After the third heavy snow, several eunuchs came to the palace, with many bodyguards behind them. They were so aggressive that they thought they had come to the Tian family to catch people.

Marquis Wu has asked his guards to inquire. Fortunately, there was no accident. She just came to rice paper and said that Mrs. Wuhou would take Tian Yuqiao and Tian Yutang to the palace for dinner.

Time is tight, so there are only two days left. However, this is enough for Tian Yuqiao. After all, she is not a minister and doesn't need to report anything. Just find a proper suit of clothes and go with the godmother.

The Empress Dowager invited Mrs. Wu to the palace for a banquet. I also said that I heard that she accepted a very smart adoptive daughter, so I asked her to take her adoptive son and adoptive daughter into the palace together.

After the messenger left, Wang hurriedly took Tian Yuqiao to Wu Hou's house.

Mrs. Wu Hou's expression was very natural, and there was some joy. When Wang came with Tian Yuqiao, she smiled and left them for lunch at home.

Wang was worried. She always felt uneasy when she thought that her children would go to the palace.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary women like her, the palace is a very sacred place. If your daughter and son accidentally say something wrong and offend the noble people in the palace, how good!

Seeing that Wang could not sit still, Mrs. Wu took her hand and comforted her: "Big sister, this thing happens almost every year. The Empress Dowager or queen invites the wives and children of officials to dinner every year before the new year. It is a rule for the emperor to invite ministers to the palace for dinner on the 15th of the first month."

"Oh ~ in that case, I'm a little relieved. I'm just worried that the two children haven't learned the etiquette in the palace. What's good if they collide with the Empress Dowager?" Wang was still a little uneasy.

"Hey, I don't know what the Empress Dowager thinks this time. I heard that I have a couple of dry children, but she wants to see me too. But I guess it's not a bad thing."

Seeing that Wang still bowed her head and didn't speak, Mrs. Wu Hou then said, "Joel is very clever, and Wulang is outstanding in reading. In addition, his majesty has cooperated with your family before, and the stove designed by Joel a few days ago. Tut Tut, it is estimated that these are the reasons why the Empress Dowager is interested."

Wang said, "time is running out. Now I urge my sister to teach the two children court etiquette as soon as possible, but I can't let them break the rules and get guilty for it."

Tian Yuqiao's eyes brightened and said, "it's not too late. We just need to teach some common ones. Those who are too meticulous are too late."

"Well, grandma Liu, who is next to me, has followed me to the palace many times. Naturally, she knows the etiquette best. In those years, she used to serve the noble people in the palace. After the master died of illness, she left the palace. She was just invited by me. It's really useful this time."

After Mrs. Wu Hou finished, she asked someone to invite grandma Liu.

Although Mrs. Liu was over fifty, she walked straight. Even if she put a glass of water on her head, she probably didn't spill it.

Tian Yuqiao's brothers and sisters were surprised. God, I didn't expect the people in the palace to have such big rules.

Immediately after that, the sister and brother began to learn from kneeling and saluting.

"Young master, young lady. I've never forgotten the rules of the palace since I came out of the palace. Now since your wife asked me to teach you, I won't be too polite to you. If you have any offense, please forgive me."

The little guy shivered when he heard the speech. When his heart was finished, it was a disaster for the imperial concubine!

Tian Yuqiao's heart also beat a drum. The heart said in this tone. Why does it sound a little like a mother Rong who likes to prick people with a needle? She won't use that move to her sister and brother, will she?

If that's the case, I naturally don't mind running away directly. It's a big deal not to enter the palace, and I can't let myself and my little brother be bullied by an old lady.

After making up his mind, he took Wulang and followed grandma Liu to a greenhouse in the backyard.

Mrs. Liu also knew that time was pressing, so she simply said the ranking of the dignitaries in the palace. However, the etiquette was the same. Civilians like the Tian family, no matter who they met, had to kneel down and worship, which made Tian Yuqiao very unhappy.

After Mrs. Liu herself made several kneeling movements, she asked Tian Yuqiao and Wulang to try.

Tian Yuqiao was really drunk for the old lady who could kneel down so fluently at an old age.

The floor is paved with wood. Rao wears a lot in cold weather, but if everyone kneels like this, he might as well not go at all.

However, the godmother's face still needs to be given, so the sister and brother reluctantly began to do the funny kneeling ceremony.

"Yes, yes, a baby like you can make it like this at once. It's estimated that the Empress Dowager won't say anything. Next, I'll tell you what to do if you have a reward..."

Listening to her incessantly introducing all kinds of possible situations, Tian Yuqiao was about to fall asleep. With the corner of his eye, he glanced at Wulang around him and saw that the little guy was also sleepy.

Mrs. Liu seemed to see the helplessness of her sister and brother, so she said sternly, "repeat the rules I just told you."

The cane in his hand also symbolically smoked the table next to him, making a crisp sound on the table.

The little guy was suddenly surprised, and his sleepiness was broken up in an instant.

Then he shook his head and began to retell what grandma Liu had just taught. She was even word for word. Grandma Liu's mouth was so open that she could put a fist in it.

Then it was Tian Yuqiao's turn. Although she didn't seriously listen to grandma Liu's instructions, she also asked Honghong to help record when Wulang was just back.

After Wu Lang repeated everything, the expression on Mrs. Liu's face became much kinder, and then let Tian Yuqiao say it.

Under the collective cheating, Tian Yuqiao recited the so-called rules word by word. Grandma Liu didn't want to say anything more because she felt that she had been hit.

It's so shocking. Are there trees? These two children are definitely two freaks.

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