It was not until the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month that the Tian family was free from the busy routine of receiving and giving gifts.

Tian Yuqiao lay on the bunk bed, stretched his waist, and then sighed. Then he said, "Hey, I'm finished with my busy work. I'm so tired these two days."

"By the way, miss, I told uncle Dafa."

"What?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

"That's the day I told the young lady about what happened between him and the widow aunt who sold fried dough sticks in the breakfast stall. Uncle Dafa is interesting. His old face will turn red." Xiaoyu smiled and covered her mouth.

Tian Yuqiao jokingly said, "you ghost girl, I was going to talk to him after the new year. Now you leaked it and it's nothing new."

"Miss, I was just about to tell you about it. Uncle Dafa told me that he could not move the gourd and spread the oil ~"

As soon as Xiaoyu finished her words, a woman called outside. Said: "Miss, Wang Dafa, the coachman, asked for an interview in front of him. He said he had something important to report back to miss."

The man in the back house didn't dare to come in easily, so Wang Dafa had to wait outside at the hanging flower gate.

Tian Yuqiao put on a cloak and asked Xiaoyu to accompany him out.

Fortunately, the distance is not too far. He led Wang Dafa directly to the study in the front yard.

"Miss, it's hard for me to say anything." Wang Da hesitated with a red face.

"Hehe, you don't have to say it. Xiaoyu has finished just now. Do you want a wife? Just tell my father or my mother about it." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"But ~ madam said to let the young lady look at the arrangement." Wang Dafa said after eating for a long time.

Xiaoyu covered her stomach. The expression on her face was pumping. She held back her smile until she hurt herself.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't help laughing and said, "well, you can see whether you plan to marry her into the house or buy a house outside."

"Thank you, miss. I appreciate it very much. In fact, I have bought this house outside. Although the location is a little biased, there are three rooms..."

Tian Yuqiao was stunned when she heard the speech. She didn't expect that Wang Dafa's action was so fast that she had money to buy a house.

"Hey hey, don't be surprised, miss. I've been rewarded in your family for the past two years. Plus the salary, I've saved a lot. Plus the silver money that Miss gave me yesterday, it's just enough to buy a small house."

Tian Yuqiao smiled and nodded, then asked Xiaoyu to take Wang Dafa to the accounting room to get 50 liang of silver. This is also the welfare given by the Tian family, so people will follow the Tian family wholeheartedly.

Wang Dafa is a little embarrassed, because so far, no one in the Tian family has got money from his boss because of marriage.

"Miss, you can't do this. There are many servants in the family. If anyone gets married and asks for money from the owner, won't you lose?" Wang Dafa waved his hand again and again.

"Go ahead. Anyone who has signed a dead contract with our family and has worked for two years can receive a sum of silver if there is something big or small at home. Uncle Dafa, you are an old man brought by our family from the old house. You deserve the silver."

Xiaoyu made a face at Wang Dafa and said, "Uncle Dafa, come with me. This is also the welfare of the family. The young lady told me that when I get married, I will have 50 liang of silver."

Wang Dafa bowed to Tian Yuqiao, and then happily followed Xiaoyu to get the silver.

This guy is also anxious. As soon as he received the silver, he took leave to go home and get married.

Besides, widow Zhang, who sells fried dough sticks, has been widowed for 20 years. A few years ago, she was still thinking about getting married. As a result, she stopped after she killed two more husbands.

It's impossible to stop. Once Kefu's name is spread, even the local ruffians and lazy people in the Imperial City dare not covet her.

Fortunately, she has the skill of frying fried dough sticks. Because the taste of fried dough sticks is good, she has not affected her business because of her "keff".

Now Wang Dafa doesn't care. He comes and goes with the widow, and they see each other right.

He had fifty liang of silver in his hand, plus the twenty-seven and a half he got yesterday, which was enough for him to make a small shop for the woman.

It was another heavy snow, falling one after another with the arrival of the new year.

In front of the Tian family's house, there are bright red lanterns made of silk. The glazed windows in the house are also pasted with all kinds of window flowers.

These were cut by Wang himself. She is not good at accounting, but she is quite competent for these tasks.

As the housekeeper of the house, Mrs. Chen changed into a new dress early in the morning. At this time, she was fully commanding the servants of the whole family and began to decorate the house.

The red lights were strung up and pulled between the trees on both sides of the yard. At this time, the Tianjia homestead is full of festive atmosphere.

In the early morning of the Chinese new year, Tian Dahe personally set off a hanging of firecrackers in front of his house. Then he and Chen Jiabao went to the Xianxiang restaurant and Tianji fresh fruit. They set off firecrackers in front of the two shops and watched the guys change new lanterns with their own eyes.

From time to time, several firecrackers came from the street. This was caused by a child who took down the hanging firecracker, lit it with a incense head and threw it on the ground.

These are tricks that younger boys like to play, because they can be put down for a long time.

It's rare that no guests come to the door today. The door of the Tian family is also closed. All the new year's goods to be purchased were piled up in the warehouse. Those things that could not be kept for too long were selected and directly rewarded to the servants in the house.

Early in the morning, people lined up in the yard waiting for Wang and Tian Yuqiao to reward.

For the food and snacks sent by the guests, Wang gave the rest to the next people one by one, except that he left some for his family to eat during the new year.

There are many people in your family, old and young. Those who have no family like Xiaoyu get a red seal.

People are all very grateful to their boss's wife, and their hands are full of things. There are roast chicken, snacks, preserved fruit and candy ~ to go, brought by Wang Dafa's lady who just passed the door, a large bundle of fried dough sticks for each person.

Wang has tasted it herself. She also thinks the fried dough sticks taste very good. They are crisp, not soft at all, and taste very good.

He gave two days off to the servants with families in the house and sent them away.

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