After the bodyguards were randomly detoxified by Tian Yuqiao, they produced antibodies to the poisonous insects carefully cultivated by poison King Valley. In the new round of siege, not only did no one get hurt, but the bags bitten by mosquitoes on the bodyguards were neutralized.

Instead of being hurt, we all hope to be stabbed more by those poisonous needles. So there was the next scene. Dozens of bodyguards chased frantically in order to pursue the "rain and dew" of poison needles.

Tian Yuqiao looked at the back of those bodyguards running away quickly, and couldn't help but think of 10000 alpacas whistling past.

After that, the road was smoother. I never encountered those cats and dogs harassing me again.

Those bodyguards, knowing that their physique has become very special, no longer have to worry about being poisoned.

When passing by a remote town, the owner of the black shop tried to charm these people with sweat medicine and rob them of their property. What made him depressed was that the tried and true sweat medicine didn't work.

In the middle of the night, when he led a group of little boys disguised as bandits into the house with knives to kill them, he was captured alive by Liangzi as soon as he entered the house.

Caicai can naturally smell the smell of sweat medicine in wine and vegetables. Tian Yuqiao doesn't give it less poisons on weekdays.

I don't want it to be able to discharge all the flavors, I just hope it can remember those flavors.

"County Lord, the shopkeeper and the waiter in this shop have a total of 108 people, all of whom were captured alive by the people brought by their subordinates," Liangzi reported.

"OK, bring me the first few people."

Tian Yuqiao played with the pig killing knife in his hand, and his eyes were smiling. All the bandits who knelt down could not help shaking.

The knife in the little girl's hand is not terrible, because they often use it when they kill people to make meat buns. But what made them feel creepy was that the little girl had a murderous spirit more fierce than them.

And her eyes, as if she would lose a piece of meat if she looked more.

"Come on, how many past merchants have you harmed here?" Tian Yuqiao asked coldly.

The head shopkeeper clenched his teeth and endured the sharp pain at the broken leg. Bean sized sweat kept winding down the temples. But this guy is a dead duck. He won't say anything.

"OK, I'll ask you how many people you killed last time?" Tian Yuqiao asked again.

"Hum, there's no food here. There's Wasteland everywhere. We've been here for a year. We eat human meat buns for every meal. I'm afraid only God knows how many people we killed."

"Presumptuous, look for it!" Liangzi kicked the man's broken leg directly.

After a burst of wailing, Tian Yuqiao said with a smile, "Liangzi, don't be so violent. We are all gentle people. Let's talk about something."


"Come on, where are you all from?"

"Hum, anyway, the people you brought are officers and soldiers. We can't escape a word of death. I just don't say it. Guess for yourself, ha ha ~"

When he finished, he began to laugh wildly, his face distorted by pain. Tian Yuqiao was very upset, so he asked Liangzi to call people and find something to block the guy's mouth first.

Liangzi raised his hand and called a middle-aged man in his forties to come and let him take off his foot clothes, Er ~ that is, socks.

"County Lord, please cover your mouth and nose first."

The man smiled with deep meaning. Fortunately, he was reminded by Liangzi. When the middle-aged man took off his shoes, it was as if he had been attacked by a poison gas bomb in this not a small inn hall.

Xiaoyu's movement was half a beat slow and almost fainted. Fortunately, she quickly buried her mouth and nose in her sleeve.

Liangzi rudely handed over the man's smelly socks, which were retched yellow and hard by sweat feet, and then stuffed them into the mouth of the thief shopkeeper.

The middle-aged man counted down: "three, two... Ah, it's terrible. I thought he could make it through three numbers."

Looking at the shopkeeper whose mouth was askew and his eyes were askew, who had been lying on the ground and foaming along the corners of his mouth, Liangzi directly woke him up with a basin of well water just hit.

After the man woke up, he immediately kowtowed to Tian Yuqiao desperately. His expression was very obvious and begged to take away the biological and chemical weapons quickly.

Tian Yuqiao couldn't stand the smell anymore. He was so impressed with the uncle.

"OK, don't let that uncle freeze. Let him wear it back quickly." Tian Yuqiao waved his hand and said.

When the smelly socks were taken away, the shopkeeper came back. After taking a few deep breaths of air, I always feel like a smelly foot in my mouth.

"Hey, you usually blame me for not washing my feet and not letting me take off my shoes to sleep. Do you know my strength this time? Lord county leader, did I make a contribution?"

Tian Yuqiao quickly nodded and said, "well, you have done meritorious service. Please open the doors and windows from outside."

"We all came from the northwest frontier. Over the past year, there has been constant war. We are all people from the Central Plains. We were captured by the Hu people as slaves and fled here taking advantage of the war. Now our wives and daughters are unknown. We have a strong hatred for the rich and the army."

Tian Yuqiao sighed and said, "well, I'll believe you this time. According to your crimes, you're all dead. However, the county leader is short of a group of dead men now. If you can follow me to the border to kill the rebels ~ don't need more. Each person can kill ten Hu people and redeem one of your own lives, how about it?"

Seeing those people stunned, Tian Yuqiao then said, "let's use the left ear to calculate. If we can kill a hundred people, I'll set you free and pay you to marry and have children again."

"What you said is true?"

"However! But it also depends on whether you have that ability." Tian Yuqiao said with a sneer.

"We would like to. It was those sons of bitches who destroyed our family. Now people are not like people or ghosts. It's no problem to kill those Hu people, but why should we trust you? If we complete the task, what can you do if you kill us again?"

Liangzi waved his big knife and said, "if our county leader wanted to kill you, he wouldn't waste so much talk with you."

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