The delicious food linked Wuhou mansion and King Jing mansion together, and also made Tian Yuqiao's status rise gradually in the hearts of the two court leaders.

Seeing that the old lady is about to celebrate her birthday, Tian Yuqiao plans to make a birthday cake for her old man. However, there was no oven at this time, so she had to find a way in the virtual environment.

Living in his own yard, Tian Yuqiao didn't ask any servants to serve him. Then she went directly into the virtual environment and began to "pinch" the most primitive oven with the soil in the virtual environment.

In fact, it is a soil stove with several layers, and then put the cake embryo in the middle. You can add fire at the bottom and smoke exhaust stuffy cake at the top.

That's all she can think of now. It's still racking her brains.

She was busy making stoves all night, but she had almost done it, so she asked Caicai to blow the fire and burn the stoves.

After going out from the virtual world, Tian Yuqiao directly lay on the Kang, thinking about how to promote his river crab at that time.

Marquis Wu's house and Prince Jing's house sent out invitations at the same time, which were received by officials above the third grade in the imperial court and those Royal relatives and relatives. According to this number of people to prepare, at least ten tables should be made, and this does not count the family members.

Tian Yuqiao has big heads. If each of them takes his three wives and four concubines and his children, it... Is estimated to be dozens of tables.

But when she told her worry to the old lady, the old man immediately smiled and smiled directly.

Even Cui Huan covered her mouth and smiled, which made Tian Yuqiao feel at a loss.

"Joe, what you worry about is not wrong. After all, you haven't attended a similar party. In fact, the official usually doesn't bring too many people to the birthday party. At most, he brings a daughter-in-law. As for the children, he shouldn't bring them." the old lady said with a smile.

"Oh, I'll rest assured, otherwise I'm really worried that these river crabs will not be enough to eat." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Prince Jing has something to do today, so he was left by the emperor. Gongsun Yu, however, still took his two follower sisters and ran to Wuhou mansion to eat.

However, Tian Yuqiao would not let them go. He directly pulled several people to his own yard, and then told them that he was going to surprise the old lady.

Shangguan Qingfeng is naturally happy. Although Gongsun Yu is also looking forward to it, it is not too obvious. On the contrary, they are Huanhuan and Xiaoxiao. Now they don't treat Tian Yuqiao as a village girl, but also affectionately call her sister.

Tian Yuqiao wanted to surprise the old lady. They were the first to support her with both hands and feet.

Shangguan Qingfeng also called his half brothers. More than ten people stood together and waited for Tian Yuqiao's orders.

"Cough, the first thing you have to do is keep secrets. That is, no one can tell the old lady, otherwise it will be boring." Tian Yuqiao said seriously.

"Don't worry, we must keep our mouth shut," replied the representative of Shangguan Qingfeng.

"Second, we are short of time, so you have to practice overtime. And I found a good place, and we need to step up rehearsal." Tian Yuqiao continued.

"OK, that's no problem." Gongsun Yu nodded first.

In fact, Tian Yuqiao has made plans. At that time, he will directly let Caicai wait outside with the virtual environment. When several people go out at night, he will directly get them into the virtual environment.

According to the time there, there should be time to rehearse a drama that makes a big fuss in heaven.

In the evening, the children all found various excuses to go out. Tian Yuqiao also said he would be busy making recipes. He didn't accompany the old lady at night.

As soon as they came to the more partial part of the Imperial City, they suddenly felt like they had come to another world.

"Joe, how did you find it here? Why didn't I find such a good place in the imperial city?" Gong SunYu said with a frown.

"Cut, you won't come to a remote place." Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes and said.

Now the "little friends" in the virtual environment hide one by one, and Tian Yuqiao only opened an open space outside, so they can't see tile houses and medicine fields at all.

"OK, let's practice here. Here are the drawings of clothes. We must find someone to make all the clothes tomorrow."

"Eh, why are these clothes almost the same?"

"Looks like a ~ monkey?"

Tian Yuqiao smiled and nodded and said, "you're right. Let's play a big havoc in Heaven tomorrow. It's about a monkey jumping out of a stone... It goes to heaven to steal the Queen Mother's flat peach. After stealing it, I'll personally carry the flat peach to the old lady."

Everyone looked confused, but after rehearsing for two hours, they also understood the general plot.

"It's strange that I'm not tired after tossing for so long." Shangguan Qingfeng said with a frown.

"Yes, I also feel that the more I practice, the more energetic I am." Gong SunYu said with a smile.

Tian yuqiaoxin said, if you can come here, come in and stay for a quarter of an hour. I accept 1000 liang of silver. Someone is willing to come. It's a bargain for you this time.

She went there to study the cake herself, improved the stove, and then took out some fruits from the virtual world. She doesn't want to get too tired. She's going to make a fruit and vegetable cake. But at the thought of eating crabs, she was very careful when choosing fruits.

Shangguan Qingfeng and Gongsun Yu take the lead and urge others to rehearse. Everyone was very energetic and thought the story was very interesting, so they worked hard during the rehearsal.

Tian Yuqiao looked at their wandering figures and imagined that they would all put on makeup and hop on the stage. I guess the old lady will be happy to see you? She looked forward to the expression of everyone present.

After all, in this era, not many people can afford a troupe. Even the royal family and relatives, the plays they can see are all those old yellow calendars, turning back and forth, which have long been unattractive.

This time, what she wants is to make people refreshing and leave a good memory for the old lady. It's not in vain for others to treat themselves well, so let's toss as much as possible.

Sure enough, the cake in his hand was burnt again. Tian Yuqiao smiled helplessly and threw the burnt cake into the virtual lotus pond to feed the aura fish.

As a result, he was robbed by Xiaobai on the way! With a big mouth, he swallowed the blackened cake directly. Then he licked his nose and rubbed Tian Yuqiao's calf with his brain bag.

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