Tian Yuqiao and Marquis Wu played Gobang all afternoon. Marquis Wu shouted happy. After all, the chessboard is also like a battlefield, and this gobang is his first contact, and his interest is very high.

After Tian Yuqiao returned home from Wuhou mansion, he also had some calculations in his heart. Carrier pigeon? Hehe, Demi, that little guy hasn't come back for a long time. If Demi were there, it would be easy.

Push open the glazed window, feel the cold wind outside, stretch out the lotus root section's general arm, and look particularly beautiful when it is illuminated by the less bright moonlight in winter.

"Oh, miss, don't catch cold. It's impossible."

When Xiaoyu saw that Tian Yuqiao had the window open, she hurried to dress her and looked worried.

This is a habit that Tian Yuqiao has developed over the years. Before going to bed at night, she must let the air out, otherwise she will feel that she is living with a lot of bacteria.

Xiaoyu also knows that her young lady has such a quirk, but it's already cold today, so she didn't open the window in advance to let the air out.

This night, Yuqiao slept very sweet. The next morning, just after she washed with a pig hair toothbrush, the gatekeeper came in and reported that an old man came to sell birds.

When Tian Yuqiao heard the speech, he immediately picked his eyebrows and went out to see it in person.

As soon as I came to the second gate, I saw a man with a thick hat standing in the yard. Through the veil in front of him, I couldn't see his face. The face was completely hidden behind the hat, like a big girl who didn't dare to show people easily.

But judging from his figure, this is definitely not a girl, but an old man over 50.

He also squatted an eagle on his shoulder. The eagle's eyes were very sharp. But how does this look familiar?

Tian Yuqiao tried to think about it. She almost screamed. Quickly told Xiaoyu to invite people to the study and let Tian Dahe meet them in person.

Xiaoyu didn't dare to neglect, so she quickly arranged someone to inform the master, while Tian Yuqiao was in a good mood and said, "go and tell Zhang to prepare a soybean milk and two kilos of fried dough sticks for the old man first."

"Ha ha, miss qiao'er, I didn't expect you to remember me. Tut Tut, you are much better here than in the mountains."

"Hehe, I'm really surprised that you came here in person. If I hadn't seen the carving on your shoulder, I wouldn't recognize it."

They went to the study in the front hall, and the servant brought up fruits and snacks. The wild old man was not polite. He stretched out his dry hand like an eagle's claw, picked up a piece of mung bean cake, threw it into his mouth and chewed it.

"Please eat slowly. It's choking." Tian Yuqiao hurriedly reminded.

Before she finished, the old man was already choking and rolling his eyes. Fortunately, Xiaoyu handed over the tea in time, and then helped him pat his back. It was not easy to swallow the mung bean cake stuck in his throat.

"It's so delicious. I'm rude. Hehe." the old man was embarrassed and wiped the dessert residue at the corner of his mouth.

Although Tian Yuqiao wanted to know about Hao Tianjun, he didn't ask in a hurry. It seems that the old leader came here after a long hard journey. He is dusty. I should want him to talk after he has had enough to eat and drink.

Soon, Wang Dafa's daughter-in-law Zhang brought her specialty earlier. Thirty fried dough sticks, fried golden. There is also soybean milk in a semi casserole. At this time, it is still boiling in the casserole, and the bean flavor is very strong.

A dish of shredded kelp and shredded potatoes. Just pickled spicy cabbage, two pickled cabbage hearts and a plate of authentic rural sauce.

At Tian Yuqiao's strong request, the wild old man reluctantly washed his face, and then sat in front of the table. Without being polite to Tian Yuqiao, he began to eat.

He pinched three fried dough sticks in one hand. It's called a fragrance. Seeing that Xiaoyu's eyes were about to fall to the ground, Zhang was in a good mood, because the guests' food was enough to show that her craft was still useful in Tianfu.

Feeling that she had lived up to the value of her boss, she left happily with a tray.

Tian Yuqiao also unconsciously took out a piece of meat and fed it to the eagle. It's the one who was nearly killed by the gold ring and silver ring. Now it seems that its wings should have been ready for a long time.

After the wild old man couldn't move, he licked his oily hand. It was still a picture of something to be desired, with some blurred eyes. It seemed that it was aftertaste of the delicious meal just now.

"Burp ~ I'm full. When I'm in the camp, wow, I've changed my ration into some broken meat and fed them all to these little babies."

"Oh, you really are. Can't they go hunting in the mountains themselves?"

The wild old man rubbed his stomach and said, "Hey, don't mention it. Hao'er is worried that he will expose his target, so he doesn't dare to let those little things out of the task easily. Now he wants me to train a group of carrier pigeons. His purpose is very simple, just to write to you."

"Er ~ what about Dai Mei?" Tian Yuqiao asked curiously.

"That little thing is very busy all day. He hooked up a swallow in the mountains a few days ago, and the two little things even gave birth to bird eggs. Hao'er said, let me come back and help you and try to hatch all eight bird eggs."

"What? Is there any mistake in letting me hatch eggs? I'm not a bird." Tian Yuqiao rolled his eyes and almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

The wild old man quickly waved his hand and said, "Hey, if it's normal, we don't need to help. But the parents of these bird eggs are not the same kind. They haven't hatched for a month, so I asked me to bring them to you personally and find a way."

Tian Yuqiao reluctantly took over the bird eggs wrapped on the left and right floors, and threw them into the virtual environment.

Tian Dahe also came over at this time and chatted with Yelao. Now the Yelao's hatred has also been assimilated. He hates not only the people in poison King Valley, but also the great prince. Therefore, when chatting with Tian Dahe, their topics are particularly consistent.

After entering the virtual world directly, Tian Yuqiao put the eggs on a small nest made of medicinal leaves. He turned the fat food into a ball and brought the lazy gold.

"These are the descendants of Daimei. You have such a good relationship with her. It's better for you to take care of them. Look, you're fat. Haven't come out to help me for a long time. Do you count everything in your heart?"

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