The construction of Nanshan Temple finally started. The soldiers became the steward, whipped the bandits and had no mercy on them.

Tian Dajiang and Gao's two men were picked up by the soldiers to help cook, although their hips were still injured.

The treatment of the villagers is much better. There are no soldiers watching. Only the craftsmen who are responsible for leading them to work are in charge of them.

More than 100 uncles and young men signed up, all smiling, but refused to say what they got from the village head. Because the village head won't let them say it. If anyone tells it and there is such a good thing in the future, the village head won't look for him.

People all tacitly understand that thirty Wen a day! Although meat cannot be cooked in the temple, the smell of white flour steamed bread is still very attractive.

Although life in the village is much better, most of the money they have saved over the years has built houses. This is all saved from the mouth. Only by tightening the belt can we have the current brick house.

It's good to earn more money. Now it's not enough to eat meat every ten days, and people can only eat meat once a month.

Tian Yuqiao changed into the official clothes of the county leader, and master huikong lit a column of high incense. After reading the Scriptures for a long time, Tian Yuqiao began to read them in front of people with the holy decree in his hands.

There are many traditional characters in it that she doesn't know. It's not easy for Prince Jing to teach her.

But she didn't finish it all, but picked up the important ones and read them. Other smelly and long words should be handed over to the officials of the Ministry of rites to deceive the people.

The villagers saw women in official clothes for the first time, and the men were fine. After all, they had nothing to do with themselves. Women are different. They envy each other and hate themselves. Why can't they have a daughter who is the county head?

The people brought by the Ministry of rites finally have their time to show this time. Officials almost never raised their waist and knelt down. The honor guards carried the prince's golden coffin. After walking around, they made everyone kneel down.

"Ah, such a big piece of gold, tut Tut, is worthy of being the prince. You can use the boss's gold coffin when you die."

"Hey, last time the eldest prince came here to bury another prince, I came to help cook dinner. I didn't expect to change him now. It seems that the children of the emperor's family are short-lived."

"Stop talking. The official is looking at us."

The whispers in the crowd soon disappeared, and people all lowered their heads to express their inner grief at this time.

In fact, people are very happy. They say that the emperor has so many concubines and many sons. If a prince dies this year, it seems that his family can get more money and build a two-story building like the Tian family~

If you know the inner thoughts of these people, it is estimated that the prince will have to jump out of the coffin in anger and strangle these mud legs before he can go to the earth at ease. However, it was impossible for him to jump up again, because Huang Banxian, with four eyes and the four young Taoists, was standing next to the coffin watching.

Tian Yuqiao seldom saw the four eyes. They were wearing clean Taoist robes. Unexpectedly, once the five teachers and disciples were washed, they changed into new clothes. They looked so fairy and Taoist.

She was wearing a purple red official dress of birds and Phoenix, slightly fat. After two steps, she felt like Bi Mawen, which was really funny. If I had known this, I should have asked Xiaoyu to help me make the clothes smaller.

"Li Cheng!"

With the great ritual of the officials in the ceremony, Jing King took the shovel with red satin and took the lead in digging the ground, which was even started.

At this time, 200 people volunteered to help. Prince Jing frowned, while Tian Yuqiao smiled and said, "well, thirty Wen a day, you are responsible for doing some detailed work."

Naturally, she recognized the leader. It was Fang Wenhao! The people dressed as hunters behind him are all from Haotian army.

Fang Wenhao didn't say hello to Tian Yuqiao, so he went there and reported his own name. He can take over the wages for the other 200 people, which was approved by Tian Yuqiao. Naturally, no one dares to say anything more.

When he came to the coffin of the great prince, Fang Wenhao muttered in a low voice: "brother, you held a funeral for me, but now I'll bury you myself. It's really a turn of Feng Shui. I don't know if you can be as lucky as me and continue to live with another body."

"Hey, the boy over there, don't be stunned. Come and help move things." a soldier roared.

"Come on, officer. Hehe, I haven't seen such a magnificent coffin. I haven't seen it since I came late."

The soldier was also in a good mood. After all, he recognized the boy in front of him, who was helping to suppress the bandits at that time. So he smiled at Wen Hao and said, "it's just a layer of gold paint outside, not pure gold. Don't use your head, or don't blame us for being unkind."

"Ha ha, it's natural. I'll touch it and don't steal it." Fang Wenhao said with a smile.

Prince Jing is lazy, especially after a few days with huikong and Huang Banxian, the old man is more and more lazy.

Tian Yuqiao left everything here to worry about. He himself hid in huikong's meditation room and lived in dignity all day. He occasionally quarreled with those old friends. How was his life.

It's already started. Tian Yuqiao directly changed his usual clothes and walked around symbolically. Then he felt a little tired, so he took Xiaoyu to a guest room to have a rest.

Fortunately, the little monks on the mountain haven't come back yet. There are plenty of empty houses, enough for them to rest.

"Miss, we don't come and watch these people repair the mausoleum every day?" Xiaoyu asked with a wink.

"Hey, Lord Jing is getting old. He told me that he was acclimatized and put everything on me. What can I do? It's all his own people, and I don't know what to say."

"Yes, our young lady is not only good-looking, but also kind-hearted. It's just boring to be on the mountain every day."

"Hehe, you're bored, not to mention me. Fortunately, when we're free, Xiaobai can escort us to the coal mine. If we're thirsty, we can go to the melon field to pick melons. By the way, let's go and have a look at our melon field."

Tian Yuqiao said that, so she took Xiaoyu to her melon field. She handed over the things here to Fang Wenhao. In front of the soldiers, Fang Wenhao was appointed chief supervisor.

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