The next day, after the chicken crowed three times, Barbara and his warriors of the ganhorqin tribe, surrounded by the Tian family's carriage, slowly marched towards the southwest prairie.

This time, people are very vigilant. After all, Barbara has been assassinated once before. If Tian Yuqiao didn't help detoxify, the old boy would be dead this time.

It may be because of the fear of being near home. Barbara was afraid of being scolded by his father and deliberately procrastinated on the road. It was only three days away, but he delayed it for five days.

Not to mention, along the way, he even opened his neck and sang like a proud gray goose.

Their princes have begun to sing, and their Horqin tribe is that kind of bold and unrestrained character. Now the prince is leading the way, and everyone else opens their mouths. They are not afraid of mosquitoes flying into their mouths in autumn. One by one, they all start singing with a southern accent and a northern accent.

Tragedy! If a woman is like a hundred ducks, then a Horqin man around her is like a thousand ducks.

The feeling of falling into the duck pen is really unspeakable except that there is no smell of duck dung.

Wang frowned, and the little guy took down all the cotton cushions of his carriage. After the little hands stirred for a while, they pulled out two big balls of cotton wool inside.

He came to Tian Yuqiao like a treasure and whispered, "sister, here you are."

Tian Yuqiao nodded at him with a smile, and secretly gave his smart and lovely brother 36 compliments.

The sister and brother began to work together and soon rubbed out a few cotton balls.

Put the snow-white cotton ball into your ear, ah ~ the whole world seems to be a lot cleaner.

Fortunately, the carriage was full of their family, and the carriage at the back was full of daily necessities. After Tian Dahe and Wang smiled helplessly, they all stretched out their hands and asked Tian Yuqiao for a cotton ball.

Pity those guards disguised as Haotian army outside. Each frown can kill two flies. However, it was not easy to show impatience. He could only hum his nose, suppress his anger, and endure the evil sound from a foreign country.

After five full days of magic sound torture, there was finally a faint smell of grass in the air. Of course, it is also mixed with more or less the smell of feces of various herbivorous livestock.

As soon as the little guy opened the curtain of the carriage, he was choked back by the smell of sheep dung.

"Cough, sneer, sneer, what's going on outside? Did we fall into the sheep dunghill?" the little guy asked while coughing.

"If you go back to the young master, there is already a border ahead, and we are about to enter the grassland tribe." he said coldly.

"Elder sister, I'm a little regretful. I thought I could ride a horse in the prairie and eat beef that I can't eat at ordinary times. I didn't expect why it stinks here?" the little guy said with his nose.

"Wulang, when we get to the boundary of others, we can't talk nonsense. The grassland people are very hospitable, and this time we come on behalf of the imperial court. Don't talk nonsense again." Tian Dahe said sternly.

The little guy stuck out his tongue, and then he looked at Wang with innocent eyes.

Seeing that his youngest son was wronged, Wang grabbed Tian Dahe's hand and said, "the child is still young. Don't scare him."

"Hehe, I heard that in the Academy, people secretly call Wulang a young scholar. You can't talk nonsense, or you'll lose the face of Master Kong." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Sister ~" the little guy showed an innocent face.

"Come on, don't talk nonsense at that time. After all, we don't know other people's customs. Well, the air here really smells like mutton, but does that mean we'll have mutton in the future?" Tian Dahe said with a smile.

Fortunately, shortly after entering Horqin tribe, the wind direction changed. The original bad smell was much less. With a gust of wind, the grass on the green grassland outside the carriage bent down collectively.

What is the wind blowing wheat waves? On this endless prairie, it really gives people a feeling of being in the green ocean.

After Wang's probe looked out for a while, his face turned a little white. Then he said to Tian Dahe, "I'm in charge. How can I feel dizzy?"

"Heatstroke? No, it's late autumn now."

Tian Dahe showed concern, while Wang quickly put down the car curtain.

"I saw all the grass outside falling in one direction, dizzy ~" Wang's nest was in Tian Dahe's arms and said Jiao Didi.

Seeing that Wang's face was wrong, Tian Yuqiao hurried to check it. Intentionally or unintentionally put his hand on her pulse and was surprised to find that Wang seemed to be happy!

However, she is really not good at pulse taking. After all, she was not very proficient in traditional Chinese medicine in her previous life. Pulse taking is a new skill she learned after crossing. It's still time to bribe Dr. Lin with delicious food and learn from Dr. Lin.

She was not sure whether Wang was really pregnant, so she took out a handful of Bayberry from the empty environment and handed it to Wang.

"Ah, what fruit is this?"

Wang looked at the red handed over by his daughter in surprise, with a little fruit. She had never seen it before, but it looked very attractive. In particular, there are tender green leaves on it, which looks very fresh.

After simply wiping it with spa, Wang put one in his mouth. Then she narrowed her eyes, and a satisfied voice came from her mouth.

When the little guy saw that his mother enjoyed eating so much, he couldn't help pinching one, threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

Tian Yuqiao just wanted to remind, but it was too late~

"Hiss, sister ~ so sour." the little guy's face was wrinkled into a small bun. He quickly put his head out of the carriage window and vomited out the bayberry in his mouth.

"This child, how can you waste such delicious fruit?" Wang said angrily.

The little guy took the bamboo tube delivered by the cold words outside, poured a mouthful of water, and then spit out the water in his mouth. After repeated several times, the sour taste in the mouth was removed.

However, his deciduous teeth that had all faded out before he had time were miserable. He turned his teeth directly!

Looking at his pathetic appearance, Tian Yuqiao felt a little distressed and quickly took out a plate of hawthorn cake like a trick.

The little guy was terrified, but he couldn't help taking one. This is OK, sour and sweet.

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