In the evening, the family sat around the fire, baking kebabs and discussing what to do next. After all, Horqin tribe also has more than 100000 people, with great business potential, so we must not be careless.

"Dad, there is great development in the grassland. If we can cooperate with them for a long time, the profit will be considerable." Tian Yuqiao said solemnly.

"But we have a lot of industries now. Your parents are the only two children. My mother doesn't want to look at you too tired." Wang said reluctantly.

Tian Dahe waved his hand and said, "Hey, women's opinion. Now, Wulang of our family can concentrate on reading. As for others, Joe and I will do it alone. If our family has more money in the future, we will hire more guards, and then we don't have to worry about the big prince's trouble."

The little guy was a little depressed and said, "Dad, I don't want to read. I want to go out with brother Hao'er."

"Pa!" slapped the little guy directly on the back of the head.

"Worthless thing, you should study hard at your young age. As for Hao'er, dad will help him. As long as we have money, don't worry if no one will work for us? Don't talk nonsense." Tian Dahe said angrily.

The little guy flattened his mouth and said, "really, my sister said, you can't hit your head. Maybe you'll become a fool."

"Duang!" Tian Dahe sneered, "well, dad will kick your ass after that."

The whole family immediately laughed, only the little guy rubbed his ass and pouted.

"Now there are my mother's family in the old house. We can rest assured. At the end of Sishui County, I ask my brother-in-law to take care of it every once in a while, and it won't involve our family too much energy. It's a little worried about partnering with noble people in the Imperial city." Wang frowned and said.

"Hehe, mom, naturally there's no need to worry about the imperial city. Those people who partner with us are noble people, so they won't talk more and occupy more. Besides, with my godfather and godmother, our family can't afford to lose." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

Tian Dahe patted his thigh and said, "simply, let's build a factory here this time. What dry meat Joe said before, we'll start to buy meat now and build a factory in the spring."

Tian Yuqiao also nodded and said, "OK, go here and discuss with Barbara and let him draw a piece of land for us. The location is close to the border, so it is convenient to transport back and forth."

"Yes, dad will talk to that guy early tomorrow morning. But Joel, are you sure you can eat the meat you said? Don't let's spend a lot of time. In the end, no one likes it."

As soon as the little guy heard about eating, he immediately got up and said, "Dad, I may not believe anything else, but as long as my sister says she wants to make delicious food, I absolutely believe her."

"Wulang is right. It's true. Qiao'er of our family has the most research in making food, which is better than me as a mother. Alas, it makes me feel ashamed as a mother." Wang smiled happily.

"Then let's make a deal. According to my calculation, we want to build a factory for making dried meat, a workshop for picking up wool, and a workshop for cheese and milk chips... Why do we need five mu of land?" Tian Yuqiao frowned and thought.

"Well, tomorrow dad will go to discuss with Barbara and ask him to divide a place for our family at the border. After all, this is not the same place as us. I don't know if people will give it to us." Tian Dahe frowned.

"It doesn't matter. If they don't divide us, we'll build a factory at the other end of the border. However, it's sparsely populated around here, so it's difficult to recruit workers at that time. But as long as the money is in place, it must be no problem."

The Du family were a little excited this night. After all, they had to make big moves again. Especially Wang, seeing that her family's conditions are getting better and better day by day, she can't help recalling the bitter days.

The next day, Barbara had planned to see the Tian Dahe family off, but she learned what factory the Tian family was going to build on her side.

"Well, don't worry, brother Tian. I'll keep my word on the grassland. You just want five mu of land. How about this? I'll divide you into 20 mu, which is on the side. It's quite flat." Barbara smiled and his eyes were shining.

"I really dare not be. I didn't expect your highness to be so generous." Tian Dahe was embarrassed.

Barbara raised his big hand, patted Tian Dahe on the shoulder, smiled and said, "you don't have to worry about anything else. After spring, I'll let someone help you build a house. After all, many cattle and sheep can't be sold every year, and we can't eat them all, which is also a loss. Now you can help us solve this problem, which also makes us a lot of money."

"That's what we agreed. You'll be responsible for building the house."

"Sure, you don't have to worry about it. As long as you can really buy meat and wool, our cooperation will be very happy."

It was settled. Then Barbara was happy and took Tian Dahe to see the land in person.

Although the location of that land is not far from the junction of the two countries, it is also relatively remote. This is also to prevent people from peeping, so Barbara did it on purpose.

Tian Dahe took a look. He was very satisfied with it. Because it is remote, cattle and sheep usually don't come here.

The tall grass will be artificially harvested, dried and reserved for livestock in winter.

Now it has been cut, exposing grass roots less than an inch high below.

"It's good, it's good here. Thank you, Prince." Tian Dahe hugged boxing.

"We both have benefits, but I also want to thank you. But I don't want to tell my father about this, because I intend to cooperate with you in my own name, not in the Horqin tribe."

"Ha ha ha."

The two smiled at each other and understood each other.

Barbara killed this old bastard and planned to save his own private money. I don't know if his father will faint with anger when he knows.

After the matter was done, Tian Dahe also settled a worry and decided to leave with his family the next day and prepare to return to the imperial city for the new year.

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