Prince Jing, with a large group of people, just left Fengyang town. Not long ago, he met a robbery team of hundreds of people. There are two or three hundred horse bandits riding war horses alone, and there are hundreds of other miscellaneous ones.

No wonder people in the town dare not do business. They only sell coffins and some furniture made of wood. These things are not very valuable. Naturally, the horse bandits will not be interested.

Now I haven't met such a large group of "fat sheep" for a long time. Although they are under the banner of the royal family, the number is not very large.

The leading man saw a group of people hiding among the soldiers. They all had small white faces, and their faces were very beautiful.

This kind of white faced person, in their view, is not a man at all. They all think that those who tremble at the sight of themselves are like mules, not as good as pigs and dogs.

The Guard commander of King Jing's residence shouted at the opposite side: "listen to the thieves, we are Imperial Envoys on behalf of the emperor. You dare to stop us. Don't blame the big knife in our hand for being ruthless."

"Hahaha, just you mobs, what if I rob you? In my opinion, only those guys outside have eggs, and those inside ~ ah, hahaha, are they all women?"

The head of the horse bandit laughed and the flesh on his face shook. The tears even came out, as if they were a lump of trembling streaky meat sitting on a horse.

Prince Jing said with a gloomy face, "it's useless to say more. It seems that these guys are dead and want to oppose the imperial court. Come on, line up."

The clang became a, the bow was stringed, and the sword came out of its scabbard.

If these soldiers and the guards of King Jing's residence alone, it's not difficult to deal with these horse bandits. The difficulty is that they have to protect the coffin of the great prince and the people of hundreds of honor guards.

The soldiers lined up in a swallow wing shape, and the guard leader took the lead and rushed directly towards the horse bandit leader.

However, the number of cavalry on my side is not as large as that on the other side, and it is still very difficult to fight. The most important thing is that because of some scruples, we can't start our hands and feet.

"Lord, take people back to the city first."

"If I don't leave, I won't believe it. These thieves dare to be so bold." Prince Jing said angrily.

Tian Yuqiao was speechless and said that the stubborn old man had a bull temper now.

A fierce tiger with snow-white hair suddenly rushed over from the back of the robbers. As soon as its big claws patted it, it was killed in and out several times.

Where he passed, the body fell, and the blood gathered into a winding stream.

Tian Yuqiao didn't like the smell of blood here, so he went back to the carriage.

"Damn it, where did the tiger come from? It's so big!"

"Boss, what shall we do now?"

"What else can we do? We can't stop the grain we can get at once."

This is definitely a group of fierce bandits. Seeing that their brothers have died under the claws and teeth of the tiger for dozens of numbers, they are only concerned about the mules loaded with grain.

There was a sudden whistle in the mountain forest, followed by a cry of killing.

Prince Jing frowned and shouted.

The leader of the horse bandit was also surprised. He rode his horse and saw a group of people wearing animal skins running out of the mountain.

They don't even know these people. They are also living in this mountain. It's impossible that they haven't seen each other.

The first was a 16-year-old boy. His face was tanned and his big white teeth showed when he smiled.

"It's rare to be so lively. It seems that there is a bargain to reduce."

"How dare you tell me, sir? I'm heisan'er, the leader of Heifeng stronghold."

The boy scratched his head and said, "Oh, we are just hunters in the mountains. We hunt. Ha ha, nice to meet you."

Prince Jing stared round his eyes and looked at the special chat-up in front of him. Tian Yuqiao heard the familiar voice and two loud eagles.

Gold had told her that it was gold and silver rings. They came.

Lifting the curtain over the window of the carriage, Tian Yuqiao saw the boy standing in the distance.

He is black and thin. I felt a pang of pain in my heart. I really wanted to go over and ask him how he had lived these days.

But the current situation does not allow her to do so, because there are still those damn bandits in the middle.

"If you don't interfere in my affairs and rob the food with us, how about sharing the food?" the horse bandit leader narrowed his eyes and said.

Fang Wenhao took the steel fork for hunting in his hand and said, "we are not rare. Naturally, there is no shortage of prey in the mountains. However, I think it will be better for me if you rob the official team and kill you and trade with the official with your head."

With that, his face suddenly became serious. Then more than 300 other hunters joined the battle group with bows and arrows or steel forks in their hands.

Prince Jing sat steadily on the horse, smiled and said with a beard, "hahaha, good boy, I have written down your credit. When I return to the Imperial City, my majesty will certainly reward you for your achievements."

Fang Wenhao also ignored it. Originally, he had his share in all the rivers and mountains. Now he did so because of Tian Yuqiao.

Yelao has trained two swifts, and the news that Tian Yuqiao wants to return to the mountain village is also brought back by the two swifts.

Fang Wenhao was worried that Tian Yuqiao would encounter danger along the way. Because he had learned that Hu DA and hu er were now puppets, because their great Wizards of Hu people suddenly appeared again.

He seems to have used some hidden means to turn Hu DA and hu er into his own puppets.

Worried that the great wizard would attack Fu tianyuqiao, Fang Wenhao hurriedly led people across the mountain.

I've been traveling all night. I don't know how many horses I've killed. I've just arrived.

It was intended to have a rest, but Jin Huan found the smell of gold. Then he excitedly carried Fang Wenhao into the air and let him see the team here, so there was this scene.

After being used to killing, Hao Tianjun has experienced hundreds of battles. Now they are all very brave. Compared with the elite of Haotian army, the bandits are like urchins who have just learned to walk.

The guards in King Jing's residence saw that the situation was good for themselves, and the bandits had no chance to sneak attack the people of the honor guard. Without worries at home, we will have more confidence in fighting.

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