In the court, all the ministers were originally opposed to letting a child be an official. However, when the emperor mentioned that Pingxi was guarding the border in the northwest, all the ministers agreed, and some even said that his Majesty was wise.

In their view, it is not only not a sin to separate people's flesh and blood from the two places, but also the wisdom of the emperor's majesty.

If you leave pingxihou's son in the Imperial City, you don't believe that Tian Dahe will not work hard for the emperor. Especially in the northwest border town, no one is willing to go at all, and the former generals were either killed or hooked up with the Hu people.

Now there are small ones in the Imperial City, which is equivalent to being pinched by the emperor. Tian Yutang is the only son of the Tian family, so the ministers feel that they can fully control Tian Dahe.

Wang has been smiling all day. Now all four members of her family are officials, and they all earn money by their ability, which makes her feel proud in front of Mrs. Wu. She no longer thinks she is a peasant origin or inferior.

"Congratulations, sister. Now his majesty asks Wu Lang to go to school with the princes every day, and occasionally his majesty can give instructions in person. Although the emperor's knowledge may not be very high, after all, the title of the son of heaven's disciple is very famous." he said with a smile.

While eating the tocolysis medicine brought to her by Mrs. Chen, Wang smiled and said, "my sister said the same, but Mr. Liang said that Wulang is too sharp now, which may make many people jealous. Alas, now we Tianjia have become officials for no reason. Others are not jealous. It's false."

"Hehe, what my sister said is also true. Don't talk about others. Even I, who is a sister, am a little jealous of you."

The days passed day by day. At the hottest time in July, an 800 mile express horse came to report.

"Report! Wuhou's great victory in the eastern expedition! Wuhou's great victory ~"

The explorer, wearing a red pointed hat and carrying a red and yellow flag on his back, rode a thousand mile foal and galloped wildly in the imperial city.

Along the way, I was shocked by the business vendors on both sides of the street and the people who bought things. For a moment, the whole street was full of people.

Even the soldiers and horses Division were alarmed. Fortunately, no one died.

When the emperor heard the news of Wuhou's victory, he was almost happy and didn't jump up directly.

"Well, this year is really an auspicious year. Come and pass on my will to exempt the national tax for one year."

The ministers were all a little angry because his Majesty was going too far. With the great prince's death, his Majesty's throne became much more stable and even became arbitrary.

"Alas, your majesty is becoming more and more authoritarian. Now you don't discuss anything with the ministers."

"Yes, the Minister of war has involved too many officials, more than 100. It's normal for your majesty to distrust officials. Our status will recover slowly in the future. Don't force your majesty too hard for the time being."

"That's right. Now the Tian family is on the cusp of the storm. Only those born with mud legs can work foolishly and not please."

"Hahaha, sir, you're still so straightforward. But speaking of pingxihou, it's really tragic. When you go to that bitter and cold place to suffer, your son should be left as a hostage in the imperial city."

"You can't talk nonsense. Thanks to your Majesty's grace, the son of heaven's disciple, young Yingjie."

"Yes, it's a slip of the tongue. I just don't know if Tian Dashan can defend Tianshui city. After all, the great prince, with tens of thousands of troops and thousands of his own guards, is now gouged out and died."

"Your Majesty, the Wuhou army is thirty miles away from the imperial city."

"Explore again and report again. Come on, send orders, and let all civil and military officials go to the Shili Changting to meet my lion."

The ranks of marquis Wu are very neat. In front of them are cavalry, then heavy shield soldiers, and then soldiers with spears.

The military looks neat and the pace is sonorous and powerful.

At the back of the team were wooden cage carts filled with people with hair and hair. Those are all court officials and their families.

The people also knew the news of Wuhou's victory and triumph. They all stood on both sides of the street with their families, ready to welcome the victory.

The gongs and gongs sounded ahead to open the way. When it was ten miles away from the Imperial City, as soon as Marquis Wu raised his hand, the army immediately stopped moving forward.

Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green~

The emperor and his ministers had already been there waiting for the arrival of the victorious division. Seeing that the soldiers and horses stopped, the emperor smiled and went over and would lead the horses to the marquis.

Scared, marquis Wu quickly deviated his leg from the war horse and said in a high voice: "Your Majesty, Hong Fu, Long Wei shocked the villain's courage. The old minister fulfilled his mission and successfully brought back 118 criminal officials and some of his family members. Please review them."

"Hahaha, marquis Wu is working hard. All the soldiers dismount and unload their armor."

The cavalry all unloaded their heavy armor and handed it to the eunuchs with trays on one side.

The emperor led the ministers. After reviewing the army, he saw the emperor wave his hand and say, "come, give a banquet in the pavilion to entertain all the soldiers."

The soldiers all laid down their weapons and handed over their armor and bloody spears to the eunuchs. Then he followed behind Marquis Wu and lined up into the Changting.

A lot of food had already been prepared inside, and many people continued to come here and still handed the melons and fruits they brought to the soldiers.

Drink a lot and eat a lot of meat. This is a real man. No matter whether the meat sent by people was still bloody, the soldiers chewed it directly.

They worked hard enough during this period. They ate dry food every day, and they didn't eat it on time.

The emperor took the hand of marquis Wu and entered the main seat of the Changting. All the people next to him were princes and ministers. As for those below the three grade officials, they have been discharged far away.

Officials came to propose a toast to Marquis Wu, and the old man did not refuse to come.

Tian Fu, when he learned that his master had gone home and was in the ten mile Pavilion outside the Imperial City, he suddenly couldn't sit still.

"Sister, don't worry. Your majesty invited the Marquis to have dinner. It's estimated that you can come back tonight." Wang advised.

"Well, that's what I say, but I'm worried. Your majesty is really worried. Can't you eat again in the future? You have to eat outside."

In fact, when Marquis Wu went on an expedition, most of them would have a reception banquet every time they came back. It's just that he's had a comfortable life these years, and Marquis Wu hasn't set out for a long time, so he's not used to it for a while.

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