At noon the day after returning from the Palace Banquet, Mrs. Wuhou, accompanied by the girl and her mother-in-law, wore the down jacket that Tian Yuqiao gave her, and slowly walked directly from the crab garden to the Tian family.

Wang received the report from his servant and hurried out to meet him.

"Oh, it's my sister! I was going to visit you at home. I heard that the two children almost got into trouble when they were in the palace ~"

Seeing that there was still a worried look on Wang's face, Mrs. Wuhou smiled and said, "it's all right. The children are still young, and the dignitaries in the palace will not care about them. On the contrary, Wulang's child showed quite outstanding performance and was rewarded."

"Oh? Wulang brought me a hundred liang of gold this morning, but he didn't tell me why."

"Don't panic, it's all learned by Wulang. He wrote a poem, which seems to be very popular with the queen and the Empress Dowager. Even his majesty read his poem himself. These one hundred Liang gold is a colorful head."

The little guy also read the "golden Hamamelis" to his family in public. Even people who don't know poetry think this poem is well written.

There was a sound of compliments in the yard, and the little guy turned his mouth. He had been used to this situation for a long time.

At this time, master Liang was holding a piece of paper on which was the poem worth one hundred liang of gold he asked from his apprentice.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. I'm an apprentice. I'm really a demon. Good, good, good."

A contemporary Confucian was so excited that he sat on the Kang and patted his thigh because of a poem by his apprentice. Alas, it's a terrible sight, but fortunately, no one dares to laugh at him.

Wang's side saw that it was time for lunch, so he arranged it himself. At noon, he invited Mrs. Wuhou to have hot pot at home and planned to send someone to invite him.

"Don't bother. My master hasn't come down yet. We don't care about him. There's a big gossip. I came to tell my sister today."

Then the two good old sisters held hands and began to talk about the gossip of a fat woman.

"It's the scum wife of the Minister of war's family. Tut Tut, it's really outrageous. She lost someone in the Imperial Palace, and she was still in front of the ladies in the whole imperial city. Early this morning, I heard that the people in charge of purchasing in the government came back to report that she has now won a ten point reputation."

Wang's interest was also aroused. He leaned forward curiously and asked, "Oh? Please tell me quickly, don't tempt people. What's a loud name?"

Mrs. Wu Hou said with a smile, "Mrs. turtle!"

"What fish?"


Wang was a little puzzled. He frowned and asked, "I've heard of goldfish, carp and wooden fish. What is this fake fish, and is it true or false?"

"Hahaha, sister, you're not right. It's not a fake fish. It's such a big, round thing that looks like a turtle. It's good for making soup, especially for men. It's precisely because of this new thing that the woman got the reputation of Lady turtle."

After they talked for a while, the steaming hot pot was ready.

Because it's still cold, you can't eat out. Eating in the house, he was worried that the charcoal fire would have some taste, so Wang called the craftsmen who made the stove at home and asked them to bring the remaining iron tube and connect it to the chimney in the middle of the hot pot.

"The things in my sister's house are really complete. It's enviable to live. Even the food is so particular."

"Sister, if we are small, we can't compare with the Marquis house."

As all the diners were women's family members, only Wulang was a boy, so it was difficult for Liang Fuzi to come and eat with them. Wang ordered his servants to get a small pot for Mr. Liang alone, put it directly on the foreign stove, and cooked it.

Now when it comes to eating, master Liang has long forgotten what the sage said. Since he lived in the Tian family, the old man has gained at least five or six kilograms more than before.

Every meal was very exquisite. If his apprentice hadn't worried about his body and controlled his appetite every time, he would have become a fat old man by now.

In the room, eating hot hot pot, steaming hot, the glazed windows were covered with white steam. If you want to look outside, you can't see it at all.

At this time, in the streets outside the Imperial City, people are preparing for the new year.

Originally, people greet each other when they meet. Like what, has your family finished giving annual gifts this year? Or your daughter will be 16 in the new year. Have you been betrothed to someone else? From today on, people's greetings have all changed.

When they met each other, most of them said, "Oh, have you heard? I heard that the woman in the Shangshu family of the Ministry of war was ashamed in the palace."

"Yes, I've heard that. Our servants learned it from the servant girls of rich families. They really lost their ancestors' face. I don't know if their ancestors knew that they had such an unfilial younger generation. Would they be so angry that they couldn't hold down the coffin?"

"Hehe, it's estimated that their ancestral graves haven't been buried well. Since Shangshu's official fortune, the mother-in-law's family has been declining day by day, and her family has fallen."

"It's said that she was thrown out of the palace with a king's shell in her hand. It's all like this. She's even reluctant to give up."

The streets of the imperial city became more and more heated and noisy. After seeing off Mrs. Wuhou, Wang began to prepare for purchasing annual gifts. After all, now their business is getting bigger and bigger, and now it has spread to the imperial city.

In particular, the two children of their own family went into the palace and met the biggest official and his family members in the world.

So this year, Wang has more things to prepare, partners to send, gifts from Wuhou mansion and King Jing mansion, and gifts from his mother's house.

According to the rules at the beginning, the Tian family's old house also had to send a gift. Even Wang Xiuer's side will send one over.

After a long calculation, Wang felt that his head was big, so he handed the hot potato to Tian Yuqiao.

"Joel, you arranged everything in previous years. Why don't you be responsible for purchasing annual gifts this year. I'll learn from you and I'll be responsible for it from next year."

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