The news that a young man in the Tian family became an official in the imperial city is like having wings. Oh, no, it spreads faster than with wings. It soon spread to every village in the mountain. Even the hunters who lived in every corner knew the name of Tian Wulang.

Zhao's family held a running water banquet in the name of the Tian family for three days. The county magistrate didn't have such a scene when he married a wife.

Gongsun Changyin came to congratulate him personally, and even other small officials in the Yamen followed him.

Things like this can't be spread here at all. However, because of the relationship between Wang's daughter-in-law, it is difficult for Tian Yuqiao to keep a low profile.

"Miss, the old monk came to dinner with a group of Taoist priest. They make complaints about their weight."

"Yes, Lord Jing is more honest and lives directly in our house." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"This is natural. His identity is the steward of the young lady's house, so no one will say anything when he lives at home."

Daimei was sent by Fang Wenhao to report peace to her family. Now she has completed her mission and brought back the news that Wulang is an official.

For this matter, Fang Wenhao and Tian Yuqiao have the same idea. As a prince, he naturally knows his father's means, which he scoffs at.

Seeing that Tian Yuqiao was also wary of the emperor, he was relieved.

Wang Xiuer smiled and said, "qiao'er, aunt, it's up to you this time. Try to make the child in my stomach happy with you. If only he could be an official in the future."

"Don't worry, aunt. If you have a chance in the future, you can go to the northwest to play with us. It's very close to the grassland. We are all friends of grassland people, and the people of Horqin tribe are very enthusiastic. The big men over there like singing and dancing, which is interesting."

When Wang Xiuer heard the speech, she stared at the boss and then asked, "Joe, tell me about it. After my child is born, I'll tell him again. He will like it too."

At the thought that she didn't know when to go to the northwest to see her sister, Wang Xiuer was a little sad. But listening to Tian Yuqiao tell himself more about things over there is also a thought. As if he had followed him to the grassland, he was very satisfied.

Tian Yuqiao asked Xiaoyu to tell her something about what happened when she was on the prairie. Xiaoyu also added details and danced to tell her about Tian Yuqiao's drunken singing.

"OK, smelly Xiaoyu, see how I deal with you ~"

Once again, she stretched out her magic claw towards Xiaoyu, which made Xiaoyu laugh endlessly, and even Wang Xiuer laughed with her.

However, she was worried that she would laugh off the child in her belly. While laughing, she had to hold her belly carefully with her hands for fear of bumping the child in her belly.

Time is like water, and soon another half a month has passed.

That day, Prince Jing went up the mountain to inspect it in person, and Shulang has also reported the specific accounts to Prince Jing.

"Yes, yes, the mausoleum is repaired much faster and better than I thought. You can add another 10% to the salary, which is a reward."

The scholar blinked, some of whom couldn't believe it. After all, in his impression, Tian Yuqiao is in charge this time. Is this old housekeeper qualified to give workers a raise?

"Hahaha, I count my words. Take my seal to inform the other side. I'll settle your wages today."

When he finished, he took out a seal from the pocket around his waist, directly wrote a document to raise wages for the workers, and then sealed his own seal.

When the scholar took it over, he immediately knelt down on his knees and said, "I don't know if it's the Lord. If Xiaosheng is negligent, please forgive the Lord."

"Get up. Now the fortifications on the mountain have been built. From tomorrow, tell those people that they don't have to come."

"Yes." reading Lang said and left with the stamped paper.

When the workers learned that their wages had suddenly increased from thirty Wen to thirty-three Wen, they cheered one by one.

"This is the order given by the Lord himself. We have to thank the Lord."

"I said the fourth of the Tian family. Who are you talking about? Why don't we know?"

Reading Lang Zeqing cleared her throat and said, "it's the old steward who came back with Joe. The real identity of others is actually King Jing today."

People immediately began to whisper, but as long as they got more money, they had nothing to say. They all happily carried the extra copper coins. Most of them went to the town and said they wanted to buy some fat meat for stew.

Zhao tearfully took Tian Yuqiao's hand and said, "Joe, grandma is getting old. I don't know when I'll see your mother and son again next time. Hey, are you really leaving in a few days?"

"Yes, in fact, my parents and brothers miss you very much. If you have a chance in the future, why don't you go to the Northwest with us." Tian Yuqiao said with a smile.

"Hey, it's actually very good here. I'm very satisfied to live here. It's my old woman's blessing to help you keep this family business. Now your family has become officials, and grandma is happy."

"By the way, my father is a marquis and our family can be exempted from taxes. Let my little uncle help and hang Wulang's name at my uncle's house another day. You don't have to pay taxes when you buy land here."

Zhao's eyes were red, he nodded and said, "Alas, our family has touched a lot of light with you. I didn't expect to take advantage of you again this time."

"Hehe, it's nothing. My uncle's fourth uncle is a scholar, so their taxes are also exempted."

Tian Yuqiao seemed to know Zhao's mind, so he said it deliberately.

"Then I can rest assured, as long as you don't let outsiders say what's wrong with your family."

When master Tian learned that his grandson had become a senior official, he even burned incense at home, saying that he wanted to comfort the spirits in heaven.

As a result, I accidentally overturned the candle and nearly burned the house.

After the villagers helped put out the fire, look at the people over there. They all have black faces and look like the kitchen god.

"Hahaha, old man, I'm happy. Villagers, thank you for coming to help. It's all right." old man Tian sat on the ground and waved his hand with a smile.

Dr. Lin still checked them all and confirmed that they were all right. Only after some minor burns, he prescribed medicine and asked the scholar to buy ointment in the town.

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