directions, and then in return, the other side gave me some silver. And the other side of the Imperial City saved the childe of a rich family on the way..."

"Wait, if the money is the bride price given to you by that damn bastard, you can't take it." Fang Wenhao's face turned white.

Tian Yuqiao stared at him helplessly and said, "Hey, what about integrity? Although I'm young, I won't accept the benefits given by men so casually. As a life-saving grace, people gave me some small gifts. It's just money. In the eyes of rich people, it's just a pile of numbers."

Rao is Fang Wenhao used to seeing rich people, but no rich man can ignore one hundred liang of silver. I don't know whether the little girl really doesn't understand the importance of silver or deliberately shows off in front of herself.

Even his father and Emperor tried his best to ask ministers to donate money for military expenditure.

"OK, take these first. I still have them in my hand. Hey, I don't know if I owe you. I saved your life and helped you build an army. Tut tut Tut, you can't bite the hand that feeds you. Don't forget to share half of my land when you develop in the future." Tian Yuqiao joked.

Although Fang Wenhao felt ashamed of taking women's money, he didn't regard Tian Yuqiao as an outsider at all. Finally, Fang Wenhao accepted the silver for the reason that he temporarily misappropriated his future daughter-in-law.

"Hey, you just took it away? Don't say a word of thanks?" Tian Yuqiao looked at him mischievously and said.

"Hey, we are all our own people. My life is yours. What can I do if I thank you? Besides, I said it's a big deal. What can I do if I promise each other by example?" Fang Wenhao said with a ruffian smile.

Xiaoyu went into the hall and cleaned desperately! No, she can't eavesdrop on the conversation between the two masters, especially men, women and personal promises

"Xiaoyu, let's go and go to sister Rong's house." Tian Yuqiao shouted to the house with a smile.

"Oh, come, miss." Xiaoyu ran out with a red face.

Seeing Xiaoyu's appearance of doing bad things, the two who had done bad things didn't feel ashamed at all. On the contrary, Xiaoyu's face was very red.

After several people came to Zhu Rongrong's house, the one who came to open the door for them was just big head.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you. I wanted to steal a piece of watermelon, but I won't let me eat it." big head felt the sweat on his forehead in embarrassment.

He has been practicing at home all morning. He is thirsty. It was not easy to see Wang coming with two big watermelons. He was just about to eat when Zhu Rongrong stopped him. What to say must wait for Tian Yuqiao and Fang Wenhao to come. The big head is waiting.

After entering the inner house together, Zhu Rongrong let people bring up the watermelon that had been shaking with ice for a long time. While she coaxed the children, she ate watermelons at room temperature.

"Hey, I really want to eat your cold, but my aunts won't let me." Zhu Rongrong flattened his mouth and bit the watermelon bitterly. Suddenly, he felt the sweetness of the watermelon along his tongue and moistened his internal organs all at once.

His eyes lit up and frequently sent watermelons to his mouth.

"Hmm, this watermelon is really delicious. The most commonly sold watermelon is less than ten jin. Moreover, the pulp inside is soft, not sweet and not watery. Unexpectedly, the melon planted by big tiger is so juicy ~"

Big head had long coveted the watermelon. He saw his hands carrying the watermelon skin, and then his mouth from left to right. Just listen to the sound of "sucking and sliding", the watermelon that can weigh a kilogram was eaten by him, and even the seeds were swallowed together. And even the melon skin is only a thin piece~

"Big head, pay attention to your own image. Now we are going home to visit relatives, but we can't make complaints about the rules in the army." Fang Wenhao Tucao.

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