The two brothers and sisters were listening to their godmother's introduction to the palaces in the palace. Suddenly, a portly woman came out of nowhere.

There was a smell of gunpowder in her words. She was sarcastic. I don't know whether she had learned the rules in the palace.

"Qiao'er, Yutang, this is the wife of the Minister of war's family. Go and call someone."

"Hello, madam. Joel says hello to madam."

"Boy, Tian Yutang has seen Mrs. Shang Shu."

The two brothers and sisters bent over to salute each other, and the guy turned his mouth and said, "Yo, sister, we all know that your daughter is lost, but you can't casually find two wild children from the countryside to recognize their relatives?"

There were several women around. Seeing the excitement here, they couldn't help coming to gather letters.

At this time, they were all arranged in the imperial garden to wait for the empress dowager, so there was no eunuch watching, and people were much more relaxed.

At first glance, we can see that these people often enter the palace, so they all seem more casual.

It's madam Wuhou. She's under a lot of pressure at this time. After all, this is the first time she has brought her daughter and son into the palace. If the two children are bullied by words in the palace, how can she afford them?

Mrs. he, who was not good at arguing with others, ignored it at this time. He replied: "since ancient times, there are many talented people in poor families. Although my two children were born in the countryside, they are very motivated. Unlike some people's dandies, who are ignorant all day and dare to break into the military forbidden area."

"You ~ wow, you, I haven't settled accounts with you about your man hurting my son before. Well, this time I'll see what the two wild children you accept are. They can be trusted by the empress dowager, hum!"

When she finished, she was like a proud peacock, twisting her butt as big as a millstone, and disappeared in the sight of Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother.

"Sister, her ass is so big and ugly. I won't find such a woman in the future." the little guy frowned and said solemnly.

"Pooh!" a very discordant sneer came from a distance. Looking down at the voice, Tian Yuqiao saw a little girl with a pink face. She was almost as old as herself. She was covering her mouth and her face turned red.

"Oh, these are the nine princesses, Qiao Er, Yulun, and have seen the royal highness of the princess."

People nearby went to salute and greet the little man, and the so-called nine princesses set their eyes on the little guy. And he looked back and forth on the two brothers and sisters of the Tian family, as if he were looking at something new.

"Cough, princess, your little boy is ignorant, and he bumped into you accidentally. I feel shy." the little fellow had a red face.

"Hehe, you are very interesting. You think about marrying a daughter-in-law in the future at a young age. It seems that you are really a little playboy. How about this? The palace will help you. When you see my imperial grandmother later, I'll let her have time to keep a matchmaker for you?"

Others are joking when they are princesses. Only the little guy takes it seriously.

Walking towards the princess with a red face, she whispered to her, "let's give me a break, your highness."

"Oh? Why? Unless you bribe me with silver," said the ninth princess with a smile.

"This ~ my elder sister is one of the shareholders of Xianxiang restaurant. She is also a partner with your father and Emperor. Why don't you mention my name next time you go there for dinner. How about asking the shopkeeper to give you a discount at that time?"

The nine princesses immediately laughed more happily. What is the fluttering of flowers? That's it.

"Xiao Jiu, don't be rude."

When a scolding came, she saw the empress in a bright yellow Phoenix robe, surrounded by a group of palace maidens and eunuchs, walking slowly towards this side.

"Xiao Jiu has seen the empress."

"My concubines have seen the empress. The empress is blessed."

All the people in the whole garden knelt down.

Tian Yuqiao and the little guy looked at each other, smiling and indifferent.

"What's Xiao Jiu laughing at? Let's have fun in the palace. There's nothing interesting in the palace. It's rare for the Empress Dowager to host a banquet for you today. You don't have to be too formal. Just flatten yourself and be casual."

As soon as the empress waved her hand, all the people stood up.

"It's the boy. He just pointed to the ass of the minister's wife of the Ministry of war and said that he won't find such a big ass in the future."

As soon as the ninth princess said this, all the people around her lost their chin. It was originally a joke of the Tian family. Unexpectedly, everyone knew it.

And that just went out not far away, a lady who was despised by a country boy as having a big ass. at this time, her face was like a purple eggplant, and the fat on her face was constantly jumping.

"When my concubine returned to the empress, the boy was rude and dared to disrespect his elders. According to the rules, he should be beaten. The wild children from the countryside have no rules."

Mrs. Wu Hou's face turned pale. Holding the little hands of the two children tightly, she was quite nervous.

"Tell your mother, it was the aunt who taunted me first. I'm a scholar and a man. She humiliated me in public. Alas, please take your mother's advice. She's not insulting me, but insulting us scholars."

The little guy accused the other party seriously, but his appearance made everyone laugh.

Even the empress, who has always been silent, laughed regardless of her manners.

"What a slippery boy, according to what you say, it's the fault of the Shangshu lady?" the queen smiled with a slight narrowing of her eyes.

"I don't dare. I'm just telling the empress the whole story. I believe the empress will be able to command the harem, and she will know everything. She won't bully me because I'm young and from the countryside."

The little guy's flattery was so loud that the queen was in a good mood and completely forgot to vent her anger on a lady with a big ass.

She took the hand of the nine princess who was still laughing wildly and said, "let's go. Children have no taboos. It's Mrs. Shangshu. You shouldn't look down on children in the countryside."

"Ha ha, at your age, it's good to say that you are a man and a scholar. You're really laughing to death in the palace." the thirteen princess on the side couldn't help laughing.

She was born to the queen, so she was favored by the queen. The child usually doesn't laugh. It's rare to laugh happily this time, so the queen is a little grateful to Tian Yutang.

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