The emperor had a meal at Tian Yuqiao's house. He ate it very delicious. Wuhou's family and Tian's family ate it like chewing wax.

People's hearts are full of worries. Naturally, it is difficult to eat.

Because the emperor was there, the women opened a table in another room.

During the banquet, he said with some worry: "Hey, it seems that the emperor is going to eat your family. Most of the princes hope that their nephews can stand out in the future. I'm afraid only your family doesn't want their children to be too promising."

Wang smiled bitterly and said, "if it's true, my two children are really special. Their father and I are ordinary farmers, and there's nothing special. We don't know why these two children are so smart. They're really smart and worrying."

As she spoke, she put her hand on her stomach and gently stroked the little guy in her stomach.

He Shi saw Wang Shi's small action in his eyes, and his face was full of envy.

"Sister, stop talking, sister. I'm going to envy you. You're a little child in your stomach. It's estimated that it's not simple. Hey, all the good children have been occupied by your family. Look at those in our family. They are either sick or ignorant."

Although only Shangguan Qingfeng was born to he, after all, she is the head mother. Therefore, she also has the right to discipline the children born to other concubines.

Those boys do nothing outside all day. If it weren't for the shock of marquis Wu, it's estimated that they could poke a hole in the sky of the imperial city.

Wang's face was slightly red. He rubbed his belly with his palm and said, "the young princes of Wuhou mansion are just young and energetic. They will be fine in the future."

"Hey, sister, don't comfort me. I grew up watching those smelly boys. I can't tell what kind of virtue they are. They blame their mothers. They know to spoil them one by one. The children will be spoiled by them sooner or later."

Wang remembered and asked, "by the way, qiao'er, not long after you left, Gongsun childe disappeared. Did he take care of you?"

Tian Yuqiao shook his head and said, "I don't know. They may have gone to me, but they must have lost their way. Hehe, mom, you can have another chicken leg. I took a lot of effort to stew it. It's delicious."

Counting, he tore off all the two chicken legs in the casserole. One handed it to Wang and the other to he.

His mother and godmother were treated equally, which made he's heart very happy.

"Godmother, you look better than yesterday." Tian Yuqiao said with big eyes and gnawing chicken wings.

He took a bite of the chicken leg and said, "yes, your Godfather asked someone to use the medicine you sent this morning. Not long after drinking it, I felt a lot of Qi unblocked. I didn't feel chest tightness, so I could get angry."

Tian Yuqiao knew that this should be a cardiovascular problem. When the weather turns cold, you will feel out of breath.

"Fortunately, the spring here in the imperial city is early, and the temperature is very warm. The godmother should pay more attention to keeping warm when she is free. We must not let the temperature difference between inside and outside the house be too large, otherwise it will be bad for your health when it is cold and hot."

"Alas, alas. My godmother listens to you. This girl is good. She is my sweet little cotton padded jacket."

Wang is happy to hear he praise his children. After all, he is a mother. They all think their children are good, which is understandable.

On the men's side, the emperor took the lead in putting down chopsticks, and Marquis Wu and Tian Dahe followed closely.

"Come and have a look."

When the emperor finished, he took a yellow roll from the little eunuch behind him and handed it directly to Tian Dahe.

Tian Dahe is used to the imperial edict. Naturally, he knows what it is. Get up quickly and leave your seat before you say goodbye.

"Alas, those vulgar rites are exempted. Don't kneel. There are no outsiders here." the emperor waved his oily hand as he picked his teeth in a very impersonal way.

Although he said so, Tian Dahe still held the imperial edict high. After three shouts of long live, he opened the imperial edict to watch.

At the beginning of the imperial edict, there are all those literate scenes and words like serving heaven. The content in the middle is probably to praise the Tian family. His culture is not high and he doesn't understand it very well.

However, he understood one sentence. His majesty granted himself Pingxi Hou with salary and land. The leader even mentioned Tianshui city. He didn't know what he said later.

Seeing Tian Dahe frown, the emperor motioned to let him sit down.

"Tian Aiqing, now you are also the Marquis of the imperial court. Although the salary is not as much as that of the old guy, it is more than enough than that of the top. In the future, it will depend on you at the northwest border. Your task is very simple, that is, keep an eye on the movements of the Hu people and monitor the Horqin tribe by the way."

"Your Majesty, it's true that brother Tian's Marquis was given by you. But after all, he was born as a farmer. The old minister doesn't think he can help you balance the two tiger and wolf states of Hu people and Horqin at the same time."

Wuhou hurriedly helped Tian Dahe get away, for fear that he might accidentally agree to the emperor's request. When the war breaks out, the most unlucky is the Tian family.

The emperor laughed and said, "you old man, are you worried that I will harm him? Don't you have Joel's ghost girl? She can certainly help her father deal with things there. Moreover, Fengcheng county is just between the southwest and Horqin tribe, and that girl can certainly deal with it."

"Your Majesty, you seem to overestimate the little girl." Tian Dahe said bitterly.

He was a businessman, and he set up a bureau to "die" once before. Now, although the great prince is dead, he has no worries. But after all, pretending to die is not a glorious thing. Now I have sealed a marquis for no reason. How can I calculate this?

"I believe in your family and your character. Now Joel has made great contributions to help calm the rebellion of the Hu people in Northwest China. She is also a little girl. Your Yutang is still young. So this reward must only fall on you as a father. You are satisfied."

Seeing the look on the emperor's face seemed a little unhappy, marquis Wu quickly winked at Tian Dahe, who reluctantly accepted the imperial edict.

"Hahaha, I will arrange 5000 elite soldiers to help you garrison the West."

"Your Majesty, there seems to be less than 5000 people!" Marquis Wu reminded.

"Quite a lot. Qiao er's girl has the ability to make money. I allow you to recruit troops by yourself." the emperor said with a smile.

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