As soon as I entered the Imperial Palace, it was as deep as the sea. It didn't matter. The little guy had been targeted.

When the Empress Dowager spoke, the Marquis Wu could no longer pretend that she was transparent. She got up quickly to find an excuse to prevaricate.

"Empress dowager, Yutang, he is still a child. Children talk nonsense, which ~"

"Alas, madam Marquis Wu is wrong. As a child, how could he stare at other people's place? Otherwise, how could he say such words?" Mrs. Shangshu quickly answered.

Tian Yuqiao narrowed his eyes and said in his heart that it was really ugly people who did more mischief. Even if you're ugly, it's wrong of you to take the initiative to provoke now.

Thinking of this, Tian Yuqiao stood up, saluted the Empress Dowager and the queen, and then made a bow to the people around him.

Then she said, "today is a good day for the Empress Dowager to hold a flower party. I don't think it's necessary for everyone to waste time here because of an unbearable topic. Let Wulang show his knowledge and I believe he is willing. After all, today is a day of entertainment. I have a proposal. Why don't we just bet on whether he is talking big or not."

Before the Empress Dowager spoke, the queen nodded with a smile and said, "the little girl has a lot of courage, but what she said is reasonable. Today is a good day to enjoy flowers, not to go to the court. We don't have to be too formal. We should cheer up today's party. What do you think of my mother?"

"Good! The mourning family will give a big east pearl as a colorful head. If the child is really learned, we will reward him with this pearl."

As soon as the Empress Dowager had finished speaking, she had ordered the old mammy who followed her to take the beads.

Before long, the woman had brought back a sandalwood box with a deep color. The Empress Dowager ordered people to put out all the candles in the hall, and then ordered people to open the box.

At the beginning of the box, a small crack was opened, and then a green light burst out of the box. Next, the lid of the box was opened, and the time in it was dazzling, revealing a night pearl the size of an egg.

"Don't you mean the east pearl? How did it become a night pearl again?"

"Yes, the Pearl of the night is a good treasure with price and no market, especially such a big one."

"Hey, don't think about it. The Empress Dowager is sure to eat. There isn't much ink in the child's stomach, so she said so."

"I think so. Otherwise, how can the Empress Dowager be willing to use this good baby as a color head."

The box was closed and the lights in the hall were lit again. There was an uproar in the hall, and there were compliments everywhere.

"Empress dowager, this is really a good baby. It's rare to see her at ordinary times."

"Yes, it's really a good thing."

"It seems a little ~"

A male duck's voice interrupted the noise in the hall, "the emperor has arrived!"

"My son has seen my mother, and my mother is safe."

Tian Yuqiao looked up. Sure enough, it was the partner who often came from the delicious restaurant. He smiled at him secretly, and the emperor nodded to her. It was even a greeting between allies.

Naturally, others dare not look directly at the emperor's majesty, so no one is aware of this small move between the two sides.

"Why did huang'er come? When I asked you, you said you had something to do." the Empress Dowager was a little surprised.

"The matter has been solved just now, so I'll come and have a look. Unexpectedly, the empress mother has Yaxing to take the Pearl of that night as a colorful head. I don't know whether her children and ministers are qualified to participate?" the emperor said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is joking. It's a thing for the mother to tease children. How can you ~"

The queen planned to stop it, but the emperor waved his hand and said, "well, since everyone is so happy, I'll join in. Come on, take one hundred liang of gold as a chip. Let's start with flowers and write a poem. Everyone here can participate and have fun with the people."

The little eunuch has made arrangements. The rules this time are very simple. The little prince under the age of 10 can also come and participate.

Everyone writes a poem first, and then marks a number in one corner of the paper. Eunuchs will record whose poem it is according to the number.

Then someone will read poems one by one in public, and next to them, there will be a maid of honor walking around the field with a flower basket.

If people think that poem is good, they will throw the flowers in their hands into the flower basket. Finally, see which poem gets more flowers, which is the winner.

It was originally a favorite game among the literati. Unexpectedly, it was moved here by the Emperor today.

Since everyone wanted to play, the Empress Dowager didn't say much, so she nodded and agreed.

Women don't know how to write poetry. They frown one by one. Those little princes and princesses have read in the Imperial College on weekdays, and they are also good at writing poetry.

This is also the reason why his majesty did this, because he wanted to show how excellent his children were in front of everyone.

Naturally, he would not think that Tian Yutang, a child from the countryside, could win the first prize. Although the child is a martial brother with Ding Ru, after all, he is still young.

Out of confidence in his children, the emperor was willing to take out one hundred liang of gold as a chip.

Soon, a small eunuch brought people paper and pen, and then bowed down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, just write it casually. Don't care too much. If you can't write it, we'll punish you for drinking." the queen said with a smile.

Tian Yuqiao naturally doesn't want to be in the limelight, because she knows that her brother must be able to beat the crowd. Before she had nothing to do, she read some Tang poetry and Song Ci. The little guy has the ability to never forget. Naturally, he will write it down.

Sure enough, the little guy soon picked up his pen and started writing.

"I urge you not to cherish the gold wisp clothes. I urge you to cherish the time when you were young. The flowers should be folded when they bloom. Don't wait for empty branches when there are no flowers."

Mrs. Wu Hou silently recited the poem written by the little guy in her heart, and her face suddenly changed. The heart said that the child could write a poem so quickly, and it was a poem with such artistic conception and profound meaning.

The little guy wrote a song "Witch Hazel", but he was the first to hand in the paper.

The eunuch gave him a number, and then made the same mark on the paper he wrote. Then he took the paper on a tray and took it to the emperor.

After a while, several princes asked people to inherit the poems one after another.

After about a incense burning time, his majesty personally announced that the first round of activities had come to an end.

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