Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu entered poison King Valley by mistake. They were chased by people because they picked some wild roses. There was a small yard in front of them, and they directly plunged into it. Anyway, there is no way out, so I can only bet.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary and simple small yard is also a forbidden area here.

They went directly into the small bamboo house there. As soon as they opened the door, they suddenly felt a powerful force coming out of it. It felt like there was a pressure cooker inside, which directly shocked Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu.

Fortunately, Caicai and Xiaobai arrived. Xiaobai only cared about Tian Yuqiao. Caicai temporarily changed his direction and bumped Xiaoyu in the air, which didn't make them fall.

Although Tian Yuqiao hit Xiaobai, her ass had a close contact with mother earth, which made her show her teeth in pain.

"Oh, hey, what beast is closed here?" Tian Yuqiao rubbed his ass and said.

The people in black outside were all stupid when they heard the speech. Regardless of Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu, they just ran away.

However, sooner or later, the last few people in black were all beaten away by the strength of the house. Then he fell heavily from the air~

Well, Tian Yuqiao went out to have a look. All those people were bleeding from their seven orifices.

"This ~ this is poisoning?" Tian Yuqiao said with a frown.

"Ah, miss, there is a monster here." Xiaoyu exclaimed.

Tian Yuqiao looked into the room and saw that it was a teenager with flat arms and straight legs who walked with a jump.

"Who gave you the courage to break into my territory?"

"Oh, he can speak." Xiaoyu was so frightened that she covered her mouth.

Tian Yuqiao was shocked and said that this was not a zombie?

Just about to ask Xiaoyu to escape, she felt a burst of suction. The scene in front of him was constantly changing. When Tian Yuqiao felt that he fell on the ground, he found that he and Xiaoyu had been sucked into the house.

What kind of Kung Fu is this? It's terrible! It's creepy to think that I can catch people in every space.

"What are you doing? Our meat is not delicious, and I often wet my bed at night. If you eat us, you may get sick." Tian Yuqiao began to run the train with his mouth full.

Xiaoyu seemed to be inspired and began to gush: "yes, I just had a rash recently. I heard it's still contagious. If you eat me, you'll probably have big bags all over, painful, itchy and uncomfortable. At that time, it seems that it's not good to scratch yourself when you look stiff all over?"

As soon as they sing and agree, the "monster" will blow his head.

"Shut up. From now on, if any of you dare say another word, I'll kill her immediately."

They were silent and dared not say more.

Tian Yuqiao has found it through observation. This man should not be a zombie, because he doesn't have long nails and protruding teeth. But the body is so stiff, like suffering from rigidity?

Then I saw him grinding something with his clumsy hand.

After smelling carefully, Tian Yuqiao knew what the head was there. It is a kind of herbal medicine that can improve the muscle density of human body. It must be to alleviate its own pain.

I didn't expect that he was also a poor man, but just now I saw him killing without blinking an eye, and the group of people in black were scared to pee their pants after seeing him. This man must not be good.

Motioned Xiaoyu not to speak, and they looked at the stiff young man there to apply medicine to his arm.

He is clumsy and has trouble bending his joints. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help but come forward and help him apply the medicine. Then he greedily ate a layer of cotton cloth and fixed his other arm.

"You should be suffering from physical rigidity? And you seem to be poisoned. It's very dangerous. It's hard enough for you. You're in such pain that you're still in the mood to kill." Tian Yuqiao couldn't help nagging.

"Woman, you talk a little too much." the young man snorted coldly.

"My name is Tian Yuqiao. Thanks to you today. Otherwise, those people will catch me and kill me. Hey, I just picked a few flowers. Now I give it to you. I hope you can recover as soon as possible."

With a smile, Tian Yuqiao wiped the bunch of wild roses out of the virtual environment and handed it over.

At the thought that it was inconvenient for others to move, Tian Yuqiao awkwardly found a jar, put some virtual lotus pond water in it, and directly inserted the bunch of wild roses.

The young man's eyes narrowed. He was the young master of poison King Valley. He was here to refine a poison. Unexpectedly, he made himself like this, and even his temper became a lot strange.

But why did he feel that there was such a slight change in his heart when he looked at the little girl sending him flowers?

"Little girl, it seems that you also know some pharmacology. If you can help me heal my body, I'll cancel your trespassing into the forbidden area and nagging me." the young man said coldly.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said in his heart, let me save you. Now you beg me, okay? It's still so smelly.

"Please, you'd better find out the current situation. We can run away at any time if we want to leave. But you're not so lucky. There are at least several poisons in you, but it's not so easy to cure." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

"You can't run away, so don't try to play tricks."

Tian Yuqiao had asked Caicai and gold to find an exit, but she found that the hut looked like bamboo from the outside. There is a hole inside, but it is not as simple as it looks outside. The house is made of black iron. Unless the boy tells her how to open the door, she really can't get out.

"Elder brother, I want to go to the thatched cottage. Please show me the way?" Tian Yuqiao begged with his stomach covered deliberately.

"It's next door. There's a barrel there. Little girl, don't try to play tricks. I won't let you out easily unless you try to detoxify me."

Tian Yuqiao's eyes turned. After thinking about it, he suddenly remembered that he had soft bone pill and rotten bone pill. Both of these can make people paralyzed, but I don't know whether the effect will be very good if we fight poison with poison.

Anyway, the situation now is such a situation that Sima can only be a living horse doctor.

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