There is an undercurrent surging in the hall. Some people can't wait to jump out. However, there are also some ministers in a neutral attitude. They are always watching the news. It is the king's way to protect themselves.

Not to mention how they deal with the clowns who jump out automatically. In the southwest alone, 500 elite warriors of Horqin tribe soon arrived.

These people all rode fast horses and came all the way. Fortunately, they came in the evening, so they didn't disturb too many people in the Grange.

Fortunately, Jinjin has been in charge of guarding, so this time it reported the matter to Tian Yuqiao at the first time. Tian Yuqiao personally took several warriors to open the door for them.

The horses had long been tied in a dense forest at the head of the mountain, and special people were arranged to take care of them. They all came here with weapons, entered all the time, and soon disappeared into the night.

There are not many empty houses in Chuang Tzu. Fortunately, the harvest here is not very good. Many granaries are empty. Tian Yuqiao directly arranged for them to live in the granary, wearing animal skins, and these people are not afraid of the cold.

After settling down these people, it's getting late. Tian Yuqiao yawned and felt that he had been lazy recently. He didn't make much poison. So he continued to enter the virtual environment and began to shake his popcorn pot.

That night, the leaders of these Horqin warriors went to see Barbara. After making sure that his life was not in danger, he went back to rest.

However, Barbara ordered him to listen to miss Tian in everything, which made him feel a little depressed, a man more than nine feet tall.

After returning, he directly conveyed Barbara's orders, and then let everyone seize the time to rest. The next day, he had to listen to miss Tian's orders.

"Chief, do you think that little girl put a spell on our prince? Otherwise, even if the prince is injured, how can we listen to a little girl?"

"Yes, it's strange that the prince was injured this time, and then his temperament changed greatly. I'm afraid there's something wrong with it. What should we do?"

The tall leader roared, "you guys just said you were working hard on the road? Why don't you sleep now? I've just met the prince. He's in good spirits, but his shoulder is hurt. I think you're all idle. Will I BAHA follow the little girl in the Central Plains to cheat you?"

As soon as they heard this, they dared not criticize any more. One by one, they all opened their animal skin coats and spread them on the ground. Just enough for them to lie down and keep them cool and insulated.

The sound of snoring in the granary here was like thunder. Early the next morning, the little guy was the first to find the problem.

"Dad and sister, it seems that I heard thunder last night, but I didn't find rain when I got up this morning. Did I hear it?" the little guy said with a frown as he chewed the steamed bread.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless. If she hadn't been sleeping in the virtual environment yesterday, she would have had a pair of dark circles under her eyes.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. Last night, 500 warriors of Horqin tribe had arrived and I arranged them in the granary."

Suddenly, there are more than 500 people, so many mouths to eat, this is not a small thing.

Although they also brought some dry food with them, Tian Yuqiao is also someone else's partner. Can't they even have the friendship of a local host?

And those people also like to eat meat, the kind of meat they don't like.

After the family had a discussion, Tian Yuqiao finally made a decision, that is to make steamed buns in broth for them to eat.

Tian Yuqiao put it all night. Some air dried steamed buns were cut into diced pieces. Then Wang and Xiaoyu were asked to cook a pot of meat soup with some pork in it.

I was going to make mutton steamed buns, but the conditions are limited, so I can only let them do as the Romans do.

After the broth boiled, Tian Yuqiao added some rape, cabbage and mushrooms in her virtual environment.

After mixing well, she opened it again and filled a bowl. Add the cut steamed bread and sprinkle a layer of coriander and scallion on it. It's finished.

"Sister, let me help you taste it. If it's not delicious, we can't entertain guests, can we?" the little guy smiled and put his little face together.

Tian Yuqiao gestured at him with the spoon in his hand and joked, "greedy kitten, how old are you and so greedy. Eat if you want. I didn't think you ate much just now."

The little guy said bitterly, "yes, I didn't sleep well because of the thunder last night. Naturally, I don't have an appetite today. But this thing you made looks like a good meal."

When he finished, he took the spoon directly from Tian Yuqiao's hand and scooped a piece of mushroom to eat.

"Wow, it's so hot ~ but it's also good to eat. This taste is much better than meat." the little guy's happy eyebrows bent.

"If it's delicious, you can eat more. My mother went to find some women and asked them to help make more steamed buns. If you like to eat, you can eat one bowl per person. Anyway, there's plenty of food at home." Wang said with a smile.

Tian Dahe was also attracted by the strong smell. Although he was seven or eight full just now, he couldn't help but move his fingers and ran to share it with his son.

"Dad, there's more in the pot. Take a bowl yourself. I'm almost eaten up by you." the little guy frowned and licked the edge of the bowl.

"Smelly boy, what's the matter with dad?" Tian Dahe knocked his son on the head.

As soon as he turned around, Tian Yuqiao had handed him a bowl of steaming pork steamed bread.

"Dad, please eat more. It's all soup. It can't support people." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hey, it's still my daughter's kindness. My son really doesn't kiss my father." Tian Dahe said deliberately.

The little guy soon finished the rest of the paomo in the bowl. Although he still had some ideas, his small belly could not hold so many things.

Looking at Tian Dahe's delicious food and sweating on his forehead, the little guy said with envy: "Dad, can you teach me how to eat another bowl of rice when I'm full?"

"Poof ~" Tian Dahe sprayed a cabbage directly from his nostrils.

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