Tian Yuqiao now has her own separate shop in the imperial city. The three she wanted were not connected with the fifteen big shops, but were bought by the merchant. Now I just keep it to sell fruit, which is killing two birds with one stone.

After all, Tian Yuqiao came up with all the big ideas. Now people only want three shops over there. Naturally, marquis Wu and Prince Jing won't say much.

But the two emperors' "EyeLiner" little eunuch seems to be somewhat dissatisfied. After all, it is the emperor's reward, and there is also the emperor's interest in it. However, seeing that the two leaders have allowed it, they believe that if they raise an objection at this time, they will certainly become the ghost of marquis Wu's sword in the next moment.

As soon as the matter was settled, Tian Yuqiao asked Shangguan Qingfeng to play a plaque for himself, and asked Marquis Wu to write Tian Ji fresh fruit in person.

Shangguan Qingfeng is easy to handle, but he doesn't dare to ask his father to write a plaque. Everyone knows that Marquis Wu can take a knife and gun. If you pick up your pen, you can't do that word, can you?

Here, marquis Wu and Prince Jing sent people to paint and clean the shop, so as to open business as soon as possible. After all, delaying a day is like losing money. Can you not be positive?

After returning, Shangguan Qingfeng came directly to his mother. The old lady mentioned Tian Yuqiao's request to him. Hearing the speech, the old lady smiled and said, "I'll leave it to my mother. I'll let your father practice calligraphy when he comes back today. You can't lose face for your sister, can you? That sign is the facade of a shop."

Shangguan Qingfeng smiled bitterly and said in his heart that I hope dad won't blame himself for things.

"Girl, if you have anything to do in the future, just tell your mother directly. Don't worry. As long as your mother can do it, she will do it for you." the old lady kindly took Tian Yuqiao's hand.

"Godmother, now I've asked for three shops. Hei hei, in fact, I'm going to compete for the qualification of the next emperor merchant." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Huang shang? Which aspect are you going to compete for? Is it fruit?"

Tian Yuqiao nodded and said, "yes, I'm going to compete for the imperial business qualification in the southwest. I don't know which aspect is easy?"

"Southwest? Oh, my mother's house is over there. If it comes to that place, the fruit there is really scarce, so the emperor usually doesn't want it there. But if your food is delicious, let your Godfather recommend it to the emperor. By the way, didn't the emperor say he wants to summon you? It depends on the situation. If he is happy, maybe he can do it."

"But mom, if only the emperor could be invited home. Or when our restaurant opens, let the emperor go there. In short, it's just to see him alone, or I'm afraid I'll be missed by those princes." Tian Yuqiao frowned and said.

"OK, I'll leave it to your Godfather. If you can't do it well, my mother won't let him in."

When Mrs. Wu Hou heard that Tian Yuqiao called herself Niang, the word "dry" was removed, and her heart was elated for the first time.

After returning from a busy day at night, marquis Wu planned to take a bath and have a rest, but his wife took him to the study and forced him to practice calligraphy.

"Oh, ma'am, please forgive me. I've been tired all day. Why are you practicing calligraphy?"

"No, my daughter is going to open a shop. We recognize such a big girl and haven't given her a gift. This plaque should be given to her. You can write it well. Just four words. Practice quickly."

Marquis Wu was helpless. He finally hoped that his wife's health would be better. Naturally, he could not make her unhappy at this time.

Reluctantly, she picked up her pen and began to practice calligraphy. The old lady went back to rummage through the boxes and began to look for something.

"Madam, what are you looking for? Let me help you find it." Huancui said.

"It's the wooden box of my dowry, which contains the land deeds of the shops and fields my mother's family married me." the old lady said with a frown.

Hearing this, Huancui said nervously, "madam, what are you looking for?"

"Hey, I'm old. Why do I keep those things? Feng ER can make achievements and make a career by herself. I originally prepared this thing for ya'er. I didn't expect that the child had a hard life and didn't find it back now. Now I don't want to. I just hope qiao'er can be happy. Money is outside her body. She wants to compete for imperial merchants now, and there must be not enough shops in her hand..."

With the help of Huancui, they found a wooden box that hadn't moved for a long time. The old lady buckled a gem off the necklace and broke it. Inside, it was a delicate little key.

After opening the box, he took out a stack of house deeds and land deeds. After counting, there were just ten shops and almost three thousand mu of land.

"That's great. With these and Joel's cleverness, I'm sure I can run for the northwest emperor and merchant next year." the old lady said with a smile.

"But ma'am, this is all you have for the rest of your life!" Cui Huan said in surprise.

"Hey, money is external. I can't take it away when I die, can I?"

When the old lady handed Tian Yuqiao the stack of house deeds and land deeds and said it was a gift, Tian Yuqiao was a little silly.

These things, good or bad, have to be worth hundreds of thousands or millions of Liang? And it is said that now her godmother's family seems to be declining. Fortunately, this dowry was prepared for her when her family was at its strongest.

If left at present, it is estimated that the family can accompany a shop and 100 mu of land.

Tian Yuqiao knew what it meant for the old lady to take out these, which meant that it was almost all her wealth. How could she accept it?

The two pushed around. Later, the old lady was forced to die. Tian Yuqiao reluctantly accepted those things.

"Mom, I accept it, but I can't take yours for nothing. I'll make a condition. If you don't agree, I won't want anything." Tian Yuqiao said flatly.

"Well, my daughter promised everything she said. You said it." the old lady said with a smile.

"I'll draw up an agreement now. I'll take these things, but I must give you 30% of the net profit of these shops and fields every year. You must, or I won't accept your gift." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

The old man immediately frowned and said, "thirty percent is too much. Once you have made a good achievement, you can't let it go. How can you calculate so clearly between your mother and your daughter?"

"No, my brother will settle accounts." Tian Yuqiao still refused to give in.

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