Tian Yuqiao soon organized a huge caravan, and the things sold by the caravan were worthless linen and hemp rope.

Although these things are worthless here, once they are transported to the grassland, they will be looted. After all, the people on the grassland are barbaric, and their IQ is not high. They can't spin at all, so they usually wear a piece of animal skin.

When they were on their way, once they got out of the downtown, the little monks would teach Tian Yuqiao what he had taught them to the little beggars disguised.

The little beggars are always on the street, so they are very clever, otherwise they won't live to this day. Just two days later, they had mastered it.

Tian Yuqiao was also very satisfied with this. That night, everyone camped in the wild. So she secretly asked Honghong to take herself to the camp of Northwest Haotian army.

Soon arrived at the place, but it looked a little messy. Originally, when she left last time, it had begun to take shape, but now it seems to have been burned.

No wonder the wild old man said nothing and refused to reveal Fang Wenhao's news to himself. He only said that he was very busy recently, Demi was also very busy, even Jinhuan and Yinhuan were also very busy.

Send out a large number of poisonous insects to find Fang Wenhao. Even Xiao Ruan went out to find someone. Caicai and Jinjin couldn't escape the fate of looking for someone. Seeing that Tian Yuqiao wanted to eat people, they all did things obediently.

I searched all over the mountain, but I didn't see the shadow of a Haotian army. Tian Yuqiao couldn't help feeling depressed and stamped his feet in anger.

It's about to dawn. If she suddenly disappears, it's estimated that Tieyi's people will go crazy.

At this time, gold suddenly ran back with a big gray mouse. The big gray mouse was fat and round. Looking away, he thought it was a gray dog.

"Gold, I asked you to find someone. What are you doing when you find a mouse?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

"Squeak!" it may have seen them.

Tian Yuqiao was delighted when he heard the speech and hurriedly asked, "you ask it, where have those people gone?"

Gold and the mouse "squeaked, squeaked" for a while. Then it told Tian Yuqiao that the gang seemed to be hiding in a cave, which was originally its home. They also said that those people brought powerful birds and ate many of their descendants.

Tian Yuqiao's heart finally fell to the ground, so he asked Jin to tell the big mouse and let it lead the way.

When Tian Yuqiao held the mouse's tail with a handkerchief, and then took it to step on Honghong's back together, Honghong finally reached the cave mentioned by grey mouse after less than half an hour.

As soon as she stepped closer, she heard several empty sounds of "whoosh". Fortunately, she lay on her back in that very indecent way at the first time, and she survived.

When she was about to look up, she felt that her back had been butted by several cold things.

"Who, say the password!" the visitor asked coldly.

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes sadly and said that he was really anxious to kill people. He even forgot to let Jin go to say hello first.

"My surname is Tian. I'm looking for a man named big head."

"Oh, dare to call our second in command by name. Someone will take her away from me."

In this way, Tian Yuqiao was carried into the cave.

Looking around along the way, I felt that except for some humidity, everything else was also good.

"Don't look around."

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and could only bear the impulse to smoke people.

When she was roughly thrown on the ground, as soon as she looked up, she saw the big head sitting on a big stone in front of her. There's nothing like being a soldier. It's just the style of a mountain king.

"My Lord, our brother caught a female spy outside. Unexpectedly, the Hu people did everything they could. They even sent out female dwarfs."

Tian Yuqiao was furious and said angrily, "you are a dwarf. Your whole family is a fucking dwarf. Bah!"

Seeing this, the man was about to do it when he saw that the big head suddenly flashed and came close to him. As a result, at the next moment, the recruits of Haotian army who were unreasonable to Tian Yuqiao were slapped in the face by the big head.

They all turned sideways, looking at their leader for some unknown reason. The heart clearly made great achievements. Why did you get beaten?

While waiting for the following, I heard the big head angrily say, "you blind little rabbits, this is the future queen of our Haotian army. It's damned that you dare to disrespect the boss's prospective wife. Get down and lead the 20th army staff alone."

Those people had to apologize to Tian Yuqiao first, and then they went to receive the punishment.

"Sister Qiao, why did you come here suddenly? It's very unsafe here now. Alas, our home has been burned."

"It doesn't matter. They burned your home, so I'll try to take you to take their home." Tian Yuqiao said with a straight face.

"Oh, I'd like to see whose little girl dares to make such a big talk."

The voice was ~ Tian Yuqiao's cold. When he looked back, he saw that under the care of the torch, a young man wearing silver armor appeared behind him with a smile like a relegated fairy falling into the world.

She was a little confused for a moment. She didn't know how to talk to him. Directly said: "also, long time no see."

"Hahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's good to see you, Joel. Hey, it's all my fault. I was tricked by the enemy. When I went to hunt down the remaining evils of the great prince, a small group of Hu people dressed as hunters burned our nest."

"How are you? Are you still short of money?"

This is what Tian Yuqiao is most worried about at present. If they have no money, they will spare no effort to support him in money.

"We still have a lot of silver, but now we are going to stand still. It is said that the Imperial Court seems to want to unite Horqin tribe, so we are waiting for the opportunity."

Tian Yuqiao said with a smile: "Brother Hao'er, I'm here to tell you that the time has come. This time I'm here under orders. I'm going to take a group of people pretending to be caravans and sneak into the Hu people, with the support of the Horqin tribe. Your team is ready to meet. Once you hear the explosion, you'll block all the back roads of the Hu people, cooperate inside and outside, and strive to wipe them out."

Fang Wenhao and big head were stupid, so they began to study a more detailed plan with Tian Yuqiao.

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