The Empress Dowager was in a good mood after the Tian brothers and sisters joined hands to "show their ugly faces", so she ordered the little eunuch to reward the little guy with the Pearl of that night.

The little guy immediately brightened his eyes, smiled and took the box, and then kowtowed again, Shane.

"Well, this is what your brother and sister got by their ability. Ha ha, go back, and the party can almost begin."

With a wave of the emperor's big hand, Tian Yuqiao's sister and brother were finally free from jumping up and down like two monkeys.

After returning, Tian Yuqiao said nothing and ignored his brother.

"Sister, I know I'm wrong, and I'll never dare again." the little guy apologized to his sister wrongfully.

"Hum, it's too much. It's not enough for you to lose face alone. You have to pull me together." Tian Yuqiao said angrily.

The little guy smiled and peeled her a longan. Then he smiled and took out the golden knife and dagger from the grassland. Put the huge night pearl in the ring on the handle of the knife. It fits perfectly. It's just stuck in it. You can't take it out if you want to take it out.

Suddenly, a pig like exclamation came from the opposite side: "ah ~ escort, hurry up. The child is holding a sharp blade. He is going to assassinate his majesty!"

Mrs. Wu Hou's face was white with fear. She held her handkerchief tightly and covered her chest. As if your heart would jump out of your mouth if you didn't cover it a little.

"Wulang, why do you still carry a dagger?" Mrs. Wu asked anxiously.

The little guy blinked, looked ignorant and said, "this is a gift from Princess Keya of Horqin tribe. I think it's very beautiful, so I always carry it with me."

As soon as his voice fell, he burst in a group of bodyguards from outside the temple door.

"Your escort is late. I wonder if your majesty is all right?"

The emperor was stunned. He waved his big hand and shouted in a loud voice: "get back. Who let you in? Listen to the nonsense of a female family member. He broke into the palace and went back to get ten boards."

The bodyguards left with a chat. When they left, the bodyguard leader gave an angry look at the women still yelling there.

The Empress Dowager frowned and said in a deep voice, "Tian Xiaowa, why did you bring a knife into the palace?"

The little guy went out to explain again, and said blankly, "boy, I don't know this thing is also a contraband. When I was on the grassland, their little princess gave it to me. Hey, just because I got the bead given by the empress dowager, I thought it was very suitable for me, so I planned to inlay it on the handle ~"

As soon as he finished, he took out the gold knife and shook it twice in front of the people.

The gem on the blade emits dazzling lights of various colors. In addition, the night pearl embedded in the top makes the dagger more dazzling and gorgeous.

"Somebody, show me the dagger."

The little eunuch took the dagger from Wulang's hand and presented it respectfully to the emperor.

After pulling out the dagger, the emperor nodded and praised, "good knife, it's really good."

"Well, my concubine also thinks this dagger is very gorgeous and seems to be very valuable."

The little guy flattened his mouth. As soon as he thought that he might be in trouble, he was cruel and said, "boy, you are willing to give the dagger to your majesty. As long as you like it, don't blame the boy."

"Hahaha, how can I be greedy for your things? Besides, you are a golden Dao. Don't you know what this golden Dao means to the grassland nobles?"

The little guy shook his head blankly and looked suspicious waiting for the emperor to solve his doubts.

"Princess Keya must not be very old, should she be about the same as you?" the emperor smiled with some meaning.

The little guy nodded without thinking.

"That's right! The little girl probably regards you as the future son-in-law, otherwise the princess on the grassland will never give a man a gold knife. Return this dagger to you, I can't take it."

Then he asked the eunuch to return the dagger to the little guy again.

"All right, go back. It's not an example."


The little guy came back to do it again and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Just now, he was frightened. If one of them didn't do well, he was afraid that he would affect the whole family.

Mrs. Wu Hou and Tian Yuqiao were relieved.

The melon and fruit snacks on the table were removed and quickly replaced with some delicious dishes. Six dishes and one soup. Everyone's table is decorated the same, even the emperor's is no exception.

The Empress Dowager gave an order: "let's have a banquet. You're welcome. Don't go back hungry. Let the ministers say that they are stingy."

After thanking the women again and again, they picked up chopsticks and started. The emperor naturally wanted to propose a toast to his mother, and he tossed about it again.

Sitting next to Tian Yuqiao are the married long Princess and her son-in-law. At this time, the sound of strings has sounded on the field, and people began to talk while eating.

The so-called rule of eating without speaking and sleeping without speaking is not applicable in such occasions. After all, this is not a serious dinner occasion, but with entertainment as the theme.

The eldest princess is a woman under the age of 40. She has a plump body and moderate behavior.

Seeing that the two brothers and sisters of the Tian family didn't move their chopsticks much, they smiled and said, "Oh, the little girl who just sang, why, do you think the dishes in the palace are not delicious?"

"No, no, no, your highness mistaken. The people only ate a lot of fruit, so now they are not hungry at all," Tian Yu said with a red face.

In fact, Mrs. Wuhou didn't eat much, because the dish was too insipid compared with the food of the Tian family. In particular, the large meat recipe feels very greasy after reading it.

The lady Shangshu opposite was holding a big hoof in her hands and gnawing her mouth full of oil. He kept barking and eating. He was very embarrassed.

I don't know. I thought their family couldn't afford meat at ordinary times, which made people around her frown. They were afraid that the oil stars on her side would splash on themselves. They were full of disgust.

The emperor's son-in-law gracefully served dishes to the princess. The way they respected each other made the Empress Dowager and the queen very satisfied.

Mrs. Wu laughed and said to the princess, "Princess highness, these two children are too small to eat too much. They haven't eaten less snacks and fruits."

"But sister, you didn't eat much just now. Now you don't eat much either."

Mrs. Wu Hou was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

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