The people of Horqin tribe are very hospitable. In addition, they all heard that the Tian family can provide delicious food for themselves, so these people who are tired of beef and mutton respect the Tian family very much.

In addition, Tian Yuqiao saved Barbara this time, so the people of Horqin tribe treat them like guests of honor.

"Distinguished guest, this is the most delicious milk wine of our tribe. Please taste it."

"If you hadn't saved our prince, our Horqin tribe would be in chaos. Come on, let me give a toast to the benefactor."

Tian Dahe was soon entangled by others, but he also knew that they were just bold and unrestrained and had no intention of deliberately intoxicating themselves.

Oh, it's hard to be generous! Tian Yuqiao could only look at his father. The more he drank, the more red his face became.

Soon, however, a group of women and children came forward. Wang is also loved and surrounded by women.

Knowing that Wang seemed to be pregnant, Tian Yuqiao helped Wang stop drinking.

"Hahaha, little sister is good at drinking. Our children of Horqin tribe, whether boys or girls, can drink from an early age. Come on, in your words, a thousand cups of wine are less than a confidant. Today we have a competition to see who drinks more."

Tian Yuqiao is a tragedy, and so are the little guys over there. Fortunately, Wang had been secretly sent back by Xiaoyu while the demons were dancing.

According to her idea, why don't you say a prologue or something. As a result, I didn't expect that these people would start singing and then drink.

Even if you are crazy, you are still very enthusiastic to pull your guests crazy.

Look over there, Tian Dahe has been shouldered by barber and Barbara. It means that heroes meet late.

The three were drinking and dancing around the campfire.

Barbara burps with wine and still orders his subordinates to pour wine for Hotan River.

"Burp, it's really fun. Come on, let me teach you to sing our warrior song."

Then Barbara opened her throat and began a new kind of ghost crying and wolf howling.

At this time, Tian Yuqiao had drunk too much. He staggered away from the children around him and took his brother to the campfire.

"Burp, what are you singing? It's terrible. I'll show you what the real prairie song is today."

As soon as Tian Yuqiao's voice fell, the whole scene suddenly became extraordinarily quiet.

The people of Horqin tribe suddenly changed their friendly eyes. On the contrary, they showed a fierce color.

"Hahaha, little girl, you're wrong to say that. It's actually said that our warrior song is not good, and your songs and dances are decadent." barber smiled fiercely.

Tian Yuqiao drank hi at this time and completely forgot his identity as a transgressor. This was the first time she was drunk. As a result, she directly regarded herself as a previous life.

Pointing at barber, he said, "old man, I'll show you, burp ~"

Tian Yuqiao said that and took a bite of the roast lamb chop in his hand. Then he opened his voice and began to sing.

"I have an agreement with the grassland to find common roots. Now I embark on the road of returning home, enter the sunshine and usher in spring..."

At the beginning of a song "I have an agreement with the grassland", all the people around suddenly stopped all their actions. They all looked at the little figure beside the campfire, and at this time, she seemed to be bathed in the golden holy light, which was particularly brilliant and sacred.

Tian Yuqiao was very happy this time. When she saw that all the people around her were looking at her, she was even more energetic.

I didn't expect that the wine house on the grassland was so strong. It's over. I drank too much!

However, she didn't realize it until she woke up, and now ~ she continued to sing the second song.

"The beautiful grassland is my home. The wind blows, the green grass is everywhere, the flowers are everywhere, the butterflies are flying, the birds are singing, and the blue water reflects the sunset..."

Then he sang a few more songs and sang all the songs related to the grassland recorded in his head.

On the other side, Barbara had ordered people to get the sheepskin roll quickly.

"Such a beautiful song, this should be the song of our grassland people. Come on, hurry up, write down all her songs for me. Come on." Barbara roared.

People gathered around Tian Yuqiao and danced with her songs. Some people also followed the blind hum, and soon there was another group of demons dancing.

But this time, there was a demon head among the demons, a female demon head, and a little female demon head!

All the Horqin people who came to the welcome ceremony today drank too much. Shaking their heads and wagging their tails, they looked like a group of Goblins who drank too much and showed the prototype of a fox.

According to Xiaoyu's memory the next morning, "Miss, you had to take Barbara as your attendant last night, and he wanted to worship you as a teacher. Moreover, what shocked the maidservant most was that he knelt down for you yesterday and wanted to ask you to teach them to sing."

"Singing? I don't remember anything." Tian Yuqiao frowned and looked incredible.

The little guy was rescued by Tian Yuqiao's sudden "madness" yesterday. Others were busy singing and forgot to fill him with wine, so he got up early.

"Sister, the song you sang yesterday is really beautiful. I haven't heard you sing before."

Finished, with his own brother's testimony, Tian Yuqiao absolutely believed that he must have been drunk yesterday.

After another bowl of sobering soup, Tian Yuqiao pitifully hugged Xiaoyu's shoulder and said, "Xiaoyu, why didn't you save me yesterday?"

"Ah ~ but I think the young lady sings very well, and the warriors of Horqin tribe have collectively knelt down to you with their worship eyes. What else do they say ~"

"They say my sister is the queen of the grassland. They also say that the grassland is my sister's home. They say that they have never met such a distinguished guest as us, and old man barber just asked people to say that their king is also very interested in the song last night and wants to meet him in person."

Tian Yuqiao sat down on the ground and blamed himself for drinking too much wine yesterday.

However, it's too late to regret. If you have this energy, you'd better hurry to study how to deal with the so-called Lord Horqin.

"Joe, you're really good. I didn't expect you to sing so many grassland songs. Even your brother doesn't sing so many songs when he studies with great talents all day. My daughter is good."

Tian Dahe smiled and brought in a bowl of highland barley noodles, which was pleasing to his daughter.

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