Tian Yuqiao came to Tian's old house, but Li put on airs for her. Even Prince Jing on one side couldn't see it anymore. He said in his heart, is this old woman really Joel's grandmother? It looks like an enemy.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu were calm, Prince Jing frowned immediately. I began to think that Joel's grandmother should not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

Before Li continued, Tian Yuqiao took the lead in saying, "milk, why did you move to the West Wing room? Shouldn't you live here for the youngest generation? Now I think brother Dalang and brother Silang live in the East Wing room."

When Ma heard the speech, he quickly mended the knife and said, "it's not why. It's clear that big brother and sister-in-law abused the old man."

Gao roared, "I bah, no matter how good we are, we forcibly take Lao Si to the county to be your door-to-door son-in-law. For many years, now Yulin is three or four years old? Everyone lives in the same county. You didn't say to come back to see your parents during the new year's Festival."

"It's none of your business that I don't look at. Besides, it was already agreed that the scholar would be our son-in-law and have nothing to do with the Tian family. Now I've come back to see my parents, and I've brought a lot of gifts. It's you, tut Tut, who arranged my parents in the worst house. If I remember correctly, the house was for my two girls and mother-in-law Do you live there? "

As soon as Mahalanobis said this, Gao's face suddenly changed. This is really the house that was originally given to the people of the Ma family. Now, it's really unreasonable to arrange Mr. Tian, Li Shi and Tian Guihua here.

"Milk, uncle, are they not nice to you?" Tian Yuqiao asked.

Gao quickly cut off the topic and said, "Oh, qiao'er, I haven't seen you for a long time. The longer it is, the more water it is. Tut Tut, is your mother going to remarry? Alas, it's not easy for a woman to keep a widow and pull you and Wulang's two children."

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? You think your second sister-in-law is like you? But you have to have the capital to wear a green hat for your eldest brother. Tut tut. With your dirty appearance, you can't even clean everything after going to the thatched cottage. It's estimated that no one wants to remarry?" Ma said aggressively.

Gao said angrily, "it's my business that I can't clean it. At least my man is indomitable. He can work, fight and won't be shit on his head by a woman!"

The two women spoke more and more vigorously. Prince Jing accidentally pulled off his beard. He didn't expect that the women of this family were so fierce one by one.

It's really a long experience. I saw all kinds of faces at Tian Yuqiao's grandfather's house. It's an eye opener.

While they quarreled, Tian Yuqiao quickly pulled Prince Jing's sleeve. Then he said to Mr. Tian and Li, "my Lord, milk, I'm on business this time, so I can't stay too long. I'll go back first. The gifts are put in my aunt and my four aunts. I remember to take care of them."

Then he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away directly.

Gao's first reaction came over and said that Tian Yuqiao couldn't go. Now she is an official. Why should she ask for some benefits from her.

Those snacks and cloth are not worth money at all. Giving money directly is the best.

He didn't hold Tian Yuqiao. As a result, Gao held Prince Jing's arm firmly.

"Don't go, Joe. You're a girl. Now you're a senior official, you have to remember to help our relatives."

Tian Yuqiao didn't look back. He took Xiaoyu and fled home.

After closing the door of the house and hearing a few dog barks outside the door, she felt relieved.

Ash ash now has his own gowardesh, and the yard is very lively. The newly added dogs at home are now shaking their small round bodies around the county magistrate and his wife, as well as Tian Yuqiao and Xiaoyu.

They are still very interested in the strange smell of strangers. Tian Yuqiao smiled and hugged the fattest one. As a result, a snot bubble came out of the little fat dog's nose, which is very cute.

"Ha ha, miss, this little dog is really cute. The young master will like it." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"Well, when we go back, take it to Wulang to keep it."

Zhao's side has finished the food very neatly. After the Wang brothers went up the mountain, with the help of Thor, they soon hit a deer. Now they are laughing and going down the mountain to go home.

"Joel, you're lucky today. The deer broke its leg and was found by Thor."

"Yes, we were lucky. We picked up a ready-made one."

Wang's sister-in-law smiled and said, "wash your hands and get ready for dinner. We'll eat venison in the evening."

Dinner is ready here, but Prince Jing's robes have been torn apart at the old Tian house.

Both Gao and Ma know that this old man is in charge of Tian Yuqiao's family. From his temperament, we can see that this old man must be in charge of accounts. Otherwise, how can he afford such a good material?

"I said, elder brother, you can judge us. Qiao Er has made a fortune in her own family and now she has become the county head. What kind of official is the county head? Is he bigger than the county Lord?" Gao asked, pulling the sleeve on the right side of Prince Jing.

Ma pulled the sleeve on the left of Prince Jing and said, "our Tian Dahai was very good to qiao'er and Wulang. Now qiao'er is an official. Did she mention to you that her fourth uncle often brought meat back to her when she was a child?"

Li Shi also asked coldly, "are you the housekeeper of qiao'er's family? My unfilial daughter-in-law, what kind of business does she do outside? How can she earn so much money? Hey, how much does she pay for her mother's family every year? Tell me, if qiao'er dares to blame you, I'll make the decision for you."

Prince Jing's face is black. He has never seen such a woman. Who dares to pull his sleeve? And these rural women don't care so much.

"Stabbing", well, the robe made of cloud brocade given by the emperor was torn. But Gao and Ma refused to give up.

One took him and asked if Tian Yuqiao's family had a lot of silver now. Another asked, how much salary does the county Lord have every year.

He regretted that when the little girl pulled her sleeve, why didn't she react and run away?

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