The courtiers were shocked by the big prince.

So many people stood behind the prince and silently supported him. Now the faces of these people are as gray as death.

All their years of operation have been in vain. What can we do?

Tuen side was carried out secretly. After the courtiers knew it, it was too late to refute. Now there is a quarrel. His majesty sent his own mace and directly asked Tian Yuqiao to go to the court and take the old people by surprise.

The emperor withdrew directly on the grounds of his sadness. The ministers who "had an affair" with the eldest prince have different views on this matter.

Led by the Minister of war, they got together at the first time to discuss the next countermeasures. At this time, in the imperial study, marquis Wu and Tian Yuqiao talked secretly with the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry for the change. People can't come back from death. Now the most important thing is to finish the affairs of the Grand Prince first." Marquis Wu said solemnly.

The emperor's face showed a touch of relief and said, "Joel, tell me the truth of that day."

Tian Yuqiao blinked and said, "Your Majesty, in fact, the great prince is colluding with baki secretly. Originally, the minister and daughter had discussed with Barbara and Horqin tribe, so they were asked to support in the back just in case. As a result, when we tried to escape from the Hu people, we met the great prince with people."

"Oh? So, my emperor was killed by your people?" the emperor asked with a frown.

Tian Yuqiao shook his head like a rattle and denied: "I guarantee with all my family property. Although the death of the eldest prince has a little relationship with me, he definitely didn't die in my hands."

"Tell me, give me a reasonable explanation." the emperor's eyes narrowed slightly.

Some helpless, the heart said that the emperor really ran out of people and wanted to dismantle the platform. He must not be given this opportunity.

"Ah, I'm really pathetic. I worked hard to get around this time. I lost weight and fought hard, which led to a dispute among the Hu people. As a result, the eldest prince brought people to reinforce baki. Finally, he was killed by the people under baki's sons. I even had to bear the black pot ~"

Seeing Tian Yuqiao's voice and emotion, marquis Wu's mouth almost laughed.

"As you said, my emperor was killed by Hu Da's men?"

Tian Yuqiao nodded heavily and his eyes were very firm.

"Yes, your majesty, it was the four boys who wanted to kill their father and seize the territory. They all killed red eyes at that time. They seemed to know that there was a subtle relationship between their father and the Grand Prince, so they killed the Grand Prince."

After thinking for a while, the emperor sighed and said, "well, you can't live by doing evil yourself. It's all because he is too greedy and eager to get the throne. It's good to die. At least I don't have to kill him for conspiracy."

Tian Yuqiao was a little stunned. Unexpectedly, the emperor's Majesty was also Frank. Normally, it shouldn't be!

The Emperor didn't say much, and his face showed regret, anger and sadness.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry. Now the eldest prince is dead. There are still two Hu Dahe and Hu Erhe left in the Hu people. What are you going to do with the brothers next?" Marquis Wu asked.

"Which of the two brothers is more stupid?" asked the emperor.

Marquis Wu frowned, and his puzzled eyes fell on Tian Yuqiao.

Tian Yuqiao said respectfully, "during my time in the Hu tribe, what I heard most was about Baji's bastard sons. It is said that Hu Da is a reckless man, brave and resourceless, and a fool. Hu er is timid and timid, and it is difficult to achieve great things."

"Hahaha, Joel's analysis is very appropriate. What do you think? Which is better for me to support their brothers?"

The emperor asked with a smile. There was no sadness on his face from the white haired man to the black haired man.

Tian Yuqiao said, this is really the most poisonous imperial heart! A son has just died. Even if that son is a bastard, he can't look like a man who has nothing to do.

The emperor was stunned when he saw Tian Yuqiao. He realized that he had just been happy and had forgotten that he had also died an unfilial son. So the expression on his face soon returned to the previous sad look, as if someone else was smiling like the old fox just now.

"I think it's better for the two brothers to develop together, and we won't help any of them. Let the two brothers share the benefits equally, or let them check and balance each other. If one of them has a sense of disobedience, we will help the other." Marquis Wu suggested.

"That's a good idea. It's almost what I thought. The only drawback is that it seems that the Horqin tribe has benefited a lot from it."

Tian Yuqiao took out a small book with a smile and handed it to the emperor respectfully.

"Your Majesty, this is the account book that the minister asked Barbara to count. This time they only have some barren land on the edge and some old livestock."

The emperor simply turned over the account book. In fact, he was not rare for things on other people's territory. I just didn't expect Tian Yuqiao to be so careful. It's rare to clean and count the booty in such a short time.

He took a meaningful look at Tian Yuqiao, and then he said, "well, I'll leave the matter behind the emperor to Marquis Wu to arrange it in person. All expenses are in accordance with the prince's specifications. I'll make him king of Xijiang. You all go down."

After thanking Tian Yuqiao for his kindness, marquis Wu went out of the imperial study together.

Tian Yuqiao touched his forehead and found that there were beads of sweat on his head.

"Joe, don't worry. Your majesty knows your hard work. When the big prince is finished, your majesty will reward you for your achievements."

"I'm not worried about that. I'm afraid the emperor will use me." Tian Yuqiao frowned.

"Oh? You little girl, shouldn't you feel honored to be calculated by the emperor?" Marquis Wu smiled and looked at his daughter.

Tian Yuqiao shook his head and said, "Hey, the bigger you work with an official, the more like you are trying to hide from a tiger. If you are not careful, you will be calculated by others. You should look like you have taken advantage of yourself ~"

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