"When the wind blows, the clouds fly, and we return to our hometown in Weijia sea..."

Tian Yuqiao hurried all night in the cold wind and couldn't help sighing. Gongsun Yu and murongbo, who came secretly behind him, suddenly felt that this sentence was so domineering. They need to take out a small book and write it down. They will take the test in the future!

Let the bodyguard leader Tie Yi stop the carriage. Tian Yuqiao shouted to the outside, "come out quickly, you two. Don't flinch. Two big men, why do you want to do what the turtle man is good at?"

Gongsun Yu rushed out of the woods next to him with a dark face, followed by some confused Murong Bo. He has just arrived in the Imperial City, so he doesn't know much about the chill of the word "Lady turtle".

At the gate of the city, Tian Yuqiao took out his gold medal. The guards at the gate quickly opened the gate and let them out.

Relying on the prestige of the death free gold medal, Tian Yuqiao asked the general guarding the city for two horses to Gongsun Yu and murongbo.

She doesn't want to take a carriage with these two guys. Let them drink the West and north wind outside. Who makes them say that they have to follow secretly.

Gold was very proud to ask Tian Yuqiao for a reward, which was the secret it told.

He took two walnuts from the empty realm and threw them to the gold. He ran out proudly and squatted on the top of the carriage to eat walnuts.

At this time, there was a very exquisite portable foreign stove in the middle of Tian Yuqiao's carriage. The arm thick smoke exhaust pipe circled around the inner wall under the carriage, and then stretched out from the front curtain.

In this way, the inside of the carriage can be heated evenly without feeling cold at all. There was an exquisite aluminum kettle on the top. Next to the kettle, Tian Yuqiao threw two sweet potatoes with uniform lines.

Now the smell of roasted sweet potato has come out. Caicai has always been by the stove, trying to eat more while the gold is away.

The little monks refused to take the carriage, but wrapped their bare heads with headscarves. One man ran around the carriage with a stick.

Yuanji said that if you don't practice ten days a day, people practicing martial arts should not be afraid of cold and heat. And those little guys are also very backbone, and their performance is much better than those two young masters who are used to being taken care of.

At this time, Gongsun Yu and murongbo were both cold and runny! There's nothing like your childe.

Because Tian Yuqiao brought 300 internal experts this time, their two dark guards were all controlled on the way. At this time, it was a situation that should not be called every day.

The guard leader Tieyi reported to Tian Yuqiao early. There were 40 people in total. They had beaten them all, and then let them all go back. As for the safety of King Jing's son, is there another teenager? Their internal experts will be responsible.

Tian Yuqiao took a mouthful of sweet potato, and then smiled and nodded. Then she heard the loud sneezing outside and the sound of sniffling. She couldn't help laughing. Then she broke another sweet potato and asked Tieyi to divide the two sweet potatoes to two people.

After they got the sweet potato, their first action was to cover their hands.

"It's so stingy. Just give us half a sweet potato. Eh, why does his one look bigger than master Ben's?"

Murongbo looked at the sweet potato in his hand, and then at Gongsun Yu's.

Gongsun Yu took a hard bite, then handed over his sweet potato, smiled and said, "otherwise we change?"

"Bah, you are all bad guys! Don't disgust me. I've rubbed your saliva."

Murong Bo said angrily and ate the sweet potato in his hand. It seems that the sweet potato is regarded as Tian Yuqiao and Gongsun Yu. It's called a force to eat.

Tian Yuqiao told Tieyi, "let's go to the southwest first, and then go directly to the northwest."

"But ~ why? Your majesty is in a hurry this time. Will it delay us?"

"Your Majesty also said that everything will follow me. Don't you dare not obey?"

Tieyi hurriedly arched his hands and said, "it's up to the county Lord to defecate. My subordinates will arrange them to go southwest. Please don't be surprised."

"Well, actually, I'm going to go to the Horqin tribe. After all, the people there often deal with the Hu people, and the language is the same. If I expect you to infiltrate and provoke the Hu people, I guess I'll have to train you to learn nonsense."

"I see. My subordinates have been taught."

Tieyi is in a good mood. After all, he has a headache this time. It's OK for them to kill people and stir up discord. It's always done by civil servants. Where can they?

Now listening to Tian Yuqiao, he felt relieved.

"All right, you must remember. Your task is to protect Miss Ben. Besides, don't call me County Lord in the future. It sounds strange. Just call me miss qiao'er and miss Tian."

"Yes, county Lord ~ Oh, no, Miss Joel."

"Well, you should also remember to protect the two weak guys outside. When you arrive at the post station, remember to ask for a carriage for them."


"I want to study strategies. Don't bother if you're okay. Also, I won't eat breakfast. Don't call me."

Tian Yuqiao finished, and put down the curtain in Tieyi's adoring eyes. Then she began to ~ er, take out some drawings and began to improve the drawings of the beef jerky workshop in the southwest.

Joke. Let me help you with your work. It won't delay my family from making money.

The journey was really not smooth. The more you go west, the worse the weather will be. I don't know how. This winter is particularly stubborn and won't go without saying anything. Spring seems to have signs of compromise and is reluctant to come.

Fortunately, there is a stove in her carriage, but Gongsun Yu and his side are not so good. But even so, sitting in a carriage is much warmer than riding a horse.

Tian Yuqiao was also very kind. Every time he baked eggs or sweet potatoes, he would give them some.

Those little monks almost ate up all the post stations along the way. Tired all the way, as soon as I sat down, I couldn't help but turn into a big belly man. Each one buried their small heads in the extra large bowl. The eating phase was also quite amazing.

That day, Tian Yuqiao suddenly took down the kettle and started baking corn in the carriage. Just baked a few and sent them outside, they were split up by the little bald heads in an instant.

"Hey, sister Joel, you should put a bigger stove in your carriage," said the round little head with a smile.

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