Barbara ate the whole crab feast in the delicious restaurant. As a result, he regretted it. He said that he knew that the food in the water was so delicious. He shouldn't have eaten so much food at noon.

Almost everyone else tasted it, only Barbara. It's called a ditch full of water. Feeling that the food was going to reach his throat, he reluctantly put down the dagger in his hand.

This poor dagger is the existence of fighting with him and drinking countless enemies' blood. Now he even used it as a tool for eating. Tian Yuqiao even wondered whether the later knife and fork and Western food culture came from him?

Barbara advocated sweetness himself, and he naturally planned to let all his men eat together. So he ordered the boy to accept and open a table for himself.

Tian Dahe smiled and nodded and directly asked the boy to get it.

"Oh, by the way, now that I'm full, let's discuss selling us your delicious fruit?" Barbara said while picking his teeth.

He is afraid to lean forward now. He can only lean back, otherwise his stomach will be uncomfortable.

The emperor and others were speechless and petrified. The heart said that they had been studying it just now, okay?

When Barbara bowed his head and ate wildly, the emperor had made clear the purpose of coming with Barbara this time.

Now Tian Dahe and Tian Yuqiao also know his true identity. While Tian Dahe is shocked, Tian Yuqiao is calm. This made the emperor appreciate her more. Unfortunately, she was a little girl. If she were a man, she would be a pillar when she grew up.

"We have discussed the matter just now, and they have agreed. But if the price is, you can ask in person later. Don't blame us for not reminding you at that time. People's fruit is more expensive than your beef." the emperor said proudly.

"Hehe, it's close to the southwest over there. If you plant it directly from the southwest and transport it nearby, these fruits should be very fresh." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hahaha, good, I like it." Barbara smiled proudly.

After all, if he were allowed to transport it back from the Imperial City, there would be too much manpower and financial resources needed for transportation alone. In order to eat fruit, it would cost people and money. It is estimated that his father would not allow it.

Now I hear that it can be transported directly from the southwest, which is naturally good.

Now their Horqin tribe is in the southwest and the Hu tribe is in the northwest, so he plans to alliance with this side.

At that time, once the Hu people in the northwest are exterminated, he will be able to get all his prisoners. Not to mention, according to the agreement of both sides, the materials of the Hu people will also belong to them at that time. Only the cities at the border and the land taken will be returned here.

It was also agreed that they and this side would be free from war within a hundred years and the two sides would exchange needed goods.

This is definitely a good thing for the people on the border.

Now they like to eat the fresh fruits of Tian Yuqiao's family. It happens that the Tian family is in the southwest, and there are 3000 mu of fields. If all of them are planted with fresh fruits, they should not only provide domestic demand, but also sell some to them.

So Tian Yuqiao motioned and asked Tian Dahe to promise.

Tian Dahe frowned and said in his heart how could his daughter be settled all at once? Once this is agreed, it is equivalent to signing a military order. He has been in the army for so many years and knows something.

If you can't grow so many things by then, you will risk undermining the alliance. This responsibility is too great.

Tian Yuqiao has absolute confidence and assurance, which can improve his "poor" field as soon as possible, so as to plant decent fresh fruits.

However, in order to be safe, she also said to Barbara, "my Lord, the land in the southwest is also dry all year round. Therefore, the taste of fresh fruit there may not be as good as that here. If you don't say that we fool you with inferior fresh fruit at that time, that's OK."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The taste is not very bad. By the way, your price should not be too high. Our warriors eat too much meat and sometimes get tired. So we need a lot of fresh fruits to relieve our boredom and thirst, so I hope you can be cheaper." Barbara said with a smile.

At this time, Tian Dahe understood why his daughter agreed so quickly, so he said, "it's easy to say about the price. Now the land over there hasn't started farming, and you can eat our fresh fruits as soon as next year. If the taste of the land over there is not as good as that here, we will appropriately change the price according to the quality of the fresh fruits."

"Yes, good taste is naturally more expensive. If the taste of fresh fruit is worse because of the barren land over there, the price can be appropriately reduced," Wuhou said.

In fact, he knows the fields of his old wife's house best. He tells himself how much money he Er has sent over there every year.

For so many years, although he has become a marquis step by step. But he never spent much of his money. He used the income from the fields and shops he married with his mother's family, and kept a clean wind of Shangguan.

Therefore, this is where he felt sorry for he, so despite his young concubine, he always let he take charge of his house.

"Yes, but I have to sign another contract with you, otherwise I'm afraid you'll default. But you have a saying here, it's called..."

Barbara didn't say it for a long time, but Tian Yuqiao first said, "villains first and then gentlemen?"

"Yes, yes, that's it. You must ensure that the quantity of fresh fruits provided each year cannot be less than 50000 kg, and the price is also according to what you said. If the taste is bad, you have to reduce the price."

"50000 kg, that's 100000 kg. Isn't it a little too much in quantity?" Marquis Wu said with a frown.

Because he was worried that the land could not produce so much, but Tian Yuqiao nodded easily.

"OK, that's it. But if our fresh fruit doesn't taste much different from the fresh fruit here, the price is still very high. But you have so many cattle and sheep, you can also exchange cattle and sheep or horses with us at that time." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

The emperor's eyes suddenly lit up and his heart said that it would be great if that happened. Then he can buy those horses from the Tian family and expand his own royal cavalry.

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