Honda Yuqiao was going to find Zeng Changsheng to chat with the two people, but he found that the two guys were very interested in Xiaobai. After rolling his eyes, Tian Yuqiao went to help Wang make arrangements for the dishes.

"Xiaoyu, you can accompany the two young masters. If they are thirsty, you can cut them some watermelon to eat. If they are hungry, let them eat some snacks and pad them first." Tian Yuqiao ordered.

"But miss ~"

"Don't be. By the way, don't let Xiaobai hurt them. They are all distinguished guests. If we break a skin, we can't afford it."

Xiaoyu put on a bitter gourd face and looked at the two guys teasing Xiaobai.

Others don't know. Tian Yuqiao doesn't intend to hide Xiaoyu, so she knows what species Xiaobai is.

That's the king of beasts. Those two noble boys who don't know how to live and die actually tease it as a big cat. Do you want to remind yourself?

Fortunately, the senior official childe has seen that the little thing is a tiger. Xiaoyu is relieved.

There were also some snacks and preserved meat on the bus. Shangguan Qingfeng and Gongsun Yu took them out generously. Those who were originally used as dry food on their way here, but now they actually bribe Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, come here. I have meat here."

"Xiaobai, come to me. I'm a beef strip. It tastes super delicious."

Xiaoyu helps Xiaobai clean up the dirty tiger's head, while Xiaobai licks Xiaoyu's fingers twice to show his friendship. After that, he never gave Shangguan Qingfeng and gongsunyu any good looks. They were so envious that they wanted to be Xiaoyu.

"It's so handsome. This little tiger is so cute. Your lady doesn't know whether to sell the tiger?" Gongsun Yu asked Xiaoyu.

"Well ~ Xiaobai is a gift that young master Hao'er just gave to the young lady. The young lady will not sell it easily." Xiaoyu said with a flat mouth.

"Why is that boy again?" Gongsun Yu frowned angrily.

After Wang and Tian Yuqiao brought a large table of dishes, Tian Yuqiao came out and asked them to come in for dinner.

As a result, she saw that the two childe brothers were bribing Xiaobai with food, and Xiaobai was indifferent.

She naturally knew that Xiaobai would not be interested in ordinary meat after eating the things in the virtual environment. And now Xiaobai is just full. Naturally, he shows a very moral appearance.

Tian Yuqiao was very satisfied with Xiaobai's performance and threw a tendon out of the empty environment as a reward.

Xiaobai jumped over with a tiger swoop, opened his mouth and caught the ox hoof tendon at once. He chewed in his mouth and kept making advances to Chao Tian Yuqiao.

The two young masters with all kinds of delicious food in their hands were stunned at this time.

"What's the matter? We take out so many delicious things. This little thing is indifferent. It turns out that it likes to eat raw meat!" Gongsun Yu said in surprise.

"OK, you two wash your hands and face quickly and come in for dinner." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Several people are old acquaintances, so Tian Yuqiao is not so polite. This made Shangguan Qingfeng feel more fond of her. He said that the little girl was really unusual. When he saw the official, he was neither humble nor arrogant.

At dinner, Guan Qingfeng and Gong SunYu had just eaten a few mouthfuls. They immediately understood why Xiaobai didn't eat what he gave.

The taste of those dishes made by others is called one word "fragrant", two words "really fragrant", three words

Shangguan Qingfeng thought that if he could ask qiao'er's mother to go back to the house and cook meals for his mother. Then my mother is expected to get better soon. At least she will eat more than before.

However, he felt very embarrassed when he was not related to others and tossed others' Joel all the way to the imperial city. Now it would be even more outrageous to ask other people's mothers to serve their own mothers.

"Aunt, what's your name? The cake can still be eaten like this. It's really a long experience for us." Shangguan Qingfeng said, pointing to the pile of cakes as thin as cicada wings in front of him.

"Oh, it's called spring cake. It was invented by Joel." Wang said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao laughed and then said to them, "you didn't eat right before. You should brush a layer of sauce on it first, and then roll some shredded ham sausage made by our family. Then put some shredded green onions, and then put your favorite dishes. These are vegetarian dishes. I'll give you a taste."

Tian Yuqiao said in his hand and rolled a spring cake like a candle bag. He handed it to them. As a result, Shangguan Qingfeng and gongsunyu reached out to pick it up at the same time~

"Brother Gongsun, please go first." Shangguan Qingfeng gave in embarrassingly.

"No, no, no, it's not the first time I've had dinner at Joel's house. Here you are. You're a guest."

Tian Yuqiao helplessly turned his eyes in his heart and said that others were guests? Do you think you are the master of our family?

Watching Shangguan Qingfeng finish the spring cake rolled by Tian Yuqiao, Gongsun Yu quietly watched Tian Yuqiao roll another one.

When he thought Tian Yuqiao would give it to him, he found that the little girl picked it up directly and bit herself.

"Er ~ brother Gongsun, I have just demonstrated it to you. Just do it yourself like this." Tian Yuqiao stopped talking to them and ate spring cakes himself.

There were plates in front of both of them. They put the cakes on the plates in a pattern, and then began to roll them like Tian Yuqiao did before.

Although at the beginning, the stuffing of the spring cakes they rolled up was always exposed, and the dishes were scattered all over the plates. But when they rolled the third one, they were able to make it more perfect.

Wang's side cooked some fresh corn and soybeans from the "premature birth" in his greenhouse and put them in a basin.

"Wow, auntie, the corn in your house looks more delicious than those paid tribute to the emperor. If this seed can be given to our family, we Gongsun family will be more confident in competing for grain merchants this year." Gongsun Yu's eyes are shining.

Naturally, Wang did not understand why the grain merchants had to compete, but Tian Yuqiao said, "it's OK to give you some of these seeds, but it's not ready yet. The corn is not very mature. When autumn comes, there are old ones, and I'll reserve them for you in advance."

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