The autumn harvest of the Tian family in the southwest was busy for half a month. However, the grain yield could not help but make Tian Dahe frown. Tian Yuqiao was even more surprised at the soil quality here. It's too bad!

"The village and Surabaya county have received the news, and there has been a good harvest. Especially the rice in Surabaya county can't put down much grain this year. Finally, they are sold at the price of refined rice, and even many grain merchants say they want to sell our grain on behalf of us." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

"Yes, Dad, congratulations. I didn't expect that as soon as you returned home, the grain in our family increased."

"You are the best to please your father. What are your plans after autumn? Have we decided where to spend the new year this year?" Wang asked.

"I said, madam, it's still early and it's far from the new year. Now I'd better find a way to improve the land here. It's all his gang's fault. This good land has been ruined into barren land." Tian Dahe angrily said.

"It doesn't help to say that they are also useless now. Dad, we don't grow rice here. We all grow wheat. Then we transport food from Sishui County for sale. I think the food price here is also very high. Gongsunyu's food alone is not enough for so many people. It shouldn't be too much for us to share the market with his family."

"Everyone knows the truth of making money. People's family is big and their business is big. Naturally, they won't care about us. Just how to improve the land?" Tian Dahe frowned.

"Dad, it's not very difficult. It must be too late to use fertilizer now. Brother Hao's team has moved here. I have an idea, that is, let them use feces to exchange food with our family. In this way, we don't have to provide food for them free, and they don't have to be too embarrassed."

"Yes, Joel, you said there were more than 20000 of them. Even if there were so many people, even if one person had a hut once a day, that ~" Tian Dahe's eyes lit up.

Wang couldn't help saying, "OK, I'm going to have dinner in the evening. Don't talk about those things. It's time to distribute grain to the farmers here. Don't you have to send some grain to Hao'er's army after distributing it to them."

"It's easy to divide the grain. Let the dealer divide it as usual. Our new contract won't take effect until next year, so it's still the same this year." Tian Dahe said with a smile.

As usual, when distributing food here, he family will take some of it away and stay by themselves. This year, he Er collapsed and a new Zhuangtou was replaced. Everyone was careful and didn't dare to buckle at all.

The farmers received the grain from their fields one by one, and the farmers were very serious and responsible. After distributing the land in each person's charge and the amount of grain they deserve after paying the rent according to the contract, the recipient was asked to press his fingerprints.

Everything is going on step by step, but this year we have more food than in previous years. Although the output is very low, without kekou, these grains are enough for their families to spend the winter.

Starting from next spring, the Tian family will distribute fixed grain to them every month. Naturally, there will be no need to worry at that time.

"Oh, sister Chen, how much grain have you planted this year?"

"Not much, just like that. But this time I got 200 kilograms of sorghum rice. Now the children don't have to be hungry."

"Yes, so is our family. We have 80 Jin of corn and 50 Jin of beans. It's better for the new Chuangtou. We didn't let him pay extra rent."

"Save some food this year. When the owner pays for it in the coming year, you can find a way to get a daughter-in-law for our shit eggs."

"Ha ha, don't worry, shit egg, that child works honestly and diligently. There must be a big girl who can see him."

Everyone was elated. Tian Yuqiao glanced at the grain stacked in the granary. This quality is really too general. It seems that it is urgent to improve the soil.

She has already thought about it. Although there is no fertilizer, she can ask gongsunyu to send some of the river crab excreta from the imperial city.

At that time, sprinkle it evenly on the ground, and then give Honghong more virtual lotus pond water. The next thing is to make it cry. It's no big deal.

Honghong is sleeping on Tian Yuqiao's waist. Suddenly she sneezes and her little head almost falls to the ground.

"Eh ~ it must be the little broken tail guy who misses others." Honghong said narcissistically.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said why are the little things around him so obsessed and narcissistic? It's definitely not bad for her. She can swear to God!

Hey, I haven't seen brother Hao'er for a long time. I don't know what's going on over there. Does he want to be himself?

In the dead of night, Tian Yuqiao flew over his newly harvested dry field with Honghong.

"Honghong, let me tell you a story. The name of the story is Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. In other words, Liang Shanbo..."

"Eh, I don't understand. Why do women pretend to be men? Do you like to wear men's clothes just like you and Xiaoyu?" Honghong said foolishly.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. Unexpectedly, he didn't cry for such a sad story. No, I have to come again.

"Forget it, the story just now is too complicated for you to understand. Let me tell you a story about the Peacock Flying Southeast. In other words, Jiao Zhongqing..."

Honghong is still confused and has no intention of crying at all.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless, and then continued: "Honghong, let me tell you a story about the white snake's gratitude. It is said that there was a little white snake thousands of years ago. It was caught by the old snake and was about to die. At this time, a little shepherd boy happened to pass by and saved the little white snake. More than a thousand years later, the little white snake turned into a human to repay the shepherd boy's life-saving kindness, and then..."

Sure enough, when Tian Yuqiao jumped and said that the white lady of Jinshan Temple was flooded with water, the red tears had already flooded the Jinshan mountain.

Originally, the weather was very good. Many people didn't have time to collect their clothes outside. Who can imagine that the rainstorm poured in the middle of the night and wet all the clothes hanging outside.

Fortunately, we dare not put the grain outside, otherwise the grain will suffer.

Honghong cried, while Tian Yuqiao stopped talking and kept it for the next time he watered the ground.

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