They finally ran out of poison King Valley and were resting. They were awakened by someone. As a result, it doesn't matter. It's actually Mrs. Wu's mother's family. Those people of he family are gathering a large group of people to go to Tian Dahe for an explanation.

Tian Yuqiao mingled with the crowd and followed the gang. As soon as the gate was opened, he rushed into the city with them. Fortunately, they were small and did not attract anyone's attention.

Just mix in with the he family group. You don't have to ask for directions. You can directly find the location of Tian Dahe.

The original Honda Yuqiao was still thinking about finding the place according to the original title deed. Unexpectedly, it went so smoothly. After entering the city, he came to a door face.

Tian Yuqiao looked up and couldn't help frowning. Because the pavement in front of me doesn't look very conspicuous. Compared with the Imperial City, it's not a grade.

But it's a little better than Huai'an county where she lived before. But I had to be a little bit. Although I was a little lost, the good thing is that the number of shops is now enough to apply for imperial merchants.

The group of people came to the door of the shop and did nothing else. They stood in front of the door, so that guests could not go in and buy things.

Tian Yuqiao thought they were such big, big and rough men who planned to fight. Unexpectedly, they used this indiscriminate method. It's really angry and funny.

However, it seems that this move is really effective. It has been deadlocked for a long time. As expected, no guy has planned to deal with it.

Tian Yuqiao was a little puzzled. He said that although his father was born in a honest dealer's family, fortunately he had seen a bloody storm. Having been fighting on the battlefield for so many years, it's reasonable not to be coerced so easily.

It was impatient to wait. Tian Yuqiao planned to go into the shop and have a look. However, as soon as she was about to go inside, she was stopped by he er.

"Miss, to tell you the truth, the owner here is a robber. This shop was not their house originally. I don't know where to get the title deed. So all the things here are stolen goods. Whoever buys them is to help sell the stolen goods. Maybe it's a lawsuit. You'd better figure it out."

He looks like an honest man. If he were an ordinary person, he might be blindfolded by him. Tian Yuqiao smiled helplessly and then withdrew.

She took two coins for Xiaoyu and whispered a few words in her ear. Seeing Xiaoyu's eyes shining, she smiled and ran away with the money.

After a while, a group of little beggars followed Xiaoyu and came towards this side. The bamboo boards in their hands snapped, and the begging bamboo poles in their hands poked very rhythmically.

Tian Yuqiao subconsciously retreated to one side. Seeing Xiaoyu waving his hand, the little beggars immediately stopped.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my lady was going to invite you to dinner. Unexpectedly, the door was blocked by these people. What do you think to do? Hey, why don't you do this? I won't invite you to dinner. You can spend the money yourself."

With that, Xiaoyu sprinkled a lot of copper money towards he ER and them. Those little beggars are yellow and skinny with hunger. They don't care so much at all.

They heard the sound of the crisp copper coins falling to the ground, and all the great strength in their bodies burst out. He tried his best to squeeze into the crowd, and soon crowded he ER and his gang to lose their armor.

It was also the misfortune of those people. They subconsciously bent over to pick up money. As a result, they were regarded by the little beggars as enemies who robbed them of their money.

Beggars looked organized and disciplined. They directly swung the bamboo pole in their hands and began to do it.

Although they are young, good tigers can't hold the wolves. He ER and his dozen people, besieged by more than 30 little beggars, immediately retreated one after another.

Not only did they lose the money they had just found in their hands, they also lost all the silver they had left.

After the little beggars robbed the money, they immediately dispersed and didn't give the group a chance to respond at all.

He er's nose was bruised by someone. He was so angry that he roared desperately.

However, at this time, the front of the shop had been emptied, and Tian Yuqiao and them entered the shop smoothly.

Yingzi and their little girls were brought over and are now following Wang. It's mainly to help take care of the shop. Now I'm holding a sword and blocking the door.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao came in, they were stunned. Hurry up to salute Tian Yuqiao, and then take her to see Wang.

Wang looked at Tian Yuqiao with a sad face and said, "Hey, Joe, it's lucky you came here today. Otherwise, my mother doesn't know what to do."

"Mom, why isn't dad there?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

Heart said that at this critical time, his father is too unreliable, right? How dare you leave such a big mess to a careless woman like Wang.

"Hey, your father has gone to the field. There are a large group of people who make trouble for our family every day. No, the newly planted seedlings have been ruined by animals." Wang said with a bitter smile.

Yingzi also said angrily, "yes, we have all succeeded in taking over the shop here. But those people have to say that we robbed their family's things and that the married daughter has no right to change the property of the seller."

"Unexpectedly, these relatives in my godmother's house are such people. Alas, it seems that there is no good thing in vain. But it's good. I'm going to vacate a shop to open a pawnshop, and we can also lend money at usury." Tian Yuqiao said proudly.

Wang frowned and said, "Joe, I've heard of usury. It's not a good thing. I think usury is a little immoral. What do you think?"

"Naturally, we won't ask for such high interest, which can be called mortgage loan. For example, I lend you my money for emergency, but this premise is that you must have sufficient repayment conditions, otherwise I won't borrow it easily. In this way, it won't make others sell their children, will it?"

"I don't think it's appropriate." Wang still objected.

"Mom, you think, those people are so naughty. If we open a pawnshop and lend money at usury. I promise, it's not mainly aimed at the poor, but those rich businessmen. If those people default at that time, we'll let those guys outside help us." Tian Yuqiao said proudly.

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