Fang Wenhao, who occupied Tianshui City, was celebrating with Tian Yuqiao.

After all the materials in the city were transferred to their own station, the army did not leave until late at night after the celebration.

Tianshui Cheng doesn't need to keep it, because it can't be held here at all. Only 500 Haotian troops were left, and they were all dressed up as ordinary businessmen to garrison here.

"Qiao'er, according to what you said, let's let this Tianshui city out. In the future, I still plan to take Hao Tianjun to the southwest for development. Now I've avenged and don't need too many cities. Just find a place for them to settle down. Next, I'll focus on poison King Valley wholeheartedly."

"OK, I'll try to find a place for you. Where are the brothers' families now?" Tian Yuqiao asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, they all have money in their hands. Now they have moved to a village with their children. I bought a farm near your village. It's a little off side, but it's a necessary place between the southwest and Horqin tribe."

Tian Yuqiao turned his eyes helplessly and said, "it's really fishy."

"Hahaha, how can I rest assured that you are such a simple and lovely little girl to deal with those old foxes? In fact, when your family went to Horqin tribe for the first time, I had someone follow me secretly. You are so brave, you dare to go."

"I can't help it. After all, if you want to do business with others, you have to go there and make a field investigation in person. How about the workshop I built over there? I'll arrange some small homes in your Haotian army. There will be a lot of workers there in the future."

Fang Wenhao nodded. They both had a tacit understanding on this point.

Horqin tribe has started construction, but the scale is much larger than Tian Yuqiao planned before.

She was a little helpless, but she didn't have any way. It was Barbara's idea. Anyway, he has promised that all these expenses will be paid by him, which should be regarded as the interest to Tian Yuqiao.

As long as you don't suffer losses, it's good for someone to pay. There is no need to refuse the kindness of friends. It is good for each other. This is the favorite mutual benefit between businessmen.

Without too much stay, she needs to catch up with those who have returned to the Imperial City as soon as possible. Otherwise, the emperor would suspect himself and think that she would deliberately stay, which seemed to be plotting against the truth.

"Girl Joel, don't go in such a hurry. You need to look more here, and don't you plan to count the results over there?" Barbara asked with a big mouth.

"Well, it's all my credit, but I can't take advantage of you for no reason. By the way, how much benefit you get from it, do you also want to tell me? Such as land, cattle and horses."

"Hahaha, you little girl, you are good everywhere, but you care too much. We are all friends. Just keep one eye open and one eye closed. I'll ask someone to bring a list I've modified later."

Tian Yuqiao picked an eyebrow and said, "what, what can you do if you have modified it? At least let me know. But you should know that half of the meeting is divided. Now I also need some land. Why don't you give me some land in the South and calculate it according to half of what you get?"

Black eating black has existed since ancient times. Tian Yuqiao absolutely doesn't think there's anything wrong with doing so, and her conscience won't feel pain.

After all, she made the most contribution this time. What can she do with a single county head position and a mere 1000 mu of land? The emperor was too stingy, so he had to find a way to benefit himself.

Secretly reached an agreement with Barbara. They gave the land in the south to Tian Yuqiao. This time, all the land obtained from the Hu people belonged to the Horqin tribe.

In fact, Tian Yuqiao still suffered some losses, because the land given by Barbara is relatively poor, which can't be compared with their new land.

"Hey, this time, Prince Ben decided to share the land with you because he was looking at our beef jerky business. We suffered a big loss, so don't forget us if there is any good business in the future."

Tian Yuqiao said, "I think I brought you all the benefits. I brought you benefits and land. By the way, I helped you solve the problem of the northwest Hu people with the power of your majesty. I think I suffered a great loss. After all, the land you gave me can't even grow grass..."

Barbara's face was a little embarrassed. He touched his nose. Then he cut off the topic and said, "you're in such a hurry to leave. Let's have another celebration tonight. We all want to hear you sing."

"It's not urgent. We've divided the land and the cattle, sheep and horses you got ~"

"Hey, you're really a real businessman. You're too stingy. Well, we only need those Hu soldiers we captured. As for cattle and sheep, it was originally the border between our two tribes, and there aren't many. I've always been generous to my friends. I'll give you cattle, sheep and horses."

The two sides cooperated happily. In the evening, Tian Yuqiao asked Xiaobai to pick up Fang Wenhao.

"Prince Barbara, it's useless for me to keep the land, so I found a neighbor for you. I decided to sell it to him. Please study with boss Fang about the specific handover."

Fang Wenhao did not tell Barbara his identity, but talked with Barbara about the specific handover in the name of a businessman.

"Our people will soon withdraw and there will be no owner," Barbara said with a smile.

Fang Wenhao smiled and said, "OK, then I'll start my plan there. Don't worry, I'll never be against you, but I've taken in some poor homeless people there."

"Hahaha, yes, you do good deeds with our land, and the God will bless us. Good. I will provide you a thousand tents at that time."

Barbara was in a good mood and started to fight with Fang Wenhao. Tian Yuqiao secretly made some sobering soup and secretly poured Fang Wenhao into it. Then he disregarded two people and joined the singing team directly.

Gongsun Yu and murongbo were all pulled by the enthusiastic Horqin herdsmen to dance together. Gongsun Yu is fine. After all, he heard Tian Yuqiao say. Murong Bo was miserable. At this time, he was thinking whether to poison those who had a smell of mutton.

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