The fourth old man of the Tian family went back to his old house. As soon as Mahalanobis arrived at the Tian family, he got involved with Gao.

Mahalanobis seized on Gao's lack of filial piety and began to complain. Gao did not show weakness, and put on a posture that a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Hehe, is that how you treat the old man? Everyone in the village knows that you are not only unfilial to your parents, but also abuse your little sister-in-law."

Tian Guihua's hand, which was like a chicken claw, was holding a snack given to her by Ma Ma. He wolfed down the food without image and rolled his eyes with choking. In this way, he was not willing to put down the snacks and still threw all the remaining snacks into his mouth.

The eyes did not dare to look at Gao. After so many years of discussion with her, the rebellious little girl has been completely changed.

Now Tian Guihua is submissive all day. Dare not speak loudly, dare not eat. Even farting depends on Gao's face. If Gao is unhappy, she has to hold it, or she will be beaten.

"I said to the fourth family, why did you come to our house when you weren't enjoying the happiness in the county?" Gao said angrily.

"Tut Tut, my parents are here. Who says this is your home? If you don't agree, let's call the village head and ask him to judge us and see if there are any children like you." Ma said proudly.

Gao was so angry that the fat on his face was straight. Pointing to Ma's nose, he said, "it's not up to you to say whether we have children like this. You're good. You don't say to come back to see the old man during the new year's festival. Tut Tut, it's good to mention the word filial piety to me. Your face is thicker than cowhide. How dare you say it with a shy face?"

"Although I didn't serve the old man, I didn't abuse the old man. It's only been a long time. The second old man looks much older now. If you weren't a fierce woman abusing her father-in-law, how could they do this?"

Gao stared at Ma, while Ma forked his waist, widened his eyes and stared back. Two women are fat and thin, beautiful and ugly.

Although the painting style is completely different, the momentum is the same. They are so fierce and fierce, as if the arc of "Para Para Para" is constantly fierce at the place where their eyes meet.

At this time, Li Shi and old man Tian had retired and took shushulang's hand. The three went to the fruit forest at the foot of the mountain to chat.

They didn't bother to pay attention to the struggle in the yard. Only Tian Guihua dared not go out. Because Gao gave her orders, she was not allowed to go out without permission, otherwise she would break her leg and sell her to the kiln.

Even Tian Dajiang talked about the price with the procuress. Tian Guihua can exchange up to two liang of silver.

The vicissitudes of the past two years have made Tian Guihua look mature. In particular, the cracks in the hands are as shocking as files.

At the foot of the mountain, shushulang kowtowed his head solemnly to old man Tian and Li, saying that children were unfilial.

Mr. Tian was distressed about his son's head and quickly pulled him up.

"Hey, old four, it's all fate. If you had married the daughter of the Zhu family, our family wouldn't have ended up like this." old man Tian sighed.

Li Shi was full of tears. Pointing to the big house where Zhu Rongrong lived over there, he said, "people now raise pigs and eat meat. It's said that there is surplus in the white flour steamed bread. Alas, the pigs in people's house eat better than me and your father."

When a scholar hears a speech, his heart is like a knife. Isn't he? The family deliberately made things difficult for themselves. They didn't eat as well as servants.

But seeing that his parents were so old, he couldn't bear to complain to them again. This will not help, but will make the two old people more sad.

At this time, a slim woman in a pink silk skirt appeared in the sight of the scholar.

She seems to have just come out of the yard of the second child of the Wang family over there, holding a baby in one hand.

"Big strong, fat ya, you two are not allowed to be greedy in the future, otherwise your father will come back and see how he will deal with you." the woman smiled sweetly, revealing two rows of shell teeth.

The boy put the dessert that was just about to be put in his mouth back into his pocket and asked with a smile, "Mom, when can my father come back? My father is a great hero. Da Zhuang wants to see his father."

"Yes, the fat girl has forgotten her father's appearance." the little girl has two sheep's horn braids, which sweep lovably on her shoulders when she walks.

"Ha ha ~"

"Are you Zhu Rongrong?" asked the scholar Lang, looking straight at the woman in front of him.

Zhu Rongrong frowned and said, "yes, the whole village knows my name is Zhu Rongrong. If there's nothing wrong, please let me go. After all, my man is not at home. Please forgive me for my inconvenience to talk to a foreign man."

The scholar Lang was immediately dumbfounded. As soon as he was about to talk to Zhu Rongrong, he felt something hitting him.

When I looked down, I saw that the two children around Zhu Rongrong were pursing their small hips, picking mud from the roadside, and then throwing it on themselves.

I've put on a new long shirt. It was made by Mahalanobis two years ago. Now the hem is all stained with mud.

"Big and fat, don't be rude. Let's go."

Zhu Rongrong left a cold word, and then took the two children and walked quickly towards his home. Leaving shushulang standing in place, he looked at her leaving figure.

At this time, I felt like a sea of pain for the first time. I didn't expect that once Zhu Rongrong lost weight, he was also so beautiful, no worse than ma.

The most important thing is that she was so kind to that man and gave birth to two such lovely children for him.

Seemed to feel his eyes, the boy turned back naughtily and made a face at him.

"Hey, old four, don't look at it. They are rich here now. Even the village head's family doesn't have their money." old man Tian sighed.

"Dad, what about my second sister-in-law's family?" the scholar Lang asked, pointing to Tian Yuqiao's yard.

"The father of the family doesn't know. Who knows how much money their family has. However, a lot of houses have been built during this period. It is said that all the money is given by girl Qiao. I don't know whether it is true or false."

Seeing the people in the village, they are getting better and richer, but only their own parents. Their clothes are very poor.

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