After the two little eunuchs said goodbye to Marquis Wu, they hurried back to the palace. At this time, the emperor was entertaining the prince of Horqin tribe. The two sides were discussing whether to form an alliance on the elimination of the Hu people.

The autumn tiger is still terrible. In addition, both sides stick to their own words, so the debate is a little fierce. Coupled with the hot weather, they all feel angry and dry.

Drinking tea can't alleviate this feeling. Fortunately, big watermelon appeared soon.

"Barbara, try the fruit of my dynasty. It's hot. Let's talk while eating." the emperor said proudly.

"Oh, I didn't expect that you really have fertile soil here. You can grow such a big melon."

Barbara, Prince of Horqin tribe with yellow hair, blue eyes and high nose, didn't expect that the watermelon here was so big. They are short of water, so they can't grow such good-looking fruit at all.

Although the negotiation just now made him feel very uncomfortable, when he saw the little eunuch cutting watermelon with a watermelon knife, he immediately forgot his previous unhappiness.

As soon as the tip of the knife touched the green striped watermelon skin, it heard a "click", and the watermelon cracked directly. Then the whole imperial study was filled with the fragrance of watermelon. Some people brought broken ice and put the cut watermelon meat on the ice.

"Oh, well, well, thank you for your hospitality," Barbara said, rolling up his sleeves and reaching for it.

The emperor warned, "Barbara, you can't eat it yet. After a while, the watermelon will become cold and taste more delicious."

"No, no, I think it's good like this," he said, and no matter how much, he just ate.

With this mouthful of watermelon, he immediately felt comfortable from his mouth to his tongue and then to the whole esophagus. It's like a long dry field is moistened by rain and dew. You can't stop eating one mouthful after another.

The emperor was also a little anxious. He also wanted to eat it. However, if the watermelon cooled down, it would be almost eaten by the guy with a big nose.

What should I do? No matter how much, who is hot knows. He also directly inserted a piece of watermelon from the fruit tray with a bamboo stick to eat. They looked at each other as if they were competing who ate more.

Fortunately, we are not in the court now, otherwise we will make the civil and military ministers laugh to death!

After eating a round belly, Barbara leaned back and leaned back on the chair. He burped comfortably, touched his stomach with his hand, and his face was full of pride.

"Your Majesty, I have considered it. According to the conditions you said before, it is not impossible. But I have one condition. I hope your Majesty must consider it carefully." Barbara said solemnly.

"Oh? Why did you agree so soon? Well, tell me what the conditions are. As long as they are not too excessive, I will consider them carefully." the emperor said with a smile.

Barbara then said, "you know it's arid there, and there's no such delicious food to eat. So I hope you can reach an agreement with us to sell your fruits to us. Moreover, you can't raise the price, but you must follow your local price."

"Oh? Are you really sure? But it's a long way. You have to send someone to transport it yourself."

The emperor smiled triumphantly. He said in his heart that miscellaneous maozi has a time when you cry. You think you can afford it? The price will scare you to death.

Anyway, no matter how much, I'll sign an agreement with you first. If you really can't afford it then, you can't blame me.

Barbara felt that the expression on the emperor's face was strange. He suddenly had a bad hunch.

"Why? Your majesty will not be so stingy? If you don't promise me this condition, I'm afraid I won't be able to comfort our warriors when I go back." Barbara continued.

"Hahaha, OK, how can I disagree? But not everyone can grow this melon. Why not? I'll invite you out for dinner tonight. By the way, introduce you to the boss who sells melons and see if he agrees."

Upon hearing this, Barbara was stunned and said in surprise, "what, let a prince of mine bargain with your melon farmers?"

"No, no, not melon farmers, but businessmen here. Although I am the son of heaven, I can't force others to sell things to you, can I?"

"Well, let's sign the agreement first. If they don't promise to sell it to us at that time, your Majesty must speak for us." Barbara said.

The two sides soon reached an agreement, a total of two, two each. They are the agreement of the alliance against the Hu people and the agreement on the transit of fruits.

The emperor happily put away the seal, and then prepared to change into civilian clothes so that he could take Barbara to the Xianxiang restaurant to eat crabs.

He can see that this prince is one who has never seen the market. Just let him eat a mouthful of watermelon, he was in a mess. So when he ate the crab in Xianxiang restaurant, he didn't know how to compromise.

In the emperor's heart, he has now made a contribution to Tian Yuqiao's family. Because he also knew that the Tian family had a little son and heard that he was talented, he planned to promote the child as much as possible at the beginning of the next spring.

Naturally, Tian Dahe did not know that his family had been "sold" by the emperor. At this time, he was playing chess with Marquis Wu.

Prince Jing suddenly visited and said that Marquis Wu and Tian Dahe would go to Xianxiang hall together this evening. Another owner would entertain a distinguished guest in Xianxiang hall.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to let brother Tian go this time. Could it be that someone wants to cooperate with us? That's not true. If more people are added, our income will be divided." Marquis Wu said with a smile.

"It seems not. Forget it. There must be a way to the front of the mountain." Prince Jing said thoughtfully.

Tian Dahe is a little confused. He doesn't know who the third owner is, but judging from the look of marquis Wu and Prince Jing when they mention him, it must be that the owner's identity is not low.

It's just that this time I even called the roll to let myself pass. What would it be?

Tian Yuqiao didn't say what she guessed about the third owner, for fear of scaring her parents. So now Tian Dahe doesn't know that the identity of the third owner is the current emperor, but he takes it seriously enough.

I quickly said goodbye to Marquis Wu, went home, changed clothes and shaved

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