When haotianjun learned that he could pick up his family members, they were all happy. Fang Wenhao won more voices at once, and everyone decided to follow him wholeheartedly.

Now the old man stayed still and stayed in the hut. Tian Yuqiao went back to prepare materials. After all, there are so many people to be picked up. If there are old, weak, sick and disabled people here, they can't live in the military camp, can they?

Tian Yuqiao landed directly on his farm this time. When he got there, he first observed the work of the tenants around, and then saw if he er's gang were dishonest.

After careful observation, Tian Yuqiao found that everyone seemed to be full of energy, with smiles on their faces. She didn't know what was going on, so she came to an old man.

"Old man, I want to ask you something."

"Oh, little girl, are you separated from your family? There are fields everywhere. You want to go there. Why don't I ask my old woman to take you back." the old man said with a smile.

"No, I thought about asking, do you know which farm has the highest grain output in the southwest?"

I didn't expect Tian Yuqiao to ask such a question. The old man was stunned. Regardless of each other's age, he said seriously: "well, I don't think the food in our border area is very good. If you go inside again, the land there is more fertile."

"What about the land you rented? You're busy now. You're looking forward to the autumn harvest?"

"Alas, the harvest in this land is like this year after year, which can't be compared with other people's fertile land. To tell you the truth, little girl, it's all caused by our previous managers. Originally, the land was still successful when the money was more than ten or twenty years old. It was the Chuang tou who embezzled the money we used to buy dung. As a result, it's not enough for our own production in this land?" the old man sighed.

Tian Yuqiao narrowed his eyes and said that this damn he ER was really hateful. Not only did he withhold the tenant's grain, he was simply deceiving the superior and the inferior. He dared to be greedy for money.

In the end, he didn't even buy a house himself. He's still homeless. He deserves it. Now I have to deal with him.

Thinking of this, she wandered out. Because she was only a little girl, the tenants didn't pay attention to her.

After returning to the shop, Tian Yuqiao called he ER and them directly.

While waiting, she told Tian Dahe and Wang what had happened.

"Oh, qiao'er, you mean, Hao'er, they are coming to us?" Wang said excitedly.

"No, he's afraid it will affect us. It's not too far from us now, but in a more remote place over there. An old man donated several barren mountains. They plan to develop there. Brother Hao'er said, and asked the soldiers to pick up all their families so that they can live down-to-earth." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tian Dahe frowned and said, "Joe, dad also plans to join Haotian army. Although I can't go to war openly, I can help with logistics. If Haotian army really defeats the prince, don't I have to worry?"

"Dad, even if you don't join Haotian army, we support them. So you don't have to join, do you?"

"Joel, if your father likes it, let him continue to be a soldier. He sees everyone at home and misses the days when he was a soldier. What do you say about a lot of people, eating big pot rice together..."

Tian Yuqiao was helpless. As soon as he wanted to say something, he ER and they had arrived.

After several days of delicious food and drink, now their faces don't have the gray color before.

"Boss, I heard you called us? I don't know what to tell you." he er said respectfully.

Now they all wear uniform clothes, which makes it easier to distinguish them. Tian Dahe kept talking so that all the tenants could supervise he er. If there was anything wrong, they could report them at any time.

"He Er, now our family is going to buy more servants, so we need to purchase a large number of materials. Let's say this cloth. I'm afraid it's not enough in this town. Next, I'll give you a task to go to several nearby towns with money to purchase a large number of daily necessities."

He Eryi listened, and a pair of little mouse eyes suddenly lit up. Shopping, as long as it's shopping, there's oil and water to catch. Isn't that a good thing?

"Yes, you can rest assured, my boss. I'm not good at anything else. I'm the best at spending money. Besides, I'm clear about everything that's good."

"Well, what my father meant was to let you use your three inch tongue to buy in bulk, and then use the lowest price to buy the best things. Do you understand? Don't think about making money here, or don't forget your crimes before."

He er's forehead suddenly sweated. Then he said, "yes, yes, No. I must find a way to buy the best and most things with the least money."

Tian Dahe gave he 20 Silver notes of one hundred Liang silver and told him, "he Er, don't think about sneaking away with the silver note. To tell you the truth, some of you have completely taken refuge in me. So don't think about playing tricks. Since I'm relieved to give you the silver note, I'm not afraid you'll go back to your old business and take the silver and slip away."

Seeing that his mind was exposed so quickly, he ER was at a loss. He had to bite the bullet and took the silver ticket handed over by Tian Dahe.

It was a pain in his heart. After receiving the purchase list given to him by Tian Yuqiao, he immediately became stupid.

Nima, these 1000 taels of silver need to buy so many things. Don't say whether there is oil and water to catch, just say whether the money is enough.

"This ~ host lady, I'm afraid it's not enough?" he Er frowned and said bitterly.

"Don't worry, I've investigated the market here. As long as you don't let people know that we are in urgent need of these things when you buy them, they won't raise the price. Moreover, according to my shopping experience for many years, if you buy more things at once, you will naturally have a discount. Oh, by the way, remember to take back the rest of the money."

In he Erna's dead fish gaze, Tian Yuqiao directly turned and left! Go back to the house and have a rest.

Tian Dahe directly sent he Er them and arranged for yingzi to follow. If the boy dares to have two minds, take it directly to the official.

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